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Pie of the Week #6 // Apple-Cran-Raspberry Pie

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This week’s pie of the week might not be for everyone. Whew. Okay, I feel like I just needed to get that out there before waxing poetic about how much I love this pie, because it’s true. It’s not a pie that everyone will love, but I certainly love it and will be making it more than once this holiday season. Inspired by homemade cranberry sauce – the stuff you make with real, whole cranberries, not the stuff in a … Read More

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Family Fitness + First Trimester Workouts

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

It’s crazy for me to think that at 14 weeks pregnant, I am now officially out of the first trimester. Everyone’s favorite question to ask a pregnant woman is, “How are you feeling?” Truth is, I’ve been feeling less than stellar with non-stop morning (err evening) sickness and falling asleep on the couch every evening around 8:30 pm. Staying committed and focused on fitness has been a challenge, but I’ve been determined to stick to a consistent fitness routine with … Read More

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Pie of the Week #6 // S’Mores Pie

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Today’s pie of the week is a good one, my friends! Okay, if you’re my husband then you probably disagree – the man has a serious dislike of “fluffy” things including pudding and whipped cream, which is why I decided to gift this pie to my mom’s co-workers rather than keeping it in our house. That said, if I was left with this pie in the house it wouldn’t be long before I would eat the entire thing on my … Read More

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Pie of the Week #5 // Pumpkin Cream

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’m a serious fan of pumpkin pie. It’s always the pie that I gravitate toward at the dessert table on Thanksgiving and the first pie I think of making when the calendar turns over to fall. So naturally, I’ve already made a handful of pies this fall, including a pumpkin pie of the more classic variety, but when I saw a recipe in Food & Wine for Pumpkin Cream Pie, I knew it had to be made and shared as … Read More

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Fall Favorites: Beauty

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

It’s been a while since I did a good product round-up, hasn’t it? I’ve added so many new beauty and personal care products to my list of favorites and have been really behind on sharing them with you all, so what better day than Friday to talk about something as fun and makeup and beauty products? 1. Beautycounter’s New Makeup Palettes (above) These palettes just launched as part of the Holiday 2016 collection and they’re beautiful! Previously, my eye shadow, … Read More

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Weeknight Dinner // Pepperoni Pizza Boats

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’ve been thinking a lot (and I mean a LOT) about what I want Espresso and Cream to look like in the next couple of years. As I mentioned a while back, I was feeling seriously lack for inspiration and guidance on what I wanted this space to be. When you’ve had a blog for over seven years it morphs and changes over time and I was left feeling that my site had become less cohesive than ever before. A … Read More

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Double Peanut Butter Snack Bites

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I’ve gotten a fair number of questions over the last year about feeding Ainsley, and toddlers in general, and limiting their consumption of sugary snacks. Sadly, I am probably not the best person to ask. Because there’s the parent I thought I would be in my head and the parent I actually am in real life, and that parent is one who probably lets her child have one too many sugary treats on more than a few occasions. It’s become so … Read More

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Oh, baby!

In Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Because I know not all of you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I should start by saying that yesterday we made it internet official and announced that we are cautiously, hopefully anticipating the arrival of another little one in May. It’s been an incredibly fearful first trimester, complete will tearful calls to the doctor, late night worrying and lots and lots of prayers. Maybe pleading would be a better way to describe my prayers? Lord, please deal kindly with … Read More

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Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

In Family, Infertility and Miscarriage by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

October is my birthday month, and it has always been one of my favorite months of the year. It’s also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, a fact I was blissfully unaware of until a few years ago when I was struggling with my own feelings of loss and grief over miscarrying our first child the month prior. I’ve been so grateful to have connected with so many of you over the years who have resonated with my posts about … Read More

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Pie Week #4 // Blueberry

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This week has been good and busy and long and short all at once. Joe has been traveling for work (returning home today!) meaning I’ve been manning down the fort at home. I love my days at home with Ainsley, usually Thursday and Friday each week, but if I do a poor job at planning activities, outings and strategic errand running, said days can seem awfully long when they start at 6 am and don’t end until 8 pm. All … Read More

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In Family, Fashion, Food & Recipes, Infertility and Miscarriage by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

Today I turn 29. I can’t believe that when this blog started, I was just 22 years old, a senior in college, without any background in blogging or the internet world. I wanted to post recipes of food that I loved. I was interning at a lifestyle magazine and working in their food section and inspired by this huge, brand-new world that was suddenly opened to me. Back then I had unlimited amounts of time and few commitments other than … Read More

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Pie Week #3 // Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

You’ll have to forgive me for missing one week of my pie-per-week challenge. Already, I’m only three weeks into this thing and I’ve missed a week? #badblogger Needless to say, I think I’m going to have to develop a strategy for how we can gift these pies to friends and family throughout the challenge. Although my husband is happy to eat the pies all by himself (you should see this man eat pie) I think for the sake of health … Read More