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We Can’t Have It All (and that’s OK)

In Family by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I spent a lot of time while pregnant with Ainsley trying to figure out how I was going to “have it all” as a working mom, wife, friend and blogger. I read articles and strategized and figured that those who didn’t have it all were just bad at time management and prioritization. After all, we’re told that we can have it all everywhere we turn, right? But now, 15 months into this mothering gig, I’ve realized that just simply isn’t … Read More

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Feeding a Toddler // Morning Glory Muffins

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry26 Comments

This is a sponsored post written in partnership with The Women Bloggers and Kendal King Group. All thoughts and opinions are my own. #CookingWithGerber If you follow me on Instagram, chances are you’ve seen these muffins pop up multiple times. I share Ainsley’s meals using the #EasyBabyEats hashtag on Instagram, and it’s been fun to look back through all the different meals I’ve prepared for her when she’s off at her babysitter’s house. Her meals have changed a lot over the months, … Read More

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Flying with a Toddler // What’s in My Bag

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

*Edited to say: Ainsley and I were supposed to fly out to Idaho yesterday. We had a tight connection in Denver (a little under an hour) and our flight was so delayed leaving Sioux Falls that we would have missed the flight all together. We checked into our options to get to Boise if we made it to Denver but missed our connecting flight, and the choices were less than stellar. We would have been stuck in Denver until 7 … Read More

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What needs to be said about social media

In Family by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

I posed a shorter version of this on Facebook last week, but I thought it was worth expanding on in a post. You can find the original post here.  Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about social media. You know, posts about how people are “too perfect” or there is a pressure to feel more put together, to curate and create beautiful content. And on the surface I totally understand. I was having a conversation with someone not … Read More

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My Top Tips for Stress-Free Entertaining

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of The Women Bloggers in association with @KendalKingGroup and #SoapboxInfluence; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 1 // Stick with what you know This isn’t the time to whip out a new recipe. Stick with recipes you’re comfortable and familiar with. And if you are going to try something new, make sure to give it a test run beforehand or pick a recipe that you know won’t fall flat or … Read More

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Morning Coffee

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

When designing our kitchen, one of my priorities was to have a little “coffee nook” where I could keep all my mugs, coffee machine and a few other decorative items. As you all already know, coffee is my life blood and my day couldn’t start without a steaming hot cup of joe every morning, and a cup in the mid afternoon, and some decaf in the evenings after dinner. I mean, this blog is called Espresso and Cream for a … Read More

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Slow down, momma!

In Family by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Like many days before it, one day last week I was rushed. We had been stuck inside for a couple days because of endless rain and cold wind, and I was, admittedly, going a little stir crazy being cooped up inside with a teething toddler who wanted to climb on all the things and a to-do list a mile long. That say, like every other day, I was trying to strike a balance between getting things done and being a … Read More

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Weekend Breakfast // Brown Sugar Bacon

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Weekend brunching was one of my favorite things to do in Minneapolis when we lived there. Picking out a new restaurant or visiting an old favorite first thing Saturday morning, drinking really wonderful lattes and getting a slow start to the weekend. Since Joe and I are morning people (and now, so is our kid) we’ve always been the kind of people who were first to brunch, meaning we could skip the lines and masses of people, too. Sadly, weekend brunch … Read More

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Hummus Platter Made Easy

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of The Women Bloggers in association with @KendalKingGroup and #SoapboxInfluence; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. As a vegetarian, hummus is my go-to food of choice for adding protein to meals and added flavor to sandwiches. It’s crazy how much hummus we go through in our house each week, and I’m the only one eating it! I’ve been all over the hummus board, making it myself from scratch, buying it … Read More

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Best Anthro Finds Under $100

In Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I think one of the best ways to analyze your wardrobe is to look through what you have in your closet and examine the pieces that have stood the test of time. You know, the tops and dresses and pants that have been with you for years, that you keep coming back to wearing and loving time and time again. It’s been by doing this that I’ve really been able to see what stores are worth buying clothes from and … Read More

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An Expert’s Guide to Wine

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Madison’s Note // Friends, I have a treat for you today! My dear dar friend, Emily, is sharing all about wine. While I don’t claim to be an expert on all things wine, I do like to drink my fair share. When I was texting with Emily a few weeks ago about a handful of wine questions, she graciously volunteered to share some of her expert tips one how to select the best wine and, more importantly, how to find … Read More

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide // The Products I Love

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

1. Beautycounter’s Lip Sheer // Twig, Petal and Rose are my favorites! This lip color is sheer enough for people like me who don’t love highly pigmented lipstick while also providing a nice pop of color. I’m convinced that lip color is now a must-have for every woman. 2. Color Sweep Blush Duo // The Bloom/Tulip duo is my new fave Every momma could use a little something to make her look less tired, am I right? This blush duo will … Read More