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Fitbit Flex Review

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

A few weeks back I posted a photo of my new Fitbit Flex on Instagram. I got a lot of comments asking for my thoughts on the Flex, and now that I’ve had some time to wear it and use it for a few weeks, I feel ready to share my thoughts. I should mention first that my Fitbit Flex was given to me free through a program at work. We logged our fruits and veggies every day for 5 … Read More

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Berry Breakfast Cobbler

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I love breakfast more than any other meal of the day. We’ve been over this before, right? I tend to get pretty protective of my mornings, especially slow and lazy weekend mornings when Joe and I can watch the morning news and drink a pot of coffee together and eat breakfast with the sun shining through our big picture window. Although I love waking up early, even on the weekends, I don’t like to be rushed into action first thing … Read More

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Brown Butter Cheerios Protein Cereal Treat Bars

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

As a food editor, I spend a good chunk of my days developing recipes for our brands. It’s a wonderful job, one that I’m so incredibly thankful for, and I love seeing the way recipes and food content can solve problems and provide inspiration for each season and family event. But when it comes to blogging, lately I’ve felt quite conflicted. It’s not that I don’t have recipes to share or food ideas, goodness knows I have plenty. But there … Read More

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Eating With and Without Rules

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

I’ve mentioned this before, but Instagram has quickly become my favorite form of social media. I share a lot of food photos on Instagram, and some of those photos include meat now and again. And, as you can probably guess, it means quite a few people have questions about if I’m still a vegetarian or not. The short answer? No. It’s been quite a while since I talked specifically about my food choices, and truth be told I’ve been on … Read More

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June Food and Fitness Goals + May Goals Recap

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry15 Comments

May Food and Fitness Goals 1. Drink at least 80 oz of water each day Why didn’t anyone tell me how great drinking water makes you feel?! Actually, people did tell me that drinking water all day makes you feel much better than drinking coffee all day, but I never listened. I’m a convert for life. After my first two cups of coffee, I’ve been switching over to water for the remainder of the day. 2. Lose those last 3 … Read More

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Visiting Kansas City

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Now that summer is in full swing, I’m afraid that I’ve been getting a little behind on posting recaps from our happenings over the past couple weeks. We had been meaning to visit Joe’s brother, Jason, and his wife, Ali, for a while now, and I’m glad we took advantage of the extra day of vacation over Memorial Day weekend to spend with them in Kansas City. I don’t think we could have asked for a better start to the summer … Read More

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May Stitch Fix Review

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Last time we chatted about Stitch Fix, I was quite unhappy. I felt that my requests had been ignored and I wasn’t getting pieces that really matched my style. After expressing my frustration, the team at Stitch Fix e-mailed me to get specific feedback (in detail) about what I was looking for in my fix and what I was unhappy about. Their customer service was fantastic! I explained that I was only looking for classic pieces and basics, that I … Read More

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10 Grain Banana Muffins

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Yesterday afternoon Joe and I returned from Kansas City where we spent the weekend with Joe’s brother, Jason and his wife, Ali. Since it’s a seven hour car ride for us to get there, we don’t see them nearly as often as we would like, so it felt like a treat to have a long weekend to spend with them. The guys got to golf and go to the driving range while Ali and I ate at a great vegan/vegetarian restaurant … Read More

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Easy Rhubarb Crisp

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Sometimes when I have a recipe to share it’s almost like going through the motions; I know exactly what I want to say about the recipe, how the flavors are balanced and the recipe’s ingredients shine and the like. But this morning when I sat down to write it was life, more than anything, that felt right to be writing about. A few people over the last couple weeks have asked how we are doing, a very loaded, complicated and … Read More

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Creating a Capsule Wardrobe

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

You know those weekly roundups that people do on their blogs? I love them. Although I don’t currently have my own version on Espresso and Cream, I soak up the roundups from other people. Recently my dear friend Laura posted a round-up which included a link to the blog Un-Fancy. It was all about creating a capsule wardrobe. If you’re like me and have no idea what a capsule wardrobe is, then check this post out. As I was reading … Read More

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Summer Entertaining: Patio Parties

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Now that summer is practically here, it seems like everyone in Minnesota is coming out of hibernation and getting outside after a very long winter being stuck indoors. We put our stamped concrete patio in late last summer, so we’re dying to put it to good use this year. It’s amazing how much bigger our house feels when we have an outdoor space that we love. For the longest time after college, the idea of entertaining sent me into a … Read More

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Homemade Hamburger Buns

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I’m not quite sure what makes some weekends so wonderful and fulfilling, but this weekend was one of those great weekends. It felt like the perfect combination of relaxation and productivity with just the right amount of time spent with friends and family, and a little down time, too. Since the weather was absolutely beautiful, we grilled and spent more than one night drinking wine out on the patio. Joe and I have this pretty great deal going. Since his … Read More