Ainsley loves wild berry smoothies at our local coffee shop. But as a mom, my preference is for something both a little less expensive and a little more nutritious. I came up with a smoothie that Ainsley loves (she is pretty picky on taste!) and I can feel good about. It’s easy to make – we usually have all these ingredients on hand even when the pantry is pretty empty – and made with zero added sugar.
Ainsley is also one of my pickier eaters so I’m always looking for ways to work her daily probiotic into her diet. She says she can “taste” the flavorless powder in drinks like milk or water, so I usually sneak it into her smoothies or oatmeal without issue!
PS: Don’t skip out on the heavy cream! It’s essential to get the rich, yummy flavor in this smoothie. š
1 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy cream
Frozen mixed berries
1 scoop collagen
Stevia to taste
Optional but recommended: SEED Kids Daily Symbiotic Powder
(Use code ESPRESSOANDCREAM15 for 15% off your first order)