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Turbans for Tots Giveaway!

In Family by Madison Mayberry39 Comments

Sorry for the radio silence around these parts, friends! This week is a quiet one for Espresso and Cream while I get some new content ready to go and take a little breather, but I wanted to pop in and share a little about a company that Ainsley and I have been loving lately. I discovered Turbans for Tots while scouring Etsy for cute baby turbans for Ainsley to wear. Girlfriend has some strange hair going on these days with … Read More

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New Mama Style |::| The Maxi

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

My mornings these days before work are non-stop. I get up early so I can let the dogs out and have breakfast (usually a smoothie) and a cup of coffee because I need to have a few moments to myself before the day really gets going. Then I jump into the shower and get cleaned up and ready for work, pack a lunch for myself and sometimes one for Joe, too, before I start to wash and prep bottles for … Read More

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Stay Healthy, Mama

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and healthy mama® , but, as always, all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #gethealthymama Having experienced a couple miscarriages before getting pregnant with Ainsley, I was more than a little paranoid about what I put in my body. I was constantly worried about doing something that would compromise the health of my baby and desperate for a little peace of mind when I wanted … Read More

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My Must-Have Baby Products (Birth-4 Months)

In Family by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

I think I should preface this entire post by saying that baby products are a really personal thing, and by really personal I mean that it’s really personal for your baby. What works for Ainsley might not work for another little one. Heck, I’ve wasted enough money in the last four months by buying the wrong baby products that were a total flop with my baby boss. That said, I was super interested during pregnancy in what baby products were … Read More

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When It’s Not “Love at First Sight”

In Family, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Photo by Gina Zeidler  As we were preparing for Ainsley’s arrival I heard a lot of people talk about the amazing “love at first sight” that you feel when your little one is born. People went on and on about how the minute you become a mom you are instantly changed and overwhelmed with all the feelings. Me? I was a little skeptical and more than a little worried about the whole thing. You see, when someone tells me that … Read More

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Stitch Fix July Review

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry21 Comments

Right after returning from vacation I had a new Stitch Fix box to welcome me back to real life. I’ll admit, it helped a bit in softening the post-vacation blues and was a fun surprise when it arrived at my door yesterday morning. Since I haven’t decided which items to keep and which to return, I was hoping you might be able to help me with this month’s box? I’m super torn on what items to keep! Let’s dive in… … Read More

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Traveling With a Baby

In Family by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

We just returned from our first long vacation with Ainsley; in fact, we were gone for 10 days, the longest trip we’ve taken since our travels to Italy! I was more than a little nervous to be traveling with a baby, especially since our trip included a flight to Boise, a 2+ hour drive through the mountains of Idaho, and a couple different places to rest our head over the course of the trip. I researched about flying with a … Read More

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My Little Sister’s Wedding

In Family by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

We traveled to Idaho last week to celebrate my baby sister’s wedding to Alex! They got married in the most beautiful location in the mountains and we constantly found ourselves in awe of the beauty around us as we celebrated their marriage and new life together. I haven’t attended many smaller weddings, but after this one I’m pretty sure that keeping the guest list down to just close friends and family is where it’s at. It was SO much fun … Read More

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Mommy + Mind Update: 4 Months

In Family by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

I’ve talked a little bit about going back to work after having a baby, but I realized that for the most part I’ve been pretty quiet about my return back to the working world and how our family has been adjusting to the change. Truth be told, before I became a mom I couldn’t have ever pictured myself even entertaining the idea of staying home with my baby. “Not for me! No way!” I would boldly proclaim. I was raised … Read More

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Chocolate Chia Mousse

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

When Ainsley was first born I realized very quickly that if I was going to be sleep-deprived, overwhelmed with new experiences and exhausted, then I better focus on eating well. I mean food is, at its core, all about fuel, so what better way to care for my body than to be mindful about what I was eating. A lot of people talk about the 80/20 rule when it comes to eating healthfully; I strive for that, too, but I’m … Read More

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Coffee & Cream Pops

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Living in Minnesota, the summer months are treasured more than in most areas of the country. I mean, we only get a few truly beautiful months each year so not taking full advantage would be a tragedy. Sure, Minnesota can be awfully cold, but when it’s beautiful? It’s pretty much the best of the best. And perhaps my favorite part about summer is the food. Frozen pops have always been a favorite sweet treat, and I love that people have … Read More

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GoMacro MacoBar Review & Giveaway

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry35 Comments

Lately I’ve been on a snacking kick. Okay, let’s back-up. I’ve been on a snacking kick since little Miss Ainsley arrived on the scene. I’m in this terrible habit of eating super fast when I do get the chance to put something in my mouth and most of the time that’s not a full meal. A little snack here, a little bite of something there; it works for my busy schedule. So when the GoMacro team asked if I would … Read More