My 5 Things: Stephanie May

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’m running a bit behind on today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday post, which is a shame because I’m so excited to share with you Stephanie May’s 5 things! You know the drill…

Stephanie May is a world-traveling journalist who is in love with Jesus, with life and with all things beautiful. In early September 2012, she returned from the World Race, an 11-month mission trip to 11 countries around the world (she blogged about it, too!). Currently, she is working for Adventures in Missions as a Storyteller. When she’s not traveling (and especially when she is), she’s writing for The Lipstick Gospel. You can follow her on Twitter at @Smay15.

1. God: The world bombards us with images of what we’re supposed to look like, what we don’t look like and what we should try to change so that we look how we’re ‘supposed to’. I’ve spent my entire life buying into the fact that somehow I’m fundamentally not good enough, and that if I try hard enough that maybe I’ll finally measure up. The thing I’ve realized recently is that God is actually the one that created us, and that He is the expert on our identity and worth. Scripture says that He formed us before we were even born. It says that we’re perfectly and wonderfully made. It says that we are clothed in strength and dignity and it says that we are beautiful and completely without flaw. It’s been quite the process, allowing those truths to sink in. But for the first time, I actually feel worthy, I actually feel like I’m enough and I actually feel beautiful.

2. Girlfriends: Wherever we go, we are compared to the women around us, either by others or by ourselves. We fit ourselves in somewhere on the ‘beauty spectrum’ thinking, “I’m not as beautiful as her, but at least I don’t look like her!” But what I finally realized is that beauty just isn’t linear. With that realization came so much freedom, and for the first time I began to really see the women around me. Each one of them is absolutely stunning. They’re wise and creative and funny and witty. They have flowing brown curls and shockingly blue eyes. Their faces light up when they smile and their giggles captivate a room. We are all different shapes and sizes and when we stop trying to fit ourselves into a line up like a group of inmates- we can appreciate the fact that not one of us is made the same. It’s amazing how beautiful you feel when you start to appreciate true, unique beauty and stop trying to rank it (and yourself.)

3. Pretty Girl Rock: I’m a huge believer in the power and importance of music, and Keri Hilson’s Pretty Girl Rock is one of my favorites. It is the best song to add a boost of confidence to any situation. Try it out (and sing loud) – I highly recommend it.

4. A Day at the Spa (or a spa day at home): Sugar scrubs and thick luxurious moisturizers are some of my favorite little luxuries. There is something lovely about taking the time to care for your body in such a tangible way. There is nothing that makes me feel so purely and naturally beautiful.

5. A Little Pop of Glam: If you’ve ever been to prom, a wedding or any other event that required something glamorous, you know what I’m talking about. You feel feminine and elegant. You feel sparkly and confident and like the world is filled with shine and possibility. – Well I decided recently that I don’t want to have to wait for someone to get married to have a little splash of glamour in my life. On days when I’m needing an extra little pop, I’ve started wearing huge and glitzy costume rings or bright red lipstick, bringing that sparkly, glamorous beauty into even the most ordinary of days.

Thanks for sharing, Stephanie! If you’re interested in sharing the 5 things that make you feel beautiful, shoot me an e-mail ( for more information! -Madison

Photo Credits: 1. Headshot Credit: Stephanie May, The Lipstick Gospel 2. God-Credit: 3. Credit: Stephanie May, The Lipstick Gospel 4: A Day at the Spa- Credit:–soyper-s/article.aspx 5. Pretty Girl Rock: Credit: 6. A little pop of glam: Credit: