22 Weeks

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments


How far along are you? 22 weeks 3 days (it took me this long to realize my due date is actually March 1st and not March 2nd?! Thanks to my doctor for clearing that one up!)Cravings? Honestly? Nothing significant that I can really even call a craving. My sweet tooth has come back a bit lately, but that can usually be satisfied with a piece of chocolate at the end of the day. Other than that, I’m feeling and eating pretty normal. Weight Gain: At my 22 week appointment I was up 15 pounds. My doctor encouraged me to eat more and gain a little more weight. Challenge accepted! 😉 Fears: This week was a pretty fear-free week. Of course, there are always some small things here and there, but lately I’ve felt more comfortable with my body and have been more trusting of the pains and discomforts. Instead of assuming cramps and back aches are a sign something is wrong, I’m starting to feel more comfortable that they’re just a part of the growing process, making more room for the little one. Not going to lie, the constant kicks are a great source of reassurance throughout the day. Generally Feeling: Wonderful! Honestly, I have very few complaints. The second trimester is shaping up to be just as enjoyable as many said it would be, and for that I’m so thankful. I have noticed that my feet are getting a little more achy after a workout, which I’m sure has more to do with the extra weight than anything else. Looking Forward To: Seeing this belly grow! Right now my bump is, admittedly, still quite small. I’m actually looking forward to having a large, round basketball belly in the future.  What I’ve Been Loving: Relief (however temporary it might be) from the nausea, tiredness and food aversions. It’s a welcome relief!Maternity Clothes? I’m still learning how to navigate the waters of maternity fashion week by week. Expect to see a few maternity fashion posts in the coming weeks and months! Boy or Girl: Keeping it a surprise until March!
