I’m not entirely sure why, but lately change has seemed to be on the agenda. There’s a new mirror in my living room, new breakfasts at my table and last night I cut four inches off my hair on a whim. Like a breath of fresh air, this change feels good. Speaking of breakfast, I’ve been having so much fun rediscovering how exciting, varied and delicious the first meal of the day can be. This week my breakfast of choice … Read More
Quinoa with Spicy Tomato Peanut Sauce
I’ve been on a bit of a roll with quinoa lately. I’m not entirely sure why, though I do think it might have something to do with the fact that I’m trying to cut back on the number of dollars spent at the grocery store and use the ingredients I actually have at home instead. When I moved into my apartment 8 months ago my parents took me to Costco to stock up on the basics and get me on … Read More
MultiGrain PB&J Breakfast Cookies
Is it Monday already? If so, I seriously can’t believe it. Every time I go somewhere on the weekend, it becomes so clear that two days just isn’t long enough to get everything done, be rejuvenated and just be wherever you are. J and I made the trek out to Wisconsin for a weekend with some of our favorite people: J’s aunt and uncle and their four very cute kids. I wish I had some photos of the weekend, but … Read More
Greek Salad Pizza
J and I approach food in two completely different ways. It’s almost comical sometimes; the food editor who muses about all things culinary and savors every morsel and the former football player who has spent the last eight years of his life eating for fuel, wolfing down thousands of calories without much of a second thought about the actual taste of his food. I’m working on him, going to places off his beaten path, encouraging him to slow down and … Read More
Whole Wheat-Flax Seed Banana Bread
I spent all summer eating the same thing for breakfast day-in and day-out. This is not an exaggeration in the least bit. Aside from times when I was traveling, and even then sometimes, my breakfast consisted of Greek yogurt, some type of berries, a little cereal, and a dollop of homemade nut butter. Maybe that’s strange; in fact, it more than likely is. But for me, breakfast is a particular meal. It really does set the tone for my eating … Read More
Lazy Girl Apple Crisp
Despite what the sweets on this site may suggest, I’m a bit of a health nut. I bake because it soothes me, makes me feel happy and gives me a creative outlet. But after one slice, bite or piece is eaten by me, I typically take those baked goods and gift them off for others to enjoy, both because I like to share my baked goods and because I don’t trust myself with an entire cake, pie or dozen … Read More
Buckwheat-Greek Yogurt Pancakes
I’ve posted before about my ambivalent relationship with pancakes. How I never really crave them and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve made them in my own apartment. But fall weather has that way of doing funny things to your taste buds, and this week I found myself wanting, craving even, a warm stack of pancakes. But, alas, when I really got down to making them it wasn’t a stack of white fluffy pancakes that I … Read More
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
You all had to know another pumpkin recipe was waiting in the wings. After the great pumpkin hunt last week I could hardly wait to start cooking and baking up all sorts of pumpkin-related goodness. Not long after the pumpkin pasta, three days to be exact, I baked up a batch of these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. And since I like to send J on his way back home with a treat for the car ride, I packed theses babies … Read More
Peanut Butter Spice Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Buttercream
One of these Mondays I’m going to be able to post about my relaxing, leisurely weekend where I got lots of sleep, painted my toenails, caught up on laundry and read all my untouched magazines cover-to-cover. But that day is not today. I’ll spare you the details only to say it was a crazy, whirlwind of a weekend and I’m still scratching my head wondering where Saturday went. In addition to traveling eight hours in the car on Saturday to … Read More
Rigatoni with Pumpkin Cream Sauce
Wednesday night a craving for pumpkin hit me hard. It had been creeping up slowly, after weeks of seeing recipes for pumpkin french toast and pumpkin oatmeal pop up on some of my favorite blogs. And then there was the incessant talk about the return of Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte that rang throughout the Twitter universe. Seems like I wasn’t the only one who had pumpkin on the brain. So when Wednesday’s pumpkin craving hit me like a Mack truck, … Read More
Favorite Veggie Sandwich with Parsley-Curry Hummus
There are few things in life that bring me as much peace and satisfaction as a fully-stocked fridge. Call me weird but the ritual of cleaning out the fridge and filling it with colorful produce, milk, Greek yogurt, and yummy extras is just so settling. Maybe it’s knowing that I won’t starve if all the grocery stores in Des Moines abruptly close. Or maybe it’s because I know that I’ll be able to make sandwiches like this. Don’t let the … Read More
Homemade Larabars
A couple weeks ago after a trip to Florida, I wrote about healthy eating strategies for traveling. And since J. lives in Illinois, it seems like I spend a whole lot of time traveling, eating on the go, and trying my best to stick to a healthy eating schedule. Not an easy thing to do! Larabars have fast become one of my favorite nutrition bars, and it takes only a quick look at the ingredient list to know why. Most … Read More