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Don’t Miss the Point

In Family by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

It’s no secret that Joe and I are a little bit like a 70-year-old couple. We like to go to bed at a decent hour, wake up early, watch the Nightly News after dinner and watch 60 Minutes on Sunday nights. I have no shame in my love for 60 Minutes – it always leaves me feeling a little more informed about current events and is a great conversation started for us as a couple since they frequently talk about … Read More

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Easy Baby Eats // Banana Date “Milkshake”

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

As promised, I have another recipe to share with you in my “Easy Baby Eats” series. I’m hoping to make this a more regular part of Espresso and Cream, because feeding a baby is, well, a challenge sometimes. I’m trying my very best to feed Ainsley healthy foods and encourage good eating habits as she gets older, and at the same time it can be so frustrating when you spend a lot of time making a healthy meal only to … Read More

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Only the best for you, baby

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, then you already know that I can’t stop talking about the new Beautycounter Baby line that launched this week. I’ve said this before, but when I was trying to get pregnant with Ainsley (and having some trouble) I became increasingly interested and aware of the impact skincare products can have on our health, hormones and more. It was around that time that I discovered Beautycounter and started using their skincare, and later … Read More

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When Worry Wins

In Family by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

When Ainsley was born, the first thing that the doctor said was “She has such a beautiful little body!” And me? “Oh my gosh, Joe, she’s perfect!” was quickly followed by, “Are her ears funny?” We laugh about that now, but at the time it was anything but funny for a first-time momma. You see Ainsley was born with little skin tags on the outside of her ears; her ears were completely normal, except for these funny little tags on … Read More

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Ainsley’s First Birthday Party!

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Last Thursday Ainsley turned one! And we celebrated all weekend long with a party on Saturday, family in from out of town and a baby dedication at church on Sunday. It was a busy weekend filled with truly special memories that I’ll carry with me forever. I thought I would be much sappier, but honestly I was just so excited to celebrate one wonderful year with Ainsley and the fact that we survived a whole year as parents! Ainsley’s party … Read More

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Easy Baby Eats // Cashew Cream

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Yesterday, my baby turned 1! I’ll be back with a full post about the birthday festivities (we’re having a party this weekend!) but today I wanted to share with you a recipe that I’ve been making for little Ainsley. I’ve been posting some of Ainsley’s favorite recipes on my Instagram account and have had a lot of you asking for recipes. Well, I don’t really have any intention to turn this into a baby/toddler food blog, but I do want … Read More

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Risen Motherhood // An interview with Emily & Laura

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’ve been excited about today’s post for weeks, you guys! As many of you know, my friend Laura blogs over at Oakland Avenue. Laura and I went to college together and then lived in Minneapolis at the same time for a couple years. While living in Minneapolis, I started reading Laura’s sister-in-law’s blog, Emily Jensen Writes. I’ve been constantly challenged and encouraged by both of these amazing ladies – their heart for the Gospel and for raising Godly children, their … Read More

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San Francisco Travel Guide

In Family by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

As previously mentioned, Joe and I had the chance to run around San Francisco for two days kid-free. It was wonderful, it was hard, it was strange. Well, it was all of the above. Honestly, it was just really nice to have two full days (plus a travel day) to spend with my favorite guy, on Valentine’s Day weekend, to boot! Since we both had horrible colds we didn’t get out and about quite as much as we would have … Read More

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Favorite Anthro Finds

In Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Marrakech Knit City Jacket || Old Navy Pleated Crepe Dress || Nine West Booties (similar) This past weekend Joe and I were in San Francisco for a little weekend getaway. Joe was in California for work, so I joined him for the long weekend. I ended up getting sick while I was out there, as did Joe, but it was fun to be able to spend a few days as a couple sleeping in, eating out and doing whatever we … Read More

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Thoughts From 30,000 Feet

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’m writing to you from 30,000 feet somewhere between Chicago and San Francisco. Joe had a work training in San Francisco for the week which ended on Thursday afternoon, so I decided to hop on a plane and join him for a long weekend away. It also happened to be Valentine’s Day weekend, which worked out pretty nice. Okay, the way I wrote that made it sound a lot more spontaneous, but in actuality there was a lot of pre-planning … Read More

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Dressing Baby // Gap Finds Under $50

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Before having a baby, I had no idea how much I would enjoy dressing Miss Ainsley! I swore I wouldn’t be one of those moms who was obsessed with cute girly clothes but I’m totally eating my words. There are just so many adorable options. Our favorites stores for kids clothes are Gap Kids, Old Navy, Crazy 8 and the second hand store when we can score a few good deals on our favorite brand-name clothes. There is also a … Read More

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Tips for Work-At-Home Success

In Family by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

In August (when Joe and I moved from Minneapolis to Iowa) I decided to make a big career change and transition from working in the corporate world to working at home in a couple different capacities. The biggest question I get these days is “What do you do?” and it’s always a tough question to answer because I’m doing quite a few different things! Working multiple creative jobs is a little nutty at times, but it’s also been the biggest … Read More