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Half Braid Hair

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Good morning, friends! Although I’m working from home and coffee shops these days rather than an office filled with other well-dressed professionals, I’m still making an effort to do my hair, wear nicer clothes and put a little makeup on in order to feel more productive. My post-baby hair regrowth is out of control. As pictured below, I’ve got a lot of little baby hairs growing back where I lost all my hair earlier this year. It’s an unfortunate situation, … Read More

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Shop Small: Hill Collection Designs

In Family by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Since I’ve become a mom, I’ve developed a HUGE passion for supporting other moms and women entreprenuers. I know that for me, after having Ainsley I was looking for a way to take my passion for writing, social media and recipe development and transfer that into a career that allowed me a bit more flexibility and allowed me to spend a little more time with Ainsley during the week. It’s a dream to be able to develop recipes at home, … Read More

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What I’m Loving: Fall Edition

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

1. One Love Organics: Vitamin B Cleansing Oil + Makeup Remover  This has been my go-to face wash for a while, but I especially love it in the winter when my skin is prone to dryness. It doesn’t 2. Dead Sea Mud Mask by Pure Body Naturals  This mud mask is gentle on my skin but leaves it feeling smooth, refreshed and clear. I use it about once a week. 3. The Lounge Bralette by Victoria’s Secret Seriously the most comfortable … Read More

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Twin Cities Health Care Guide

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is for all you Minneapolis-St. Paul residents! I get a LOT of e-mails asking for recommendations on doctors, acupunturists, etc. I thought it would be helpful to have all my recommendations in one place to help others looking for specific doctors, therapists and the like. Of course, I don’t mind getting e-mails. In fact, I love them! But this round-up will do the amazing people I’ve worked with much more justice than a quick e-mail could do. Feel … Read More

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What’s On My Coffee Table

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

We are smack dab in the middle of my favorite season and I’m soaking up every minute of the crisp-yet-warm weather we’re enjoying in the Midwest. Our new house is slowly coming together, and although we won’t be officially done with our renovation until early next year, I’m trying to make our in-progress house feel as put together and cozy as possible in the meantime. That means chili on the stovetop, coffee brewing around the clock, fall-scented candles burning and … Read More

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Long Live T-Shirt Dresses

In Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I’ve been slowly transitioning my wardrobe over the last couple months. Now that my postpartum body has settled a bit and isn’t changing every two weeks, I feel more confident that the clothes I buy will still fit two months from now. Add on top of that the fact that fall is here and I’m working a more casual job these days and my wardrobe needs have changed. This t-shirt dress is everyone’s friend. It’s comfortable (oh so comfy!) and … Read More

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Sweet and Salty Roasted Kalettes

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

If I had to choose my favorite vegetable, I would have a seriously difficult time deciding between kale and Brussels sprouts. I know, I know, how chilché and expected, right? But here’s the thing about food trends: most of the time foods become trendy because they’re actually really delicious, so I’ll sing the praises of trendy veggies for as long as I live. Why all this talk about kale and Brussels sprouts? Well, I recently tried Kalettes, a kale-Brussels sprout … Read More

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Yellow Cake + Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Joe recently celebrated his 28th birthday. I can’t believe that we’ve been celebrating birthdays together for the last 6 years. Where in the world has the time gone? This husband of mine, well I have to say that I think he’s the best. The nearly 4+ years we’ve been married and the years we dated before that (including a little while in high school, too!) have been some of the most wonderful, heartbreaking, difficult, joy-filled years of my life. Isn’t … Read More

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Make Motherhood Your Own

In Family by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

For the last three days I’ve had the JOY to spend three uninterrupted days with women from around the country at The Influence Conference. I met up with my sister-in-law, Amber, and good friend, Laura, for some much-needed girl time, a break from daily routines and time to think about the bigger picture in life rather than the day-to-day tasks. Did I mention this was my first overnight trip away from Ainsley? I had big plans for sleeping, but I … Read More

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What’s In My Bag: Influence Conference Edition

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Tomorrow I’m leaving my favorite people (and my baby for the very first time overnight!) and heading to Influence Conference for the second year in a row. Conferences? Gah, conferences. I have such a love-hate relationship with them because my secretly introverted self feels so. dang. uncomfortable. But once I just do the dang thing? It’s always worth it. I’m working on going out of my comfort zone more and more these days, and I think it’s doing me a … Read More

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Stripes and Sunshine

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I sort of wrote off Old Navy years ago because I had bad experiences with the quality and fit of their clothes. Everything felt a little, well, cheap. But lately you guys? Old Navy is giving me plenty of reasons to re-consider. I mentioned a while back that I was having a little bit of a style crisis now that I’m a mom. My new work-from-home schedule means I don’t have to be quite as dressed up each day, but … Read More

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On Going Vegetarian Again

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

  About a month ago, I decided to go back to my vegetarian roots and, once again, embrace the type of eating that helped me get to my body weight “happy place” years ago. Those of you who have been following this blog for any extended period of time probably remember the days when I was vegetarian. In fact, I’ve only been eating meat again for the last year and a half. When I was trying to get pregnant, after … Read More