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Caramel Chocolate Rolls

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

My husband is the first person to tell you he isn’t big on sweets and dessert. He would much rather have a beer after dinner than a piece of chocolate and almost always prefers savory over sweet. There are, of course, a few exceptions to the rule, like when pie or chocolate cake or caramel rolls are involved. I made these caramel rolls on a whim the other day (on a weekday, actually!) as a way to mix things up … Read More

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National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I’m not very good and remembering or celebrating food holidays, but one of my favorite desserts on the planet is a warm, chewy chocolate chip cookie. I think it has something to do with the simplicity of a chocolate chip cookie and the nostalgia having eaten them a lot as a kid. If it were up to me, I would have freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies in the house every day*, if not for the taste but for the amazing smell … Read More

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Basics of a Well-Stocked and Healthy Pantry {& a Giveaway!}

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry39 Comments

One of the post requests I get most frequently is around the topic of what I keep in my pantry. Having a well-stocked pantry is something I’m still trying to figure out, but I do have a handful of basics you can find in my pantry at any given time that make putting a meal on the table a breeze. I’ve also included my favorite freezer items, since I think of my freezer as part of my extended pantry. Instead … Read More

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Eating Repetitively

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Today I’m going to get a little bit personal. I guess talking about miscarriage and body image is very personal, but I find talking about what I eat to be every bit as personal. I don’t know why but I always feel so vulnerable talking about what I eat with other people. Anyone else feel the same way? Food is just so incredibly personal sometimes. If you know me in real life chances are you also know that I tend … Read More

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DIY Rope Leash for Dogs

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

When Joe and I were in Austin a few weeks back, I saw a bunch of really cool rope leashes for dogs. Our hotel was even selling them, and I loved the casual, rustic, cool look the leashes had – much cooler than the leashes we currently used for our pups. But when I saw that each leash was upwards of $60 I couldn’t justify buying two for our dogs. Thankfully, it’s incredibly easy to make a rope leash at … Read More

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Stitch Fix April Review

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry29 Comments

It’s been a while since I did a Stitch Fix review, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t still been receiving boxes every month. To be honest, I was just a little lazy when it came to snapping photos of my last two fixes, so I had nothing to share. But now that we have more sunlight (aka time to snap nice photos) the reviews have returned. In the past, I’ve been very vocal about my love for Stitch Fix. It’s … Read More

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May Food and Fitness Goals

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

This month I’m taking part in The May Challenge over at Dani’s blog, Thyme is Honey. I don’t usually sign up for many health or fitness challenges, but I liked that you got to set your own goals for this challenge. Participating in the challenge got me thinking of other goals I have for the month. It seems so much more manageable to set monthly mini goals rather than large goals at the beginning of the year that you forget … Read More

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Small Batch Chocolate Chip Cookies (4 Cookies)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I mentioned on Instagram this past weekend that I had a great small-batch chocolate chip recipe for you. Since a lot of you mentioned you were excited about the recipe, I figured it’s best not to keep you waiting any longer than necessary. Over the years there have been many times when I want just a little something sweet. I don’t want to bake two dozen chocolate chip cookies because of the time and hassle and amount of ingredients required, … Read More

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Mother’s Day Gift Idea {Giveaway!}

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry62 Comments

My mom (isn’t she pretty?) is one of my absolute favorite people on the planet. Actually, now that I think about it, three of my favorite people on earth are in that photo above: Joe, my mom and my dad. Since Mother’s Day is just around the corner, I’ve been thinking about gifts for both my mom and my mother-in-law. It’s not an easy task when you have two women who both claim they don’t need a single thing. Can … Read More

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When “Fat Talk” Creeps Back In

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

A few years back I did a year-long series on banning “fat talk” from my vocabulary. I shared stories of women (including many of you!) who had struggled to overcome negative body image issues and are working to ban fat talk from their own vocabulary in an effort to be kind to their bodies and their minds. After finishing up my “No Fat Talk Tuesday” series, I felt accomplished and mostly free from my own form of fat talk and … Read More

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E&C Travels: Austin, Texas

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

We returned from Austin, Texas on Tuesday and are still talking about what an amazing time we had. I had been to Austin once previously on a work trip a few years ago, but this was the first trip for Joe and the first time I got to experience Austin on vacation terms. The food, the weather, the clothes, the general feel of the place, I loved it all! Thanks to a few good friends (I’m looking at you, Dessert … Read More

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Chia-Chai Vega Protein Pudding {Giveaway!}

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry37 Comments

Now that the weather is getting a little warmer and summer is right around the corner, I’ve been thinking more about warm-weather meals and snacks. Okay, it’s still rainy and chilly in Minnesota, but I’m anticipating summer weather soon! For me, that means drinking lots of smoothies and eating lots of chilled snacks, like chia pudding. A few weeks ago I picked up a new-to-me vegan protein powder and was really turned off by the flavor of the powder. Usually, … Read More