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My Favorite Way to Make Coffee

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

It’s no secret I love coffee. You know that, right? I love everything about coffee: the way it smells, the ritual surrounding it, drinking coffee with friends and ending the night with something sweet and a cup of decaf. I’ve been doing an okay job with cutting out caffeine, but truthfully I usually use coffee as a reward for doing something good. Drank a lot of water and ate plenty of veggies today? Okay, have a cup of decaf in … Read More

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Find Me on Instagram

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

1. Trying on my new Stitch Fix top. 2. Rainbow cookie crumbles during recipe testing at work. 3. Food styling a shot for Tasteseekers Kitchen 4. Little Pippa after she jumped in the shower with Joe 5. Two of my three loves cuddling on the couch 6. Enjoying the BCS Championship game with great friends and awesome food 6. Nutmeg and Pippa, probably up to no good 7. Re-organizing my closet and trying to focus on simplicity in this area … Read More

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Generosity and the Christian Introvert

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but our Church is the biggest blessing here in Minneapolis. We were fortunate to find a church home relatively soon after moving to our new city and were thrilled to find ourselves among a group of young couples and families with similar values. Plus, our pastor is really big on the congregation getting together to eat as a way of connecting. It was made to be! We’re in the middle of a sermon series … Read More

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January Stitch Fix Review

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about Stitch Fix, mainly because of the time and natural light it takes to photograph each fix. But I’ve still been getting monthly fixes and enjoying the service! I get a lot of questions about Stitch Fix from friends, friends of friends and work colleagues, so I thought I would do a refresher on what it’s all about: First off, if you decide to sign up for Stitch Fix, you can use this … Read More

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Curried Sweet Potato Hummus

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

It seems like we’ve been in a constant state of football watching over the last three weeks. Does anyone else feel that way? Not that I’m complaining considering my love for football rivals that of my former football player husband. With bowl games and playoff games and the like, we’ve been doing a lot of entertaining as well. When it comes to entertaining for bowl games and playoff games, I like to keep things pretty simple. Last week I made … Read More

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Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie (aka The Healthy Girl’s Milkshake)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Now that our first full week of January is underway, I’m finding myself with a serious case of winter blahs. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not seasonal depression or anything of the sort, but I find it incredibly difficult to jump from the warmth, glow and excitement of the Christmas season to the bone-chilling routine of January. Maybe if 2013 was a little less wonderful I wouldn’t be so sad to let it go and would have anticipated the arrival … Read More

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From Vegetarian to Paleo?

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry23 Comments

Photo via Bon Appetit’s Food Lover’s Cleanse  Friends, it’s time I got honest with you about a secret I’ve been keeping for the last month or so. As the title of this post suggests, the way I’ve been eating and how my diet and evolved has changed quite a bit over the last month. After eating vegetarian for over 3 years, I’ve been dabbling in the world of paleo-style eating, meaning my new diet is heavy on the veggies (no … Read More

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Goals and Intentions for 2014

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

I’ve heard a few bloggers post lately about having a guiding/theme word for the new year. Maybe I’m just hiding under a rock, but it’s a totally new concept to me. Am I alone? Over the last couple days I’ve been thinking about what word I think seems best suited for the year to come. If I could sum-up 2013 in one word, it would be discovery. Joe and I experienced so many new things this past year. We explored … Read More

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Triple Chocolate Pumpkin-Chai Muffins

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Happy New Year, friends! I think that in order to be accepted in the food blogger universe, I should really be sharing a recipe for salad, or a smoothie, or green juice. But since I can’t stick to the rules, I’m breaking with convention and sharing a recipe for muffins, with lots of chocolate and pumpkin and a little bit of chai. You see, I got a little carried away with holiday recipe testing but got behind on posting some … Read More

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Face Shapes and Makeup

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

When it comes to makeup, I will be the first to tell you that I know very little. I rarely mix-up my look, I tend to stick with the same neutral eye shadow for work and special occasions, and the idea of lip color scares me to death. I think my experience with wearing too much makeup in middle school really scarred me for life. Sure, I wear makeup most days, but I don’t wear much. I’ve always wanted to … Read More

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Merry Merry! Christmas 2013 Recap

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

How was your Christmas, friends? I’ll admit, having to travel home from Iowa back to Minnesota on Christmas afternoon/evening wasn’t ideal, but it’s nice to be back home with a couple days to myself while Joe is back at the office. I love spending concentrated time with family, and I was super sad to have to leave so soon, but being the introvert that I am, I tend to get burned out easily. We have another busy weekend ahead, so … Read More

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Red Velvet Mini Cheesecakes

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Merry (almost) Christmas, friends! I hope you’re enjoying at least a couple days away from work with your family and friends. I’m doing a lot of lounging in pajamas and celebrating 5 (!!) Christmases in 6 days, so we’ve been pretty busy! But there has also been plenty of time to sleep in, spend time lounging around with family and doing lots of cuddling with the pups. My idea of a good time for sure. And, in case you’re looking … Read More