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How to *authentically* monetize your blog

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Monetizing your blog. Chances are if you have a blog, you’ve either thought about ways to make money on your site or you’re currently pursuing ways to make money. From the start I’ve been in favor of making money on my site; writing a blog and producing quality content is time consuming and sometimes expensive (especially when you’re developing recipes of posting photos of outfits, etc.) so it seems sensible to mitigate those expenses when possible. Just because you make … Read More

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9 Months In + 9 Months Out :: The Post-Baby Body

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

I had been meaning to write this post a bit sooner, closer to when Ainsley was 9 months old. She’s now almost 10 months, but the thoughts remain the same. Before having Ainsley I was really worried about the physical transformation of pregnancy and the toll it would take on my body. Having been so outspoken about our trouble having a baby, I didn’t voice many of those concerns for fear that it would sound shallow and silly in light … Read More

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Favorite Baby Items :: 6-9 Months

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

1. Fisher-Price Baby Grand Piano I bought one of these when Ainsley was around 4 months old and it’s been such a hit ever since! She continues to play with it at 9+ months and loves to stand, play with the keys and play music. It’s one of the least annoying music-making toys she has. 😉 2. VTech Sit to Stand Walker We don’t have this exact version (we have an older one from a garage sale…) but Ainsley has … Read More

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Work + Motherhood :: During Cold + Flu Season

In Family by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

The Hofmeyer family has been having a rough go at it lately with illness. I have been told that the first winter with kids is ROUGH – a non-stop merry-go-round of passing around crud from church nurseries and play dates and shopping carts. (PS: I was reminded by my friend Laura not to look for someone to blame when she shared this article!) Over Thanksgiving in Florida with my family Ainsley spiked a high fever from an ear infection. After … Read More

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Holiday Gift Guide (for him)

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

1. Nest Learning Thermostat My husband loves to save money and he loves tech-y things. The Nest combines the two! This thermostat has gotten rave reviews from all our friends who have one, and I’m dying to purchase one when our home remodel is complete. It learns how your live, and then adjusts your thermostat automatically, saving your money and keeping your home a comfy temp. 2. Cell Phone Case/Wallet This cell phone case has a pocket inside that holds credit … Read More

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The Daddy-Daughter Connection

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

When we told people we were having a little girl, I got a lot of comments from friends and family about the daddy-daughter connection that our baby would have with her dad. I’m super close to my own dad, so I was hopeful that Ainsley would feel the same connection with Joe. Over the last 9 months, it’s been so fun to see their relationship develop and grow. Joe will be the first to tell you that the first three … Read More

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Christmas Gift Guide for Her (all under $100)

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

1. “Wifey” T-Shirt | Ily Couture I bought the sweatshirt version of this for my sister who just got married this year and it was a hit! I own an Ily Couture product and absolutely love how soft the material is that they use and the cute, cheeky sayings. 2. The Quinn Necklace | Natalie Borton I love supporting small business owners, and I was so excited when my blog buddy Natalie decided to open up her own jewelry shop. Her … Read More

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Homemade Vanilla Eggnog Latte

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

This week we got hammered with more snow and ice, and while I’m usually prone to complain about the winter weather, this year I’ve made it my goal to be more positive about winter, focusing on the coziness of the season, the special drinks and treats that we get to enjoy when the weather is cold and the fun snow-focused activities. Plus, is there anything more peaceful that a late-evening walk outside when the snow is falling and the streets … Read More

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Holiday Pilates

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

  My friend Robin is a pilates instructor and founder of The Balanced Life. I’ve mentioned Robin before, but it bears repeating that she has one of the most balanced, authentic voices in the fitness community. A balanced approach to fitness during the holidays? Now that’s something I can get behind. And while I love the sweet treats and celebratory foods that come with the season, my goal come January is to feel fit and healty while also feeling like … Read More

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My Heart is Heavy

In Family by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

For the last couple months (while we were moving and living with my mom before we closed on our house, and moving into our new house) we sort of just took a break from watching the news. It wasn’t intentional, but our life was so crazy busy that we sort of got out of our typical routine of watching the nightly news and a bit of news in the morning. But then we moved into our home and re-established our … Read More

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Diaper Bag Dilemma – Solved!

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I’ve always had a thing for pretty purses and handbags. For as long as I can remember, it’s been my go-to indulgence accessory. That is, until I became a mom. I dutifully committed to carrying a very traditional diaper bag when Ainsley was born, because most of the pretty, fashionable diaper bags I looked at just didn’t seem very functional. And while I might love fashion, I wasn’t willing to sacrifice function with a little one in tow. While I … Read More

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Let’s Talk Postpartum Hair

In Family, Fashion by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I was prepared for a lot of the typical things about the postpartum stage of life, but I was completely unprepared for postpartum hair. Sure, friends told me you would lose a lot of hair after having a baby, but I guess I didn’t really understand that the hair you lost would eventually grow back in. And the regrowth, you guys? It’s about 100x worse than the hair loss! After I quit breastfeeding the hair loss began. The thick, amazing … Read More