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Healthy Snacking: The First Trimester

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Detour Bar. Thank you for clicking through and supporting companies that support E&C.  Now that I’m exiting the first trimester, I figured it was high time I do a post on what I’ve been eating. A lot of women told me how important it is to snack and eat smaller, frequent meals to ward of nausea, and they knew what they were talking about! At one point I even said … Read More

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Choosing Not to Fear (11 Week Update!)

In Infertility and Miscarriage, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry23 Comments

*First note of business: I’m terribly sorry for the lack of recipe posts lately. Just when I thought I was starting to feel better, I got hit with another round of morning sickness that has prevented me from making almost anything worth blogging about in the kitchen. I’ve been on a steady diet of sandwiches, smoothies and cereal, but I’m looking forward to *hopefully* feeling better soon so I can start cooking with more regularity!  We are, with this little … Read More

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Stitch Fix August Review

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

I can’t tell you how pleased I’ve been with Stitch Fix over the past few months. The last 3 to 4 fixes that I’ve received have been so much better than I could have expected, and I’m really glad I stuck with the service and looked past the couple of fixes that were less than impressive. I think one of the biggest changes has been the fact that I requested a new stylist and have really loved my new stylist. … Read More

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E&C Travels: Boston and Maine

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

BOSTON Stay: Hotel Veritas, Harvard Square Since we had a car on this trip, we decided to stay in Cambridge at The Hotel Veritas. It was a beautiful hotel, the staff was personable and the rooms were pristine. It was slightly pricier than hotels we normally stayed at, but I think it was worth the splurge for a great location and luxury accommodations. Do: Sam Adams Brewery Tour This was at the top of Joe’s list, and although I couldn’t … Read More

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Roasted Red Pepper Cashew Cream Sauce

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

I mentioned last week, but my post-vacation self was in serious need of a little detox after our trip. For me, detox is never about juice cleanses or major restrictions, just focusing on putting as many nutrients into my body as possible in the form of veggies, whole grains and lots and lots of water. Of course, being pregnant has made the whole “eating nutritious foods” fairly difficult, but I’m trying my best. This pregnancy has been rather strange; some … Read More

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Dark Chocolate, Cherry and Cashew Cookies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Hello, strangers! It feels like forever when in reality it’s only been about a week since I last checked in with you. If you’ve been following along on Instagram, you’ve seen more than enough photos of our vacation, but I’ll be sharing a full update of our time in Boston and Maine very soon. It was such a wonderful trip and even the rainy weather couldn’t get us down. A huge highlight? We happened to be in Kennebunkport at the … Read More

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Cashew Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Sometimes you just need to eat a little raw cookie dough, am I right? Which always sounds like a really good idea at the time, until you have a spoonful (or 8) and then feel sick to your stomach with all the sugar and chocolate and find yourself too sick to actually enjoy a cookie when they come out of the oven. Tell me I’m not the only person who does that… Not that I’m really in the position to … Read More

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Best of the Web

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

One of my favorite features on any blog is when a blogger I like does a “best of the web” round-up of interesting content, especially when it’s done well. I hope to start sharing these round-ups a little more frequently, seeing as it’s a great way to feature some of the amazing content that others have shared. My friend Robin is doing another FREE Pilates program in August called Mind, Body, Matt. These Peach-Wine Slushies from Dessert for Two make … Read More

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3 Ingredient Flaky Biscuits

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

I should probably postpone writing this post until I have a few more words to say. I’ve been sitting in front of this screen, trying to find the words. But between the nausea, exhaustion and cravings for carbs, carbs and more carbs, I’m finding myself at a bit of a loss for words. We had a lovely weekend. My mom made a surprise visit on Saturday and we took Pippa and Nutmeg to a Cavalier play date (yes, you read … Read More

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Today I’m Thankful

In Infertility and Miscarriage, Pregnancy by Madison Mayberry15 Comments

This week we went for a follow-up appointment at my OBGYN office for, you guessed it, yet another ultrasound. I’m thankful for so many opportunities to see our little one, but I’ll admit that the ultrasounds make me nervous and jittery and filled with all kinds of anxiety leading up to the appointment. We were blessed, and maybe still a little surprised, to see another image of a healthy little baby, who is starting to look more and more like … Read More

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Stitch Fix June Review

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Another month, another Stitch Fix review! Stitch Fix has really upped their game for my last two fixes and I’ve been super pleased with the items in the boxes that arrived at my doorstep. Since I’ve been sticking to a more scaled-back “unfancy” wardrobe, I’ve been trying to be super selective with the pieces I do keep from my fixes, only adding items I consider to be staples and things I can see myself wearing for years to come. Check … Read More

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Green Chicken Chile Enchiladas

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Over the past week and a half I feel a little like I’m just barely keeping my head above water. Between the doctors visits (which have been numerous) and the morning sickness, which has been getting stronger, to the demands of a busy work schedule, it feels like I’ve got a lot going on. Emotionally, I’ve been a little bit maxed out, so cooking at home has taken a back seat. Thankfully, Joe is extremely flexible and not at all … Read More