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Favorite Workout Gear

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This summer I did a little wardrobe refresh in the workout gear department. Both because my body was a little different postpartum than it was before getting pregnant and because some of my workout gear was looking a little sad and worn out. I do dress up some days in the summer, but many days I’m running around after a toddler and need my clothes to be comfortable, functional and able to handle a little sweat. Almost all of my … Read More

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The Postpartum Body // Weeks 3-6

In Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I can’t believe that little Collins is already 6 weeks old! It’s been the fastest and slowest six weeks of my life, balancing the craziness that is having a newborn and a toddler. I’ve told everyone who asks that the hardest part is that the exhaustion of a toddler and the exhaustion of a newborn are at odds with one another. A toddler goes all-out, all day long BUT our toddler also takes a two hour nap every day and … Read More

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Favorite Baby Products :: Newborn (second time around)

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I wanted to take a minute (while it’s still fresh in my mind) to do a little post about my favorite baby products for newborns the second time around. Because let’s be honest, my list of must-have products is really scaled back the second time around and only includes the best of the best. No frills! 1. Milk Snob Nursing Cover/Car Seat Cover/Blanket/Etc.  This cover is great! I LOVE multi-function baby products like this one. It functions as a nursing … Read More

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The Postpartum Body // Birth – 3 Weeks

In Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hi friends! With Ainsley’s pregnancy, I really wanted to write about my postpartum fitness and health journey but the best laid plans never came to be and I didn’t document the process the way that I had hoped. My friend Robin’s blog was a tremendous encouragement to me when I was postpartum both with Ainsley and this time around. She took such a balanced, moderate approach to getting back in shape after baby and I was so encouraged by how … Read More

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Collins Elizabeth Jane Hofmeyer // A Birth Story

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

This has been on my to-do list since the week we came home with Collins. I LOVE reading birth stories (something that I only started to like and appreciate after having my own baby) and more than anything, I really like having the birth stories of my girls written down and documented so I can go back and read them/remember what their births were really like since it’s so easy to forget! Having Ainsley’s birth story written down on the … Read More

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Baby Collins’ Animal-Themed Nursery

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Collins Elizabeth is here! Okay, while writing this post she actually isn’t here yet, but by the time I post she will be, and I am so excited to share her nursery with you all. I figured I should get this post put together before her arrival since I can’t imagine I’ll be back to blogging very quickly after she makes her arrival. I’ve posted a list of resources at the bottom of this post if you are curious as to … Read More

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the comprehensive guide to maternity fashion

In Fashion, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I had the best intentions of sharing more maternity fashion posts this pregnancy, but that just didn’t happen. Truth be told, while I feel great this pregnancy, I feel anything but glamorous and stepping in front of the camera regularly to take photos of my outfits was just. not. happening. Ha! That said, I have made an effort to try and dress normally and in a way that was put-together most of this pregnancy. And I have a lot of … Read More

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the years are short, of that I’m painfully aware

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Anyone who has prepared for parenthood has heard the adage: “The days are long, but the years are short!” When I was in the trenches of life with a newborn the days did, indeed, feel long. And while I knew that the years would fly by, I don’t think I really believed it. These days, I find myself feeling every ounce of the shortness of life with little children. My baby, I swear she was just a baby. How can she … Read More

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A letter to my second-born

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

When I was pregnant with Ainsley, I wrote A Letter to my Firstborn a few weeks before she was due. All jokes about middle or second children aside, I didn’t want to let this precious time before I meet our second daughter go by without writing a letter to her. To my second daughter, my sweet baby girl, a child I don’t yet know and yet love more than I could have imagined; we’re ready for you. If you anyone asked … Read More

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thoughts on a (nearly) vegetarian pregnancy

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

A vegetarian pregnancy. It was something I had hoped to have the first time around with Ainsley’s pregnancy, but for a number of reasons it never really happened. While I still ate a lot of my favorite vegetarian foods during my first pregnancy, I at a fair amount of meat as well. So many people told me that I couldn’t have a healthy, balanced pregnancy if I wasn’t eating meat, and because I didn’t know any better I decided they … Read More

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March Mom Edit :: What I’m Loving Now

In Family, Fashion, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

At nearly 34 weeks pregnant, is it safe to say that I’m in the home stretch? I’m certainly embracing that mentality, and the products I’m sharing about below have been making my life a little more glamorous and bearable during the last month and a half of pregnancy. Here’s what I’ve been loving lately… I took a break from regular fixes for a while, but scheduling a maternity Stitch Fix at 30 weeks was a fantastic way to get excited about … Read More

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Pregnancy Body Image :: The Second Time Around

In Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Pregnancy is a gift. I’ve reminded myself of that more than a few times during this pregnancy. The thing is, I have had a wonderful pregnancy thus far. When I get asked how I’m feeling this time around, I can without hesitation answer “great!” because I really do feel good. Sleep has been amazing, I don’t have any major aches and pains and our pregnancy has been very uneventful. I’ve also been able to stay active, much more so than … Read More