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Formula Feeding // Your Questions Answered

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

The number of questions I’ve gotten on Instagram about formula feeding have been too many to count. It appears that when you talk openly and honestly about your decision to stop breastfeeding and switching to formula, people send their questions in large quantities. I’m so thankful to be able to help moms who are struggling with the decision, wanting to know it’s OK to formula feed, and help squash any of the mom guilt associated with formula feeding these days. … Read More

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Let’s talk safer skincare (and why it matters)

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Friends, if you follow me over on Instagram, chances are you’ve seen snippets of my recent trip to Santa Monica with Beautycounter. I’ve worked with Beautycounter for nearly two years and over that time the issue of safer skincare choices has become something I’m increasingly passionate about. We evaluate our diets with precision, reading labels and books about how what we eat impacts our health, workout on the regular and take vitamins. But if we don’t take the time to … Read More

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Mom Wardrobe 2.0 // Capsule Edition

In Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’ve been going through a little bit of what you might call a “style crisis” lately. Maybe other moms out there can relate? When your body is growing, changing, shrinking, expanding, it’s really hard to find a style that works and stick with it. While I don’t follow a strict capsule wardrobe, I have a very curated wardrobe that is free of excess and things I don’t absolutely love. A few readers messaged me, asking if I would be willing … Read More

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Espresso and Cream Home // Master Bedroom + Bathroom

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

What has become incredibly clear to me while taking photos of our home is that I’m really bad at taking photos of our home. Home photos are not the same as food photos! BUT I’ve gotten a lot of requests for a house tour. I’ve been meaning to blog our home for the longest time, not because I think it’s something amazing (and certainly not because it’s “complete”) but it’s been so much fun to take an older home (1973 … Read More

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Trust me, new momma, it gets better.

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I got a text last night from a friend who had just had her first baby last week. “Tell me it gets better! This is harder than I thought it would be.” I got a phone call two weeks ago from a friend who just had her first baby. “I just don’t know what to do! This is kicking my butt.” I got a Voxer from a new mom friend. “Will I ever have time to myself again? Am I selfish … Read More

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On Growing + Changing

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

For most of my life I’ve been an only child. Yes, I have sisters (a half-sister and step-sister if you’re into to labels, which we are not) but they grew up a thousand miles away from me for most of my childhood and theirs. So, practically speaking, I’m an only child. I didn’t have to share my toys on the regular, I got my mom’s undivided attention, and I lived in a house that was quiet and peaceful. Growing up … Read More

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Mind and Body After Baby (the second time around) // 3 Months

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’m back today to talk about mind and body after baby #2 at the three month mark! Collins is actually closer to four months than three months at this point, but that’s close enough, right? The last post I did about the postpartum recovery period was 3-6 weeks, and a LOT has changed since then. ————————– Mind Update :: Let me say first that now, looking back, I can see that I was trying really hard to pull myself together during … Read More

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The 5-Minute Face // My Makeup Routine

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Happy Friday, friends! I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that I want to devote my time to as the school year rolls around. I know that many people make resolutions around the first of the year, but I really appreciate back-to-school goal setting and planning. Something about the school year starting feels like a great time for a re-set. All that to say, I’m hoping to spend more time here at Espresso & Cream. I love this little … Read More

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Thoughtful {Unique} Baby Gifts

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Let’s talk baby gifts, shall we? I want to be a better gift giver, and slowly but surely I’m learning how to be thanks to my mom friends who are great gift-givers themselves. A few of my close friends come to mind, the ones who always have the most unique, pretty and fun gift ideas. Not necessarily extravagant, per se, just spot-on and thoughtful. After having a second baby, and having a ton of friends and family having babies, gift … Read More

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Postpartum Vitamin & Supplement Routine

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hi, friends! We are back from family vacation and I’m busy digging into a new week and a new month. It seems almost weekly that I get questions from readers and friends about my favorite supplements and vitamins, and while I’m certainly not an expert, I have done my research and found products that work well for me and my body. The postpartum period is a time when nutrition is extremely important. The postpartum body has gone through a LOT … Read More

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Independent Play and the Working Mom

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by North States Industries. I was compensated for my work. All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Being a work at home mom (WAHM) has been one of the biggest blessings and challenges of my career. When I worked a corporate 40-hour per week job I dreamed about having a flexible work schedule, setting my own hours and working when it worked for me, spending plenty of time with my kids along the way. And while … Read More

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Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding and Supplementing :: The Second Time Around

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

A few weeks ago on Instagram I promised that I would write this post. And yet here I am, two weeks later, still kicking the can down the road and avoiding writing about the topic of breastfeeding, bottle feeding, supplementing. Not because I’m afraid to write about the topic, but because it’s a complicated subject – one that I feel different about daily. Chances are, if you’re a mom, you understand what I’m talking about. Because in the long run, … Read More