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Fall Fashion Basics

In Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post was sponsored by JORD Wood Watches but all opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Espresso and Cream.  Dress: Old Navy Knit Swing Dress || Watch: JORD Wood Watch – Cora Series, Koa & Rose Gold || Shoes: Coolway Open Toe Booties  Lately I’ve been pairing down my wardrobe in favor of pieces that I truly love and am happy to wear time and time again. It seems that everyone is in pursuit of a … Read More

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Ultimate Chocolate Layer Cake // Joe’s 29th Birthday Cake

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Every year I make my husband a birthday cake, and every year Joe asks me to bake a chocolate cake. One of Joe’s favorite recipes of all time is a recipe I developed a couple years ago when I was working for Betty Crocker. Let’s be clear when I say that yes, this cake starts with boxed cake mix, but it’s anything but ordinary. Actually, I should clarify that I have nothing against boxed cake mix in certain situations, including … Read More

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Donut Wednesday

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

This summer Ainsley and I started a tradition called Donut Wednesday. If you follow me over on IG, chances are you’ve seen a few photos of our weekly donut dates, where I take my coffee along with me to the bakery (because the bakery has such bad coffee) and Ainsley orders a sprinkle donut and proceeds to eat all the sprinkles off the top of the donut. I’m convinced she is my child because she loves sweets just like her … Read More

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Pie Week #2 // Apple

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Whew. Coming in right under the gun and posting a second pie recipe before the week is over. I made this pie twice in the last week, and I’ve found that pie making is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do. First, because it’s relaxing and second, because there is nothing like the look of delight on someone’s face when you say that yes, you brought them pie, and yes, it’s from scratch. Oh, and it’s a great … Read More

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miscarriage, fertility and the value of life

In Family, Infertility and Miscarriage by Madison Mayberry18 Comments

This post has been mulling around in my head for weeks. I feel as if the writing on this blog has been full of fluff and low on substance, lacking the meaty content that comes in waves depending on the season of life I’m in. Truth be told, seasons of shallow writing usually mean one of two things for me: things are going really, really well or things are going very poorly. Though this time, it’s a little bit of … Read More

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Favorite Early Fall Old Navy Finds

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Top: Old Navy Classic Chambray Shirt // Jeans: Madewell High Riser Skinny  // Shoes: Coolway Open To Booties While I love quality in my clothing for the most part, I have a fair number of pieces from Old Navy as well. Their clothes are trendy and adorable, and if you pick your pieces right, they can stand the test of time. You just need to know what you’re looking for. Over time I’ve found certain materials and styles from Old Navy just … Read More

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Strawberry Pie // Week 1

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Last weekend I promised to make three pies for a friend of my sister-in-law. Sure, I thought, no big deal! But my pie-making skills (specifically my crust-making skills have gotten a little rusty and I realized quickly that I needed to use it or lose it. I had certainly lost “it.” Being the stubborn one that I am, I made over 12 batches of crust (?!) and researched countless methods before landing on a recipe that that was easy, flaky, … Read More

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my thoughts on work and motherhood

In Family by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

This past weekend I spent time with my dear friend Laura, as well as some online friends turned real-life friends, including the other half of the Risen Motherhood Podcast, Emily. If you’ve read their blogs or listen to the podcast, let me tell you that they are both as wonderful in person as they are online. I’ve been so thankful for their perspectives, encouragement and the tough questions that they ask, challenging me to think about things in a new … Read More

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Fueling My Family

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

A couple posts back I talked about choosing the right vitamins for your family. Joe takes Vitamin Code Men from Garden of Life and we give Ainsley Vitamin Code Kids from the same company. Well, when the folks over at Garden of Life saw my blog post, they were so kind to offer to send some additional products my way as a thank-you. Let’s be clear, Garden of Life is in no way sponsoring this post, but I was so … Read More

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Health, Wellness and Fitness Bootcamps

In Family by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

*Edited to add: This post is in no way meant to bash fitness bootcamps or the value of them. A ton of people have and can benefit from a jump start to reaching their health and fitness goals. In fact, my sister-in-law leads a bunch of really great bootcamps for those who are interested. This is simply a reflection on the food tracking portion and how those with disordered eating in their past may need to think carefully about that … Read More

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MTHFR and The Best Vitamins for Adults + Kids

In Family by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

*I am not a doctor and this advice should not be taken as medical advice. These are my personal recommendations and you should seek the advice and council of your doctor with all issues related to your personal heath. I’ve been deeply passionate about health and nutrition for almost as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until Joe and I started having issues getting + staying pregnant that I really started to learn more about what I was … Read More

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My Daily Top 4

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

While I love playing around with makeup and changing up my look for special occasions, the products I use on a daily basis rarely change. With a busy 17-month-old running around the house while I try to get ready, I hardly have more than 5 minutes to do my makeup and maybe another 5 to do my hair before the day begins. It’s a fast and furious rush to get put together before the babysitter arrives. Any mommas relate? Almost … Read More