Two years ago, February was a month dedicated to candy and Valentine’s Day and Ainsley’s birthday, but now it’s even more special to our family. February is heart month and February 7-14 is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. For some very obvious reasons it’s a month close to my heart and a topic I’m super passionate about.
What I didn’t know before having a heart baby was that 1 in every 100 kiddos is born with a heart defect. Not all are as serious as Truett’s defect, but I had NO idea it was that common! Once I started sharing about Truett’s heart defect I heard from so many who either had a heart defect themselves or a kiddo with a heart defect. I’m so thankful this month gives me an opportunity to spread awareness + help raise money for research for CHD.
This February I’m doing something extra special. The “love” sweatshirt that I wear all the time is going to be available to YOU to purchase. All proceeds from the sweatshirt sales will go toward the Reuben Phoenix Schostak Congenital Heart Center Research Fund at CS Mott Children’s Hospital where Truett had his heart surgery.
We will be making it a family affair – taking orders, packing and shipping them to raise funds! I am so excited to bring this passion project to life this year and hope to be able to continue to do this in future years if it’s well-received this year.
We will have kids and adult sizes and two colors available to choose from!

From our family to yours, thank you so much for helping make this project a success! More to come soon!