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Maternity Capsule Wardrobe

In Fashion, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

During Ainsley’s pregnancy I sincerely wish someone had sat me down and told me this piece of advice: When it comes to shopping for maternity clothes, buy high quality, classic pieces that you love and that make you feel great. Invest in a capsule wardrobe now and you won’t regret it. You see, I got trapped into the idea that pregnancy is only nine months. Why spend money on clothes you will only wear for a short period of time, … Read More

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My Prenatal Supplement Routine // What + Why

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I posted a photo to Instagram the other day sharing the little handful of vitamins and supplements I take on the regular when I’m pregnant. This routine varies slightly from when I’m not pregnant, and I got a lot of questions about what and why I take each supplement. While I’m the first to say that I’m not an expert on the topic, I’ve done my fair share of research and feel this is a good, well-rounded fit for me … Read More

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Coffee Talk

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Do you ever find your mind is so cluttered that you can’t really think straight? I’ve been in that space for quite a while and I think it’s starting to take its toll. If we sat down and had coffee, if you asked about my work I would probably tell you about how wonderful it is. It is! I’ve been so thankful and grateful to have been blessed with a growing and flourishing freelance business in 2016. Developing recipes and … Read More

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Dressing the Bump // 23 Weeks Comfy Casual

In Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

                                Jeans {AG Skinny Maternity Jeans} // Top {TJ Maxx} // Booties {Nordstrom Rack – Similar Here} When it comes to maternity fashion, I’ve never been a huge fan of the obviously “maternity” pieces of clothing. Empire waist tops and dresses and ruched tops work for some (many?) people but they’ve never felt like they fit my style. A lot of the tops and dresses … Read More

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Postpartum Hair (again)

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

If you’re anything like my husband, then you’re probably bored with hearing me talk about my hair woes over the last (nearly) two years. It’s been a constant battle for me, and it seems almost comical that my baby is going to be two next month and I’m still talking about “postpartum hair” as if it just happened six months ago. I’ve been troubled by postpartum hair loss and subsequent re-growth since Ainsley was four months old and the hair … Read More

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Baby Hofmeyer #2 is a….

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

GIRL! We are shocked (both of us thought it was a boy) and really, really excited to welcome another little lady into our growing family. I get all teary eyed thinking about Ainsley having a sister to share so many wonderful memories with in the years to come. Although she doesn’t quite understand yet, I keep assuring her that this is the best news of her little life. She keeps running around the house saying, “Baby Margaret!” (all you Daniel … Read More

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Dressing the Bump // 21 Weeks

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry30 Comments

Ribbed Peplum Long Sleeved Maternity Top {Pink Blush Maternity} Jeans {AG Stella Skinny Maternity Jeans} Booties {Nordstrom Rack last year} Peplum Sweater Top {Pink Blush Maternity} Jeans {AG Stella Skinny Maternity Jeans} Booties {Nordstrom Rack last year} Happy New Year, friends! I’m so looking forward to what 2017 has in store, but I’ll admit that 2016 was a year that set the bar pretty high. One of the things I’m most looking forward to in the year to come is … Read More

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Working Out While Pregnant // Second Trimester Edition

In Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

*I am not a medical professional and this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any fitness program, especially during pregnancy.  Hello! It’s me again. I feel like I’ve gone into a sort of blog hiatus of sorts, with my website crashing right before Thanksgiving, taking it out of commission for two weeks, and then the holidays and getting sick right after Christmas. Well, needless to say that I’m looking forward to a … Read More

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Potsafe :: safer cooking with kids

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by Potsafe in association with The Women Bloggers. As always, all opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that support E&C! #safecooking  When I became a parent, one of the things I looked forward to most was being able to cook with my daughter from a young age. I remember my mom giving me so much freedom in the kitchen, cooking and mixing and helping her along the way, and it really helped foster … Read More

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seeking, seeing and affirming the best

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Let me brag on my husband for a quick second, will you? On Monday I returned from five days away with my mom in NYC. My mom took me as her plus one on a fun work-related trip, so our schedule was predetermined, and I was a little nervous about leaving for five whole days. I’ve gone on weekends away, even four days, but five days away from Ainsley (and five days of solo parenting duty for Joe) was a … Read More

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Cut-Out Sugar Cookies with Buttercream Frosting

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

First, I need to say a big thank you to everyone who hung with me these last few weeks. I know that service on Espresso and Cream has been very spotty and the site completely crashed in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. But I’m happy to report that the site is now up and running on a brand new server that should be large enough to accommodate Espresso and Cream readers for a long time to come. Whew!  One … Read More

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Christmas Cards 2016

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Growing up one of my favorite memories around the holidays was getting Christmas cards in the mail throughout the months of November and December. I’ll admit that I wasn’t always the most willing participant in being a part of our own family Christmas cards, but I do remember it always being a big deal. What outfits would be worn? Where would we take them to make the photo unique? Would we get them taken before the freezing temps and cold … Read More