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Exclusively Pumping: Making It Less Miserable

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

  Flashback photo from Ainsley’s first week of life, when we were still figuring out the whole pumping/bottle feeding thing. Eeek! Can you believe how little she is there? Be still my momma heart.  I think one thing everyone who has ever breast fed can agree on is this: pumping is absolutely the worst. Anyone with me on that one? Although Ainsley is only two months old, I have already put my pump to good use since I’ve been exclusively pumping … Read More

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Ainsley 2 Month Update

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Likes and Dislikes: This month has been so much fun because her little personality is really emerging more and more every day. Joe and I say every day that she is more fun than the day before. Ainsley Loves: having people sing to her, smiling at friends and family, eating, playing on her baby gym, playing with her daddy and practicing rolling over, hanging out in the Ergo and dancing around the house with mom while music is playing in the … Read More

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Surgery Day and Recovery

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

  If you follow me on Instagram (and I hope you do, since I’m much more consistent with my posting there these days!) you’ve probably seen all my posts about the surgery Ainsley had on Tuesday. I’ve been pretty consumed this last week and a half with getting over this big hurdle and moving forward, and any momma who has had to send their little one into surgery can probably attest to the emotional toll it takes on everyone. When … Read More

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Protein Lactation Bites

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

The first six weeks of life with a baby have been eventful, to say the least, and those weeks have thrown my eating for a loop! I had grand visions of eating a huge meal after delivery, but surprisingly I found myself barely able to eat for a day after delivery and, in fact, my appetite was dampened for a good part of the first week postpartum. Pair that with the fact that I got a horrible case of stomach … Read More

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I didn’t realize how selfish I was until I became a mom.

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry25 Comments

Before I had a baby, I promised myself that I wasn’t going to talk about how hard motherhood is. I had heard so many other women tell me that motherhood was the most difficult/wonderful thing they had ever done, but quite honestly I was discouraged by those stories because they made me dread, rather than anticipate, what was to come for our little family. But now that I’ve been doing this motherhood thing for about six long and incredibly short … Read More

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Ainsley 1 Month Update

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

  I can’t believe that our little baby is 1 month old today! The last month seems to have been the longest, shortest, best, hardest month of our lives; motherhood is such a study in contrasts, isn’t it? I’m tempted to say that I want to go back and do it all over again, this last month, but that wouldn’t be true. Although the last month has been wonderful, adjusting to life with a new little person is a huge … Read More

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Hey, first time momma. This post is for you.

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Photo by Gina Zeidler I’m so very sorry that posting has been so sporadic lately. I really should have just anticipated that I was going to need a full month of blog maternity leave to adjust to life with a newborn and life as a family of three. Of course, I though I was going to get so much more done than I’ve actually accomplished, despite what I had heard from veteran mommas who have much more wisdom about this parenthood … Read More

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Berry-Orange Smoothie with Heritage Reserve Oranges

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

A number of weeks ago, before Ainsley arrived, the sweet people over at Heritage Reserve Naval Oranges offered to send me a case of their oranges for review. Joe loves oranges, so he was as excited as could be, but I was a little hesitant. You see, I’m not really a fan of oranges. There, I said it! It’s not that I mind them, but I rarely sit down and eat an orange for a snack because I always find … Read More

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My Morning Routine + Giveaway!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry44 Comments

One of my favorite blog series of all time is a series on Bon Appetit called “My Morning Routine” where celebrities and Bon Appetit editors talk about how they start each morning. I’m not sure why I find the column so fascinating, but it gets my attention time and time again. Does anyone else love hearing how people start their days? I’m partnering this year with Lavazza, one of my favorite coffee companies, to promote some of their amazing coffee … Read More

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Ainsley’s Birth Story

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry20 Comments

I should start by saying that I went into labor with very few expectations or ideas of how I wanted things to do. I didn’t write a birth plan, was undecided on how I felt about pain medication and was sure that I would have a very long labor since my mom had a very long labor with me. In short, my expectations of labor were low and I fully expected it to be miserable and long, and I was … Read More

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Hello, Ainsley!

In Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry27 Comments

It is with the greatest joy that Joe and I want to introduce you to Ainsley Moriah Hofmeyer! Our little miracle baby joined us a little less than a week ago, on February 25th, weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and every bit as perfect and wonderful as I could have hoped or imagined. We are smitten with this little beauty and are having the best time getting to know her personality and quirks. Admittedly, we have a lot to learn … Read More

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Pregnancy and Body Image

In Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry29 Comments

I’ve spent a lot of time over the years writing about body image on this site. It’s been such a blessing to hear stories from so many other women who have struggled with body confidence and self-acceptance and are now loving and embracing their bodies and all that they can do. Although I’ve made huge strides over the years in loving and appreciating my own body, I have to admit that I was very, very worried about my body and … Read More