How far along are you? 38 weeks 4 days Cravings? Smoothies, orange juice, water with ice and real fruit popsicles. Weight Gain: At my 38 week appointment I was up 29 pounds. I’ve heard that as labor approaches sometimes you lose a few pounds? I’m guessing my total weight gain will fall right around 30 pounds for this pregnancy. Fears: I’ve been increasingly worried about our baby’s health. I think it’s pretty normal, but it’s hard not to worry about things going well and baby being born healthy. Just one more thing to turn over to God and realize that it’s all out of my hands, as it has been all along! Generally Feeling: I’ve had a terribly easy pregnancy when I really think about it, so I can hardly complain about a single thing, but in the last few weeks my nausea has started to return. Nothing as bad as it was in the first trimester, but it’s making eating a little more difficult. Additionally, sleep has been spotty. Sometimes I sleep like a rock and other times I wake up in the middle of the night for a number of hours before I can fall back asleep. And, of course, I’m waddling quite a bit these days but very thankful that I can still be active at the gym. These days working out is limited to light hand weights and lots of walking. Looking Forward To: Not being pregnant anymore! Seriously, I’m getting to that point where I’m dreaming about jeans with zippers and buttons, walking without a painful waddle, and wearing some of my old clothes. I know it won’t happen right away, but moving in that direction will be exciting! What I’ve Been Loving: My weekly doctor appointments! I’ve been doing weekly non-stress tests since 36 weeks and getting checked for progress by my doctor each week. It’s fun to be able to be hooked up to the non-stress machine and hear baby’s heartbeat for 20 minutes straight.
Maternity Clothes? Ha! Yes, maternity clothes and a lot of Joe’s clothes for lounging around the house.Signs of Labor? Some contractions here and there but nothing too regular. I found out this week that I’m 2 cm dialated and 70% effaced, so there is some progress being made! My doctor said I could go into labor any day or a week or two from now.
Boy or Girl: Keeping it a surprise until March!