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24 Weeks

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

How far along are you? 24 weeks 3 days Cravings? Still nothing new or exciting to report here! I think Joe actually wishes that I had some sort of unique or interesting craving since you hear so many funny stories from other people. I’ve been eating a lot of string cheese, yogurt and baked potatoes this week, along with pizza, which continues to be my favorite pregnancy food. Thankfully veggies are still my friend, so there has been a fair share of kale, … Read More

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Stitch Fix October Review

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

It’s that time again! Another Stitch Fix review. I’ve been a bit delayed in getting this review up, but I’m excited to share what I received in last month’s box. I had a pretty off-base fix for the month of September, and I was happy to see that this month they matched me back up with the same stylist I’ve had for a while. I was also super excited to hear that Stitch Fix now carries a limited amount of … Read More

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23 Weeks

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

How far along are you? 23 weeks 2 days Cravings? Still no real cravings. I continue to prefer salty over sweet and have found that a few items I never ate in the past have made their way into my diet. Take, for example, the fact that I had my first hot dog (a very expensive organic, nitrate-free, grass fed hot dog, that is) in YEARS and it tasted amazing. I’ve continued to love juice like orange juice and grapefruit juice and fruit … Read More

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Sweet and Salty Roasted Brussels Sprouts

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Can we talk side dishes? I’ll be the first to admit that when planning meals during the week, I think about dishes more commonly thought of as “sides” (mainly veggie and grain sides) as the building blocks for my meals before I think about anything else. It seems to be a way for us to focus on eating whole, healthy foods and makes the meat of our meals a supplement rather than the star of the show. These Brussels sprouts … Read More

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22 Weeks

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

How far along are you? 22 weeks 3 days (it took me this long to realize my due date is actually March 1st and not March 2nd?! Thanks to my doctor for clearing that one up!)Cravings? Honestly? Nothing significant that I can really even call a craving. My sweet tooth has come back a bit lately, but that can usually be satisfied with a piece of chocolate at the end of the day. Other than that, I’m feeling and eating pretty … Read More

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Life Online: When My Motivations Are Ugly

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry27 Comments

Last weekend I did something a little bit crazy: I started working on crafting our Christmas cards. In October. We took our photos incredibly early this year because, after years of taking our photos in the freezing cold of mid-November, I promised myself last year that we would take the photos when it was still warm and pretty outside for a more pleasant experience. And because Joe got braces last week, he preferred to have the photos taken before his … Read More

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Quick Weeknight Pastitsio

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Even as someone who cooks and develops recipes for a living, the question of what to have for dinner frequently leaves me a little bit weary. I love cooking when I have plenty of time to plan and prepare, but the weeknight routine of figuring out what to eat serves more as a stressor than a stress reliever. Usually dinner is sandwiched in between after-work plans and trips to the gym and by the time it’s actually mealtime, I just … Read More

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Splurge v. Save: Maternity Fashion

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

When I was first pregnant, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how I was going to maintain my personal style while dressing the ever-expanding bump. I soon found that there were a few high-end maternity brands, like Hatch Collection, that matched my personal style quite well. However, the price-tag for said brands was a little hard to swallow. After saving my money, I splurged on buying a Hatch Collection dress, the Afternoon Dress pictured below. I … Read More

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Grace in Our Weakness

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

For a while I got into a really good rhythm of writing authentically, saying what I was really thinking and feeling and processing. And then, a handful a months ago, I fell out of that rhythm for one reason or another. It’s not that I’m intentionally keeping anything from this site or not saying what I mean to say, but the truth is that this pregnancy has been all-consuming. The rocky beginning that shook us to the core, the desperate … Read More

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21 Weeks

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

How far along are you? 21 weeks 1 day Cravings? Orange juice, milk and pizza. Although I can’t say any of my cravings have been super strong except the orange juice, which is strange since I never drank or craved orange juice or milk before this pregnancy. Now I drink both every day! Pizza, on the other hand, I’m trying to limit to once a week!Weight Gain: I don’t have another doctor’s appointment until next week, so I have no idea!  Perhaps 15 pounds?Fears: This is … Read More

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Loaded Chocolate Chip Cookie Bites | Espresso and Cream

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

How was your weekend, friends? Joe and I had the best weekend with absolutely no plans on the schedule. After traveling or being crazy busy for the last month, this was the first weekend that we had a chance to hang around the house with no actual plans. It was glorious. We did a big deep “fall clean” of the house on Saturday morning, tossing and throwing things away and sorting. Please tell me I’m not the only person who … Read More

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Wearing Pink with Skechers

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

My family, like a lot of families, has been touched deeply by cancer. I don’t think I’ve ever really mentioned it on this site, but when I was in middle school I lost my grandmother to bone cancer and a few years later my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Thankfully, my dad is many years post-surgery and cancer-free. Skin cancer also runs in my family and I have an aunt who had breast cancer, and all there really is … Read More