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Yes, I sell things. You probably do, too.

In Family by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Hello, my name is Madison and I sell things on the internet. And in person, too, but for the sake of this blog post, we’re going to focus on the business of selling things on the internet through direct sales (also known as MLM or “pyramid schemes” for the most cynical, and uninformed, out there.) For years I said that being involved in direct sales of any type was just not for me. Nope. Never. I didn’t want to leverage … Read More

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Thriving in the Chaos of Motherhood

In Family by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Confession time: I’ve never been someone who functions particularly well in a state of chaos. Raised primarily as an only-child, I’ve always been accustomed to a specific level and amount of quiet in my everyday. An introverted extrovert, I’ve always needed my own space to unwind and adored a quiet, tidy house at the end of the day. And then motherhood happened, and maintaining my sense of balance, order and peace became a whole lot harder. If I’m being honest, … Read More

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KEEP Collective // Memory Piece

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

It seems fitting that the week I shared about finding hope in miscarriage over at Risen Motherhood, I would also share about a piece of jewelry that honors our babies, both living and in heaven. Holly Peterman, a designer with KEEP Collective, reached out a few months ago about working together to create a custom piece of jewelry, and after some thought I knew what I wanted to create. After some back and forth with Holly, who was super helpful mocking … Read More

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Denim Shorts for Moms

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I know we’re already half way through the summer, but it took me about that long to find good shorts for summertime. Now that I’m a mom, I feel like there is a little bit more of an obligation to dress with a bit more modesty, but I’m not about to hang up my denim cut-offs in favor of Bermuda shorts. I’m sorry, I just can’t. So, I’ve scoured the internet for the best shorts, asked you for recommendations, and … Read More

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How to Style Your Lob (Long Bob)

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

A week ago, I decided (nay, my stylist decided) that cutting off two inches was a good idea for the health of my hair. And while I’m never a big fan of getting a hair cut, I have to admit that having blunt, healthy ends and a little more style to my cut really does feel good. My hair is just a little too short to be considered a true “lob” but I’ve been styling it like I would if … Read More

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these are the good old days

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

There are no words to describe the joy it brings me being Ainsley’s mom. This child of mine? Well, like any other mom on the planet, I think she’s the most amazing, special and delightful kid I’ve ever met. After we got over the craziness of the newborn days, which weren’t my favorite, I found motherhood to be a fairly natural transition. It was hard to give up the freedom and independence I was accustomed to, but it was nothing … Read More

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Get the Look :: Summer Makeup + Hair

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

HAIR // As you know, I’ve been growing out my hair for quite some time, but the postpartum transition has been hard on my hair. The hair loss and awkward re-growth left my ends super dry and unhealthy, so my stylist finally convinced me yesterday that cutting two inches off and going a little dark on the roots/lighter on the ends was necessary. Although I’ll admit that my hair feels short now, I am seriously loving the spunky feel and … Read More

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Healthy Peanut Butter-Chocolate Pudding

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Once upon a time, Espresso and Cream was a food-only blog. Do you remember those days? If you’ve been reading for the 6+ years I’ve been blogging (where did the time go?!) then you probably do remember that I used to consistently post recipes and very little about anything else. Sometimes I look back at the days of leisurely cooking meals for two with a lot of nostalgia. These days it’s more of a dinnertime rush to get a meal … Read More

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What I want to teach my daughter about her body

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

My daughter is only 15 months old, and already I’m thinking about what I want to teach her about her body. As a toddler Ainsley is blissfully unaware of how she looks, other than when she sees herself in the mirror and giggles in delight at her own reflection, which I love. Already, I see how she mirrors me, copies what I do and tries to be just like mommy. Frequently I have Ainsley in the bathroom when I get … Read More

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Picky Toddlers + Healthy Foods

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I am no expert in feeding toddlers, but every time I post a photo of Ainsley’s lunches using the #EasyBabyEats hashtag on Instagram, I get a lot of questions on how the heck I get her to eat everything that I make. The short answer? I don’t! I never want to deceive you into thinking that Ainsley is the world’s best eater, because for a few months we’ve had some challenges with pickiness/feeding the dogs her food/only wanting to eat … Read More

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A Safer Summer

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Over the years you’ve probably heard me talk about sun protection and skin cancer prevention from time to time. Growing up with a dad who has survived two bouts with melanoma and numerous other skin cancers, I’ve become a little militant with my use and encouragement of others using sunscreen. I’ll admit that I haven’t always been so good about sun protection, but as I’ve gotten older I shudder at the thought of what I did to my skin when … Read More

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My Haircare Routine

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my hair lately, so I thought I would do a little post about how I care for my hair and the process of growing it out over the years. About two years ago I made a commitment to growing out my hair. I’ve always had medium-length hair and wanted long hair but was never able to get over them hump of mid-length hair. There have been about a thousand times in the last two years … Read More