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Chana Saag with Kale

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

One of my favorite traditions at work is our monthly cookbook club. It’s so fun to select a book, pick a recipe and get together with a bunch of other people who love to cook and discuss what we liked and didn’t like about said book. Sometimes it’s an incredibly successful cookbook club, sometimes it’s only okay.  But that’s the point, right? It’s so rare that I get a chance to make more than one or two recipes out of … Read More

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Peanut Butter Chia Breakfast Pudding

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Let’s talk about breakfast. It is, after all, the most important meal of the day, but you already know that, don’t you? I’m always amazed at how many people don’t eat breakfast. Maybe that’s because I go to bed each night thinking about what I’m going to eat each morning for breakfast. Breakfast gets your ready for the day and prepares you for whatever challenges you may face. Take, for example, when I put too much shredded beef down the … Read More

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Raw Sugar Cookie Dough in a Jar

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

By the time Friday rolls around, Joe and I are both in the mood for a low key night, which means a workout together at the gym, eating Chipotle and watching something on TV. Maybe not the most exciting routine around, but I love it so much. Last week when were were watching Shark Tank on ABC, one of our favorite shows, I was drawn to a particular business idea that was being pitched to the sharks on the show. … Read More

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{Life Simplified Series} Simplified Spending

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

At the beginning of the year I talked about the words that I want to define 2014 in my life. Those words, discipline and simplicity, have been on my mind a lot over the past month. I’ve found countless moments when I was in need of more discipline or simplicity in my day-to-day life. Today I’m kicking off a series of posts over the next couple months focusing on simplifying daily life. Since I don’t have it all figured out … Read More

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Grain-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake for Two

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Happy Monday, friends! I’m so excited that February is finally here. In my mind, January is always a bit of a dull month where spring feels forever away and the post-holiday blues have set in. But February brings the Super Bowl and the Olympics and Valentine’s Day and spring is just close enough that there is a light at the end of the winter tunnel. Although I’ve never been much for the pressure associated with Valentine’s Day (the gifts! and … Read More

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Fly Joy Nutrition Bar Giveaway

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry71 Comments

I feel like it’s been forever since I did a giveaway on Espresso and Cream! Maybe it’s because it has been forever. I’ve been trying to cut back on the giveaways and focus on only promoting products I really love and am passionate about, meaning fewer giveaways. But! When I do have a product I’m excited about, I have to let you in on it. When I was home over the holidays, I had the opportunity to sample my cousin’s … Read More

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Thoughts on Getting a New Puppy

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Well, friends, we’ve had Miss Pippa for a little over a month and a half, so I figured it was high time to put a post together on thoughts about getting a second dog. This was the first puppy Joe and I have trained (we got Nutmeg from my parents as a perfectly behaved 3-year-old dog) so we were a little nervous to say the least. The fact that both of us have full-time jobs that require us to be … Read More

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Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Maybe you’re already thinking about Valentine’s Day? Maybe, if you’re like me, you think Valentine’s Day could be done a little better. I like Valentine’s Day, but I really don’t like the chiche roses and pressure to do something grand or give the perfect gift. A couple years back, Joe and I agree to never go out to eat on Valentine’s Day. We usually go out to eat a couple weeks before or a week after the actual day, avoiding … Read More

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Espresso and Cream Home: Living Room Refresh

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Welcome to another edition of the Espresso and Cream Home Tour. If I were a good blogger, I’m sure I would have gotten my act together and done a complete home tour series before we hit the 1 year mark in our home (on February 8th), but that’s just not going to happen. I’m trying to draw this thing out and milk it for all it’s worth, friends. 😉 If you’re looking to get caught up, here are the other … Read More

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Oatmeal, Dark Chocolate & Cranberry Cookies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Now that January is almost over I’m allowed to start posting cookie recipes again, right? Right. After all, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means all resolutions to eat less sweets will pretty much be thrown out the window in favor of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. I never get sick of the process of baking cookies. Something about creaming the butter together with sugar, listening to the hum of the electric mixer, seeing the dough come together, … Read More

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Sharing From Around the Web

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hello, friends, and happy Thursday! I love Thursdays because they’re close enough to the weekend that it feels exciting and celebratory, plus we’re having friends over for dinner tonight which feels like we’re kicking off the weekend just a little bit earlier than usual. I’m making Eat Live Run’s slow cooker beef short ribs with asparagus and baked potatoes and berries with whipped cream for dessert. I’m a little nervous at the idea of making a new recipe for first … Read More

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Apple Pie Almond Meal Pancakes

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Is there anything better than weekend breakfasts? Joe and I make a point to eat breakfast together almost every morning. We’re even the crazy people who wake up an extra hour earlier than we need to because we want time to drink coffee, eat breakfast, talk and watch a little morning news. Weekend breakfasts, however, are an entirely different thing. We have time to wake up a little later and still soak up a few hours together, drinking cups and … Read More