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A Quick Florida Trip

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Two weeks ago my dad called me up on the phone and asked if we would meet them in Florida for a very quick long weekend. They are staying for the entire week (my aunt lives in the Orlando area) since my little sister has spring break this week, but since we’re saving Joe’s vacation days for when baby arrives, we really couldn’t swing more than a long weekend. Although the trip wasn’t planned, and we’re getting close to the … Read More

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NW Iowa Fertility and OB Practitioner Guide

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

After Ainsley was born, I did a full post on all the doctors and health professionals I used and loved through our fertility journey and pregnancy/birth. Now that we have moved and are located in a different town and state, I thought it was time to do the same thing for the new providers we love and trust in case others are looking for a doctor or care provider. When we moved to our small town I was worried about finding … Read More

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I’m Thankful for the Hard Weeks

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Last week Monday Joe and I had just returned from our trip out to California and I was looking forward to digging into a new week. Fresh off our trip, I had so many good ideas I planned to translate into work and great food finds I wanted to blog about. In my new schedule Mondays are always my at-home days with Ainsley. We go to music class, grab coffee, and do things like run errands, laundry, etc. But Monday … Read More

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a day in the life :: pregnancy eats edition

In Family, Food & Recipes, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’ve documented some of my daily eats on the blog in the past, but I don’t think I’ve ever done a pregnancy edition. Even while pregnant, I still eat like a robot most days, sticking to the same general rotation of foods. Dinner is usually the most varied meal from day to day, but breakfast, lunch and snacks are usually pretty similar. Here’s a look at what a typical day in the third trimester looks like for me: BREAKFAST I usually … Read More

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Ainsley’s “Blue” Themed Second Birthday

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Ainsley turned two last Saturday and we had a little birthday party to celebrate! While I didn’t want to go “all out” for a second birthday celebration, I couldn’t resist throwing a party to celebrate our favorite toddler. The party was mostly family, with a few friends as well, and we kept the plan simple: Cake, letting the kids run wild around the house, fun time for the adults to chat and that’s it! Joe and I both have fall … Read More

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Healthy Chocolate Mug Cake for One

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I don’t care what the circumstances are, every single night I need to end the evening on a sweet note. Truth be told, my body just doesn’t enjoy or tolerate sugar well these days, probably because I don’t eat much of it anymore, but I still have a sweet tooth that begs to be satisfied when Joe and I crash on the couch at the end of the evening. Usually I try to keep my little nightly “dessert” to around … Read More

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To my momma friends, on the hard days.

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Well friends, it’s safe to say that it’s been a week around these parts. I don’t share that to seek sympathy or encouragement, but something tells me that perhaps some of you other moms have had one of those weeks, too? This week what I thought was a nasty cold or strange sickness for Ainsley turned out to be two year old molars coming in, which should also be known as the worst teething we’ve ever experienced. I’m not sure … Read More

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Freezer Meals for New Moms :: Meatballs

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I feel like I have a dozen friends or family members due with babies in the next six months. I’m not even joking when I say a dozen – it’s babies and more babies. I suppose it’s probably just the phase of life we are in right now, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about freezer meals both for my own postpartum phase as well as meals to bring to friends who are anticipating a new little one. … Read More

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No-Bake Chewy Granola Bites

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

We are currently working on a home renovation in our basement! Last year we targeted the upstairs and this winter I set my sights on our basement, which needed a LOT of work, I tell ya! By the way, I know that a house tour is long overdue. It’s been a work in progress in terms of design, which is why I’ve held off on sharing anything besides an occasional Instagram photo, but I promise I’m going to get my … Read More

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Toddler Sleep :: Solving Early Morning Waking

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

If there is one thing our friends and family know about Ainsley’s sleep patterns, is’t that she is a morning person by nature. Like her parents, Ainsley is an early bird. Too early, if you ask me, but I can’t really blame her when Joe and I are both awake most weekdays by 5 or 5:30 and hardly ever sleep in past 6:30 even when we have the chance. About two months ago I hit a point where the early … Read More

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On Trusting My Body

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

{Hatch Collection Bateau Top} // {GAP Demi Pannel Maternity Skinny Jeans} Today I went to my doctor’s appointment. I’m 25 weeks pregnant, meaning I’ve got about 15 more weeks to go, and every time I have to step on the scale I cringe just a little bit. I would be lying if I said, given some of my past issues with body image, that it’s easy for me to see my body growing and changing rapidly. Actually, this time around … Read More

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Brown Butter Chopped Pecan Pie

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Good morning, friends and happy Monday! I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging lately, as I’ve had a few conversations with friends who have blogged but now are choosing to close their blogs, to say goodbye to sharing their life online. Or, should I say, sharing more in other formats like podcasts and Instagram rather than a blog. I’ll admit that sometimes blogging these days feels a little like, “Hello? Is anyone listening?” With all the other choices out there … Read More