Pizza Hummus

In by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

 I would like you to meet someone. Her name is Morgan and she’s pretty much my best friend. (Hi Morgan!) We met for the first time at Joey’s family vacation last summer in Indiana and became the best of buds right away. She’s energetic, adorable, smart and loves salad. Seriously. This past fall we met up with Morgan and her family in Minnesota to watch Joey’s brother play football. I arrived at the hotel late on Friday night, went swimming … Read More

A Day in the Life: Monday’s Eats

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

More often than not, I get asked about what I eat. Sometimes the question comes from ardent meat-eaters who can’t fathom going an entire day without consuming animal protein of some sort. Other days it’s simply from those who are serious about health, eating well and cutting out processed food from their daily routine. In both cases, I am by no means an expert, and I don’t intend to start blogging every meal I eat. However, I thought it might … Read More

Buttermilk Bluberry-Lemon Pancakes

In by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Some of you may be issuing a sigh of frustration upon the realization that I’m posting yet another pancake recipe. But if you’re anything like me, there is never such a thing as too many ways to fry up a breakfast cake. Up until this summer, I wouldn’t have given a second thought to pancakes. They didn’t interest me, seemed unhealthy, and couldn’t hold a candle to a bowl of Greek yogurt or oatmeal. But at some point in the … Read More

Favorite Cookie Round-up

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

{Nutella Chocolate Chip Cookies}   {Molasses Crinkles} {Alfajores} {Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies} {Oatmeal and Golden Raisin Cookies} Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Madison

Freezer Lasagna for Two

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Tonight I’m posting something unlike anything I’ve posted in the last 10 months. You see, as most of you know I have been a vegetarian for almost a year, meaning the recipes containing meat on Espresso and Cream have all but disappeared. What hasn’t changed during this time is Joey’s love for beef, chicken, pork and the like. Most of the time when we’re together, we find some sort of compromise. When we eat out, the places we frequent are … Read More

A Few of My Favorite Things…This Week

In by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

While this is a departure from my usual posts, rest assured that a new recipe is coming Thursday! Until then, here are a few things that have been making me swoon this week…. {The view from my parents’ future backyard in Idaho. Breathtaking} {Reading. Specifically American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld. Can’t. Put. It. Down} {Spring-like paper flags and whimsical, Victorian-inspired table tags} {An empty frame for guests to take pictures inside and leave messages} {Katie over at Ever After Honeymoons … Read More

Snacks and Sleep

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

This weekend my grand plans for a weekend up in Minneapolis were sidelined by the cold I’ve been attempting to ward off for over two weeks. You see, I’m not all that good at accepting that I’m sick. Even when my throat is burning and my chest is heavy, I’ve been known to head for the gym. Seems as if exercise and good food aren’t the solution to everything. So instead of heading up north for a couple days of … Read More

Whole Wheat Apple CInnamon Bread

In by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

I have the most delicious bread for you. Serious goodness coming your way. It had such a profound impact on me that I made it last weekend, and then I baked another loaf this week and am already down to a single piece. In my own defense, I brought four slices to work yesterday. While writing about this apple bread, I began to realize that I have a slight obsession with quick breads of every kind. So if, for some … Read More

Pie Bites

In by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

One of my earliest food memories is of baking pies with my mom. Thinking about it now, I’m not sure my mom made that many pies, but the times she did burn bright in my memory. Not of the actual pie, but of the scraps. My mom would brush the scraps of pie crust with cinnamon sugar and put them in the oven with the pie as a special treat for me to eat. Flaky, delicious finger-food. Perfect for little … Read More

Asian-Sesame Fried Rice

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

  THIS crazy kid is coming to visit me in less than 12 hours. And although I can’t wait until the days that we no longer have to visit one another, there is something exciting about the anticipation of the weekend. Cleaning the house, putting makeup on and getting ready for him to arrive makes each and every weekend feel special. I love dating my fiancé, and I’m looking forward to dating my husband, too. And until he arrives, I’ll … Read More

Hair Color Evolution

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Slowly but surely working my way back to blonde for our wedding! It’s not a glamourous process in the least bit, and a bit hard on my hair, too. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, right? Six months and counting! madison

Vegetarian Sausage and Egg Strata

In by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Happy Monday, everyone! I’m beginning to think that no matter how many days of vacation I take, there will always be that feeling that it was just one day too short. After looking at my piles of laundry, some clean and some not, I feel like I could use one additional day to sort, clean and lay around in my pajamas. Anyone with me? But back to work I go, and to start off the new year and work week … Read More