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Readers are Leaders Printable

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

One of the things I enjoyed doing most when creating our nursery was creating printable art for our little one’s book shelves and walls. I’m certainly not a designer by trade, but I do find a lot of joy in the creative process and have just enough knowledge and experience with InDesign and Photoshop to be dangerous and waste a lot of time! My little sister Ashley is going to be a teacher when she graduates in May, and one … Read More

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A Baby Shower for Baby H

In Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

It was so wonderful to head home last weekend and spend a little time celebrating Baby Hofmeyer at our first baby shower! My mom’s amazing friends hosted the shower at my mom’s house and a handful of my good friends from high school were also there to celebrate. I can’t believe that we’re past the 32 week mark and that little one will be here so soon. To be surrounded by so many people who have prayed for our baby … Read More

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Baby Hofmeyer’s Gender-Neutral Nursery Reveal

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Happy New Year, friends! I’m kicking off 2015 with a tour of my new favorite room in our house, Baby Hofmeyer’s nursery! It’s been so fun to put together this nursery piece by piece, and seeing it finally come together just 8 weeks shy of baby’s arrival makes the whole thing even more real. I’m finding it hard to believe that we’re really going to be a family of 3 pretty soon. I’ve never been great at taking photos of … Read More

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I’m ready for 2015.

In Infertility and Miscarriage, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry18 Comments

I probably could have alternately titled this post, “Thank heavens 2014 is in the books! I’m glad to see it go.” But I’ve decided that it’s best to look forward to the year ahead rather than focus on the year that is now (almost) behind us. I’ve mentioned this before but last January I felt God saying to me that 2014 was going to be the year of waiting. I had no idea what he meant by that but I’ll … Read More

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Nutella Blossoms

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

  This year I’m entirely behind my baking game. By this point in the month on most typical years I’ve already managed to bake through my standard rotation of Christmas goodies, but this year I’ve just started baking a few days before Christmas. I’m finding this to be a very smart way to get around my lack of willpower. At least I only have a few days to indulge rather than an entire month! My family from Idaho is coming … Read More

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What I wish I would have known about the first trimester…

In Infertility and Miscarriage, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

I spent a lot of time reading (okay, obsessing and worrying) about what was normal vs. not normal during the first trimester. After two miscarriages I was extremely worried that my symptoms weren’t normal or our baby wasn’t healthy. Understandable, yes, but healthy? Absolutely not! Since a lot of my symptoms weren’t textbook “normal” I thought perhaps some other moms-to-be could use a little reminder that what the books and websites say don’t necessarily hold true all the time. They’re … Read More

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The Best Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

One of the things I love most about the holiday season is the predictable nature of the food and goodies that are served. There is something so comforting about going back home and having that same favorite cookie recipe your mom makes or drinking a cup of hot cocoa that tastes exactly like childhood. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve never been a huge fan of hot cocoa, and growing up it was something that I professed I … Read More

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Shopping with Golden Tote

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

A few weeks ago the Golden Tote team contacted me asking if I would be interested in trying out their personal shopping service. I had seen posts about Golden Tote on a few different blogs that I love, so I jumped at the chance to try it out myself. For those of your unfamiliar with the service, here’s how it works: 1. Fill out a style profile on their website outlining your likes, dislikes and sizes. 2. Decide on the … Read More

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Recipes from Around the Web

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

  I realize that I haven’t shared many new recipes on Espresso and Cream lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been creating new recipes like crazy at work! Most of the content I’ve created recently has been holiday-temed. In case you’re looking for a little Christmas baking inspiration, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite recipes I’ve developed lately around the web: 1. Christmas Tree Cookie Pops (pictured above) 2. Giant Gingerbread House Cookie (so … Read More

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27 Weeks

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

I’m so sorry for the radio silence these last few weeks. Truth be told, a few other things have demanded my time and attention and I’ve been unable to devote any time to blogging. I’m hoping to resume a more normal schedule in the next month, but until then I appreciate your patience and understanding!  How far along are you? 27 weeks 1 day Cravings? I think I may be one of the most boring pregnant women around when it comes to my eating. … Read More

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Pregnancy Skincare Faves

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Pregnancy skincare was one of the biggest mysteries to be prior to getting pregnant. I had absolutely no idea what products were off-limits and was blind to the fact that some of my favorite acne-fighting products weren’t considered approved or recommended for pregnancy. Unfortunately, when you remove some of those products, paired with the extra pregnancy hormones running through your system, you have a recipe for serious skin disaster and breakouts galore. Thankfully my breakouts have been on the milder … Read More

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DIY Idea: Baby’s Nursery Letter

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

A few months ago my mom sent me a handful of inspiration photos for our little one’s nursery. I immediately fell in love with the idea of writing our baby a letter and placing it above the crib in our nursery. The original inspiration photo I saw featured a canvas that was handwritten/painted by the parents, but since I wasn’t super confident in my handwriting skills I decided to make the canvas digitally and have it printed on a canvas. … Read More