After three days of blistering hot and humid weather, I’m convinced Iowans are a very discontent group of individuals. Weather here is hardly ever deemed pleasant or even satisfactory,which I believe is a combination of outlook and cold hard facts. It seems Iowa is a bit of an extremist state in matters of the weather. My two favorite seasons, spring and fall, get only slight acknowledgment because Iowa prefers to vacillate between the dead of winter and the peak of summer. … Read More
Homemade Oreos
Whew. Two days after graduation, three loads of laundry, four bags of groceries, one day of work, and two deliriously wonderful nights of sleep later I think I’ve finally recovered from a crazy-lovely graduation weekend up in Minneapolis. And yes, that guy I talk about quite a bit on Espresso and Cream graduated, with honors and a job! (excuse my bragging, I’m just a bit proud) And because I enjoy looking at other people’s photos on the blogs I follow, … Read More
Almond Sandwich Cookies
At this moment, I would love nothing more than to write words beautiful enough to do these cookies justice, but right now the only words coming to my head are exhaustion and sleep-deprivation. Graduation weekends and the celebration of new beginnings and memories past bring about excitement, sadness, joy, and pure lack of sleep. This weekend J. graduated from college and today I managed to sneak away to a coffee shop so I could stop, and breathe, and take a … Read More
Strawberry-Rhubarb Cobbler
Working at a magazine devoted to home and family, I think I fit in pretty well. I love my family, dabble in home (er, apartment) decorating and design, and it’s no surprise food gets me going. But truth be told, I’ve never even really had the desire to grow anything, especially when I can run down to the farmer’s market on a Saturday morning and return with a bounty of reasonably priced local produce – no weeding required. That is, until … Read More
Banana Bread Ultimate
I feel a little bad for banana bread sometimes. Sure, it’s delicious beyond measure and versatile, going easily from morning to night. But very rarely does anyone set out to make banana bread. Instead, banana bread has been reduced to an afterthought. Have old bananas on hand that are too old for the lunchbox or morning cereal? Make banana bread. This recipe might change the way you approach banana bread. You might even find yourself going to the store, in … Read More
Green Bean Summer Salad
Being at home in the kitchen is always so inspiring, opening up my mind to simple dishes I might not have thought of putting together myself. Until just a couple hours ago, I had fully planned on posting an entirely different recipe, but while I was sitting at the kitchen table, putting together a post, my mom was in the kitchen, chopping and drizzling, and tossing. And I, as usual, got my fingers into what she was making for the … Read More
Veggie-Lovers Pesto Pizza
Looking back at my childhood and thinking about the food my mom put on the table each night continually blows me away. Not because the food required complicated cooking methods or multiple-step preparation, but because it was real. Biscuits didn’t come from a can, but from a mixingbowl, beef stew not in a can but from the magical process of stewing beef, potatoes, and carrots. And pizza could be found in the oven in imperfect shapes and layered with homemade … Read More
Fingerling Potato Salad
Summer is just around the corner, or at least that’s what my calendar keeps telling me. But if you took a trip to my neck of the woods, I’m convinced you would agree with me when I say it feels much more like October than the middle of May. As far as states go, Iowa is the biggest tease of all. Hot, cold, rainy, sunny. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me if it starting snowing tonight. In response to this cold … Read More
Pecan-Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes
I am what you might consider one of those annoying people who likes getting up early, with the exception of some Saturday mornings when I sleep in until (gasp!) eight or nine, I’m usually up and at it around seven. And being a morning person, there is nothing I love more than a good breakfast or morning ritual. Sure, I have my own morning rituals at home, but it’s when I am up in Minneapolis/St. Paul visiting J. and my … Read More
Whole Wheat No Knead Bread
Despite what we all might want to believe, mothers really do know quite a lot about their children. Just a couple months ago, J. and my mom had dinner together without me, and my own dear mom decided to take it upon herself to share with J. what she thought was my best and worst trait. This happens to be one and the same: “My daughter is impulsive.” And boy, let me tell you, this is one time I will … Read More
Banana Pudding Trifle
Before getting to regular posting news, I have an exciting announcement…. Espresso and Cream is losing and switching to a .com! All that basically means for you all is that when you are searching, typing, or sharing how to find Espresso and Cream you can save yourself the extra effort and type in Readers who go to the old address will automatically be re-directed to the new one, and for the next couple of days if some … Read More
Whole Wheat Buttermilk Biscuits
Do you ever just miss home? I’m not sure age really matters, because when I think about home it’s not the place or the building, it’s that feeling and stage in life when you knew that someone else was there to take care of you and have your back. Growing up with divorced parents, I traveled a lot between Iowa and Florida, so getting homesick was rare. Now, living on my own for the first time, I still don’t get … Read More