Roasted Confetti Corn Salad

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

I’ve got a pile of clothes waiting to be folded, laundry running, dishes washing and a whole lot of packing to do before hitting I-80 tomorrow afternoon for a trip to Illinois (again!). But before I take off for a much needed three day weekend and break from technology, I’m going to fulfill a request from my mom at the beginning of the summer: a fun, light, summer salad. Well, it’s not exactly a salad, per say. It’s more of … Read More

Berry Shortbread Cobbler

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Anyone want to join me while I go and stick my head under a rock and pretend summer is going to stick around forever? Summer with its juicy berries and crispy veggies, lots of sunlight and dresses-no jacket required. But as the nights get shorter and September comes rushing in, there’s no denying fall, and winter, are on their way. What to do when you can’t stop summer’s departure? Develop a strategy for survival through the cold, winter months and … Read More

Breakfast Enchiladas

In by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Oh goodness gracious, what a weekend!  A weekend that was about ten steps away from what I had planned. For more details on that and a little lesson in getting up and brushing yourself off visit the Kitchen Confidential tab above, where I’ll be blogging food musings every now and again of the off-the-record variety. Aside from the things that can’t be counted on, like when you stack cake on top of cake on top of cake, there are a … Read More

Video Tutorial: Marzipan Flowers

In by Madison Mayberry3 Comments Today Espresso and Cream is getting a tech-savy update with the addition of my first video tutorial on how to make marzipan flowers, like the ones pictured on these cupcakes. I’ve been planning on doing a series of videos for the site as long as I’ve been blogging. Planning being the key word. Despite my good intentions, for some reason I’ve avoided filming any tutorials every time I’ve considered doing so. I’ll blame it on bad hair days. But from now … Read More

Strongbow Hard Cider Cupcakes

In by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Let’s get one thing straight: I am not a passionate beer drinker. In fact, I’m not much for alcohol in general, and when J. and I sit down to have a drink, a half glass of anything is enough to satisfy my tastes. What I am is a Strongbow drinker. Strongbow, as in the English hard cider, my favorite alcoholic beverage, and pretty much the only drink I ever really have a craving for. It’s crisp, and bubbly, and slightly … Read More

Healthy Eating While Traveling

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I don’t know about you all but I’m in a bit of a crazy place right now. After a three day trip to Florida for work, I returned to Des Moines, only to turn around and head out to Illinois for a weekend at J.’s apartment. The weekend was lovely and relaxing. I didn’t think about work or the number of things on my to-do list, but now I have six bags of flour, ten bags of powdered sugar, and … Read More

Candied Almonds

In by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Greetings from Florida! No, I’m not posting from a beach. In fact, I’m posting from a hotel room while preparing for a full day of work tomorrow. But not to worry, I took a few photos before I left this morning of a recipe I’ve been dying to share with you all. Although I hope there are plenty of other good reasons why J. enjoys dating me, I think there is one thing that definitely tops the ‘cool’ list. When … Read More

Southwestern Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers

In by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Wow, thank you all so much for making the one-year anniversary of Espresso and Cream better than I could have imagined. I loved hearing about your favorite desserts and gaining a little insight into who you all are. Day to day I think about what recipes I want to share with the readers on this site without really knowing who those readers really are. Every time you post, comment, or e-mail it gives me a little bit better picture of … Read More

Peach Anniversary Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting and a Giveaway

In by Madison Mayberry27 Comments

This week marks the one year anniversary of Espresso and Cream! And while it pains me to look back at some of my earliest posts, I am so excited about how far my little blog has come and how it will change in the year ahead. I could not have anticipated the kind words, e-mails, and interactions I’ve had with those of you who read Espresso and Cream. Some interactions are with people I know personally and others I know … Read More

Coconut Lace Cookies

In by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Another Monday, another weekend come and gone, and while I’ve never really been the type of person who loathes Mondays, I do loathe the end of the weekend for the sole fact that it means J. and I have to part yet again. As I write this on Sunday night he’s back in the car on his way home to Illinois. I, on the other hand, am cuddled up on my bed watching Netflix on my computer and taking comfort … Read More

PB&J Buckwheat Crepes

In by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Every morning I eat the same breakfast, boring but true. Greek yogurt, fresh or frozen berries, and a half a cup of cereal, usually Kashi. It’s a delicious dose of protein and calcium with a serving a fruit. What can I say? I’m a creature of habit where matters of breakfast are concerned. But today I broke out of my breakfast rut because I couldn’t say no to these crepes filled with a thin smear of homemade peanut butter and topped … Read More

Jam Crumb Cake

In by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

When I moved into my new office two weeks ago there was a lot of sorting to be done. Things to toss, file away, display on bookshelves, study and devour. Once I tossed what needed to go I sat and marveled at the treasure I found tucked away in the magazine racks of my new digs. Gourmet magazines. Lots of them, dating back over 10 years, sitting in my office, and for the last two weeks I have been curled … Read More