Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate
There are so many different kinds of magnesium it can be really overwhelming to know where to start. Magnesium Glycinate helps with sleep, anxiety, athletic performance and cardiovascular health.
Seed Daily Synbiotic
Hands down my favorite supplement addition in 2023. This has helped both my digestion and gut health (no more bloated belly or stomach pain) but also helped normalize and regulate my periods which had been very heavy after having my last two babies.
Ritual Multivitamin
Love this women’s multivitamin! The brand is doing such great work making supplements that are transparent and traceable and high quality! This is a great place to start if you want to add just ONE supplement to your routine this year.
Seeking Healthy Methylated B Vitamins
As someone with MTHFR I started taking bio-available B vitamins years ago when trying to get pregnant with Ainsley after experiencing multiple miscarriages. While I certainly *DO* think people can take MTHFR supplementation way too far and become very fearful, I think it is important to be taking bio-available vitamins for your body to process more easily and effectively.
Pure Encapsulations NAC
This is probably the supplement I get the most questions about. I started taking NAC at the recommendation of my acupuncturist after experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss but the benefits of taking NAC are numerous. If you want to read more about the benefits in terms of mental health, immune health, pregnancy loss, PCOS, bronchitis and more, you can do so HERE.
Pure Encapsulations Ashwagandha
This was a new add in the second half of the year to help with stress and supporting my body during times of stress. There is a lot of compelling research to say that it’s very helpful with stress, sleep, and anxiety. You can read more about it here.
Nordic Naturals D3
Especially during this time of the year when sunshine is at a minimum, D3 is crucial to supplement!
Magnesium Soak
I recently added this Magnesium Soak into my wellness routine late in 2023 and have really been enjoying it. Some have asked about the difference between this and epsom salts and I use them together. One cup of epsom salts in a bath plus 1/2 cup of magnesium soak. You can read a bit more about magnesium soak HERE.
LUMEBOX Red Light Therapy
I’ve been doing a lot of research on the benefits of red light therapy in supporting the body and there is a growing body of research to support the use of RLT. I got a Lumebox because the price + size were the most approachable to begin and it’s easy to use + portable. At first I was sure I wanted a larger device to attach to a wall, but now that I’ve started using it, I LOVE that this device is smaller and more portable. I’m aiming to use it daily!
Box Breathing
I’ve been adding daily box breathing into my wellness routine as part of the New You program that I’m doing with Life With Kate and I LOVE the way I feel after I do it. If you’re looking to deal with stress and anxiety, incorporating this into your daily practice is a wonderful starting spot. Here is a link to the video that I’ve been using.
Drinking Tea
This seems so simple and silly to include, but it’s one of my most grounding practices. When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed or lacking focus, putting a pot of tea on with my favorite electric tea kettle helps re-set my day and ground me in the present. I typically stick with some type of chamomile tea or my favorite sleepytime tea for evenings!