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Frosted Sugar Cookie Pumpkins

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

  It’s not often, but every once in a while I get the urge to bake something cute. I should clarify that “cute food” really isn’t my thing, but sometimes it’s pretty hard to resist the seasonal section at Target and I leave with, say, a pumpkin cookie cutter and fall-colored sprinkles that I didn’t even know I needed. Dang you, Target. Thankfully, the cookie cutter was only $1, meaning you, too, can easily get caught up in the excitement … Read More

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Work It Out

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

You guys, let’s get honest for a minute. No one told me that when you get pregnant it’s not just your stomach that gets bigger; everything gets bigger! Honestly, I’m working every day at embracing those changes and loving my growing body, but putting on old clothing that doesn’t fit the same way anymore doesn’t do much for my self confidence. This has been especially true when working out. I immediately went out a bought a size up in some … Read More

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September Goals

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Over the last couple months I’ve really let my monthly goal-setting fall to the wayside, haven’t I? First trimester took everything out of me and goal setting was last on my list of things to do, behind basic tasks like cooking, cleaning, going to work and washing my hair more than once a week! Now that I’m staying awake past 8 pm and functioning like a normal human being again, I’m feeling inspired to start back up with goal setting … Read More

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15 Weeks

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

How far along are you? 15 weeks 1 day (every day counts!) Cravings? I haven’t really had any strong cravings, but Caesar salads, chicken and homemade sno cones (ice and fizzy water blended with lemon juice and stevia in the Vitamix) have been on regular rotation around here Weight Gain: 10 pounds Fears: We have our 19/20 week ultrasound scheduled for October 6th and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. Will our baby look normal and … Read More

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Tortilla-Crusted Baked Chicken Strips with Sriracha Aioli

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Remember when I mentioned that I’m working with Food Should Taste Good to create some great recipes for game day? Well today marks the second installment  of this three part series and boy is the recipe I have to share with you good. Although the recipe for these chicken strips only makes two it can easily be doubled, tripled or even quadrupled depending on how many people you have coming over to watch the game. Since it was just Joe … Read More

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E&C Travels: Napa/Sonoma/Yountville

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Early this summer, before I was pregnant, Joe, my mom and I planned a long weekend trip to California wine country. All along, I told myself that if I wasn’t pregnant on our trip, I would think of it as a consolation prize, and if I was pregnant and couldn’t drink, I would be celebrating our baby. Truth be told, I got super sick the first 24 hours of our trip, throwing up three times. Thankfully drinking a little extra … Read More

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Second Trimester: Maternity Fashion and Body Image

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry24 Comments

The first evidence of a growing bump! (above) Hello again! I feel like it’s been forever since I checked in with you all. California wine country was absolutely wonderful and I plan to put a full travel post together soon, but travel posts always take me such a long time. In the meantime, let’s sit down and have some good old fashioned girl talk about babies, body image and maternity fashion, shall we? I’ve always been so excited to be pregnant … Read More

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Healthy Mexican Chicken Soup for Two

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I know it’s August, and I’m supposed to be posting all about summer produce and salads and using up the last of what summer has to give us. But here in Minnesota, we’re experiencing a bit of a cool down that has me convinced fall weather is just around the corner, which means we’ve got football and sweaters and comfort food to look forward to, along with about 10,000 different ways to eat pumpkin. Believe me, I’m excited. Today, in … Read More

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Food Should Taste Good {Review and Giveaway!}

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry168 Comments

Today I’m hosting one amazing giveaway on E&C that includes a $100 Visa Gift card and a bunch of other amazing goodies! Keep reading to find out how to enter below! With football season right around the corner (!) I’m gearing up football entertaining season. Joe and I are both huge football fans, and I feel as if our house is always open to people who want to watch the games. Of course there’s no way I would have people … Read More

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Summer Bounty Pasta Bake with Fresh Homemade Tomato-Basil Sauce

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

As I’ve grown in my faith over the years, I’ve learned more and more that what we get in this life (both good and bad) is so rarely directly related to how many good works we do or how many times we stumble and make mistakes along the way. Of course that’s not to say that when we make mistakes there aren’t consequences, but I think that subconsciously I’ve lived with the mentality that if I do enough good in … Read More

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Summer Beauty Faves

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

  It’s been a while since I’ve done a beauty product round-up. Since I’ve discovered a few new favorite products in the last couple of months, I thought I would share a few of my favorite products that are keeping me feeling fresh-faced (and good smelling) this summer. 1. Bare Minerals BareSkin liquid foundation  I am in love with this foundation. I’m not typically one to wear foundation because it feels too heavy for my skin, but I love the … Read More

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Perfect Vanilla Scones

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

My sister-in-law, Ali, is one of the kindest, most genuine people I’ve ever met. She married into the Hofmeyer family two years ago when she married Joe’s brother, Jason, and I think I can speak for the whole family when I say that Jason found a fantastic wife in Ali. Some of you may also remember that when we were pregnant with baby #2 Ali and I were supposed to be due only 6 days apart from one another. We … Read More