Without a doubt, Monday is not my favorite day of the week. I almost feel bad for Monday, because it’s probably the most dreaded day of the whole week. So to perk up the week, I’m starting it off with a plate of meatballs and a giveaway! First up, the meatballs. Blogging, I’ve come to realize, makes you a crazy person. What else would motivate someone to wake up and start making meatballs at 6:30 in the morning? Sure, I … Read More
Lemon Meringue Shortbread Tart
High school graduation parties are supposed to be for the graduate, right? Wrong. Everyone knows that graduation parties, like weddings, are just as much for the parents as they are for the children themselves. Case in point? My 2006 high school graduation party. Where I’m from, graduation parties are a big deal – probably too much so since everyone just goes from party to party eating bad cake and the same punch at every party. My cousin and I decided … Read More
Coconut Cupcakes with Raspberry Filling and Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting
I’m not saying Martha Stewart should hand over her perfectly polished crown to me for good, but these cupcakes might make her reconsider lending it to me for the day, or maybe the week. Heck, these cupcakes are so darn good they may warrant the whole month. It’s a bit of a shame cupcakes have become so trendy and popular that they’ve become a cliché. Because no matter how many cupcakes I taste or see, they never cease to stop … Read More
When I first started Espresso + Cream, I vowed to share both successes and failures in the kitchen with all you dear readers. Though it’s much easier to share culinary triumphs and pretend the failures didn’t happen, especially when blogging from the secrecy of my own apartment, I thought I’d let you in on a little mishap that has kept me from posting as soon as I would have liked to. In my mind, Martha Stewart is someone to be … Read More
Homemade Peanut Butter Patties
I’m going away for the weekend and will not be taking my computer, so instead of leaving you hanging until Sunday, I wanted to give you a little something to occupy your time and taste buds this weekend. What, you ask, is enough to make me unveil these cookies earlier than planned? I’ll be visiting my best friend and boyfriend, but more importantly, I’ll be meeting the bf’s best friends. When meeting new people, I find bringing along a little … Read More
Banana Chocolate Chip Mini-Muffins
For someone who would rather eat a bowl of broccoli for breakfast than eat a banana, I love banana bread an awful lot. In that sense, there’s something fascinating about bananas. Put them in a smoothie, oatmeal, or bread, and they become something so much more than you would ever guess when eating a banana on its own. If you have bananas that are a bit too ripe, chances are you’ve made banana bread. Chances are, if you’re anything like … Read More
Potato Pancakes
In my opinion, there’s nothing more satisfying that finding a great deal on an article of clothing, especially when it’s something you’ve had your eye on. The thrill of the hunt, extra cash in your bank account, and, of course, being able to tell your friends about your good fortune. But second to finding something great on sale, is finding a new way to use leftovers, and as far as leftovers go, it doesn’t really get any more versatile than … Read More
White Chocolate Nutella Truffles
The more I listen to the people around me talk, I realize Valentine’s Day is a very polarizing holiday. There aren’t many people who don’t have strong feelings about the day designated above all others to celebrate love. People love it, people hate it, some people pretend it doesn’t exist, and while browsing the card isle at Target yesterday, I even saw “Anti-Val” cards for the ultimate cynics out there. Me personally? I love Valentine’s Day. Romantic valentine or not, … Read More
30 Minute Vegetarian Chili
I love chili. In all forms, flavors, and areas of the country, with cornbread, rice, toast, if you put a bowl of chili in front of me, I will eat it. The only exception to this rule being that chili is not allowed to be watery; it has to have substance, a mix of textures, and big flavor. But unfortunately, chili and I have a bit of a love-hate relationship. In the winter I could eat it every night, but … Read More
New Take On: Scotcheroos
If you’re from the Midwest, or have spent any prolonged amount of time in the area, you may want to stop reading right now. I mean it, this post may offend you, but if you ignore my warning and keep reading, please don’t say I didn’t warn you. Because I’m about to take issue with one of the most beloved desserts that exist in the Midwest. Heck, Scotcheroos may have cult status in other areas of the country, too, though … Read More
Open-faced Pumpkin and Peanut Butter Whoopie Pies
My two absolute favorite ingredients are peanut butter and pumpkin. Impressive, exclusive, gourmet? No. Delicious and versatile? Most certainly. Because they are both so versatile, and can star in dishes both sweet and savory, I never run out of ways to use them, and if at all possible, together. If you take a seat at my breakfast table during the winter months, which here in Iowa the term ‘winter months’ can mean any time between October and April, you will … Read More
Italian Ricotta Mashed Peas
When I moved into my apartment and went grocery shopping for the first time, I was all about my freezer. In an effort to save money, I read a lot about good foods to freeze/keep in the freezer, and in my excitement about great frozen foods I bought a large bag of peas, thinking they would be incredibly useful. But instead of being useful, they have taken up permanent residence in my freezer, untouched in the month+ since I moved … Read More