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Eating Without Food Labels

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Friends, can we talk about something that has been on my heart to talk about for a while now? I shared on Instagram this week about how very over food labels and rules I am. Keto, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, Whole 30. The entire conversation has worn me down into the ground and driven me crazy and today I want to dig a little deeper into my own journey with food to share with you just why it drives me nuts. … Read More

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Safer Skincare in the New Year

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Happy Friday, friends! As we embark on a new year, I know a lot of you are in the business of making resolutions. Resolutions about health, wellness, family, faith and more. It can be both inspiring and overwhelming, can’t it? I’ve been doing a lot of goal-setting and planning over here, including the following: -Push myself outside my comfort zone -Set big, scary goals -Be consistent and diligent in prayer for others -Work hard at work; rest and fully disconnect … Read More

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What I’m Loving // Athleisure Edition

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Mom life and working at home means I spend a LOT of time in more athletic clothes than I would like to admit. On days that I’m working I try to get dressed in real clothes most of the time, but when I’m not working and hanging with the girls, I much prefer to be in comfy-cute clothes. It allows me to be a more active, interactive mom when I’m comfortable and ready for a game of tag, hide and … Read More

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Tips for Travel with Little Ones

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

We have recently returned from our first big trip with both girls and man, what an adventure! We had a wonderful time in Florida and I certainly learned that travel with one toddler is not the same as travel with a toddler and a baby. It was good for us to take the trip and learn a little bit about what to do differently the next time we embark on a big trip with these two – most likely this … Read More

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Healthy Postpartum Hair // A Regrowth Story

In Fashion, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’ve talked a lot about hair on Espresso and Cream over the years. About a year ago, I posted this while I was contemplating what to do with my hair. It was brittle, breaking off like crazy, and incredibly unhealthy, despite being 1 1/2 years postpartum and pregnant with another baby. Babies, man, they are hard on your hair! Less than a year ago shortly after writing that post, I decided to chop my hair. My stylist agreed that there … Read More

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let me stay in this season

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Last week I was sitting with a handful of moms a few steps ahead of me in the parenting journey – moms who have kids who can stay by themselves for a few hours at a time, who don’t wear diapers or take naps and spend the whole day at school. Who dress themselves and can go to the bathroom without assistance. As I listened to them talk, for a second it sounded really nice. On the hard, long days … Read More

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Sausage, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by Tyson as part of the #JimmyDeanSausage campaign. All opinions are my own and I so appreciate you supporting the brands that make Espresso and Cream possible.  Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day as an adult. Perhaps because it’s accompanied by lots of coffee with half and half, or because these is a level of comfort and ease around our breakfast table that doesn’t exist other times of the day. I wish … Read More

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Mind and Body After Baby (The second time around) // 6 Months

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I can’t believe we are here, six months postpartum with Collins! I remember thinking about when I would write a six month postpartum wellness/fitness update and thinking it seemed SO far out, but time has passed so quickly. My hope in writing these updates is that I can be an encouragement to those who are perhaps not quite so far along in their postpartum recovery. I remember looking at my body in the hospital and being both in awe of … Read More

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Sweet and Spicy Bacon-Wrapped Dates

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by Tyson as part of the #TysonMadeWithLove campaign. As always, all opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make Espresso and Cream possible!  We’re just starting to get into the swing of holiday parties and events over at the Hofmeyer house. The introvert in me has mixed feelings about lots of holiday engagements, something that is entirely lost on my extroverted husband. Anyway…. With two busy kiddos, general schedule craziness and holiday commitments … Read More

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Holiday Gift Guide #1 // Books + Paper Products

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

In the last year I’ve re-committed myself to reading books. I’ve always been an avid reader, but once Ainsley was born, reading got pushed to the back burner, something I felt sad and a little guilty about. So this year I’ve made a conscious effort to read, even if just a few pages of a book each day, and my life is undoubtedly richer because of it. Personal development, fiction, non-fiction, even books for kids. The list goes on and … Read More

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Holiday Snack Mix & Travel with Kids

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by SC Johnson. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make the content on Espresso and Cream possible. #ZiplockHolidayUAI Back before I had kids, my visions of weekend baking projects were pretty idyllic and, I now realize, unrealistic. I imagined my child happily cutting out cookie dough and decorating cookies, mess-free. Of course now that I have two kids of my own I know better than to tackle elaborate or time-intensive … Read More

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Cute & Crafty Christmas Gifts

In Family, Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by InComm s as part of the #SaveMoneyGiveBetter2017 campaign. All opinions are my own and I so appreciate you supporting the brands that make Espresso and Cream possible!  Since it’s only November it may seem like I’m jumping the gun a little bit on Christmas, but for some reason this year I’ve felt especially festive. Maybe it’s the fact that my toddler is finally old enough to understand the concept of Christmas, or because it’s Collins’s … Read More