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Dark Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Cookies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

These cookies were almost the death of me. I kid you not, having to make and photograph them 4 times really tested my commitment to this recipe. But I guess issues with your memory card and card reader will test almost anyone. Since I work in food for a living and spend a lot of time in the kitchen each day, developing, testing and re-testing recipes until they reach perfection, it’s rare for me to spend that same amount of … Read More

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Gator Gameday

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry17 Comments

For years, my dad and I have had a little family tradition going. We pick a weekend in October (usually around my birthday) to head down to Gainesville, Florida, to watch the Florida Gators play football.( Joe has been allowed into this club for the past three years, and my Aunt Gwen came this year, too.) Ever since I was very little, I remember sitting with my dad and watching the Gators play while drinking Five Alive fruit juice and … Read More

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Loving This Body

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

One of the topics I’m most passionate about and have enjoyed writing most on Espresso and Cream has been body image. It’s been a while since I talked about anything related to body image, mainly because I find myself in a funny place lately in terms of my body. Joe often says that the things we struggle with the most are the areas in our life that God uses in the biggest ways to help others and connect with those … Read More

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Life (on Instagram) Lately

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

1. My two loves spending time together Sunday morning before church. For some reason, Nutmeg insists on using our neighbor’s yard as her own. 2. I chopped my hair! I was clinging desperately to my longer hair, even though the ends were incredibly unhealthy and looked horrible. I desperately want long hair, but I think it’s time to accept that it might not be in the cards for me. I’m learning to deal with the idea. 😉 3. We are … Read More

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What I’m Saying Yes To Lately…

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

To say I’ve been having technology issues lately would be an understatement. You remember those cookies I mentioned last week? The ones I snapped photos of a while back that got lost in cyberspace? I made them again when our friends Mike and Laura came over for dinner, snapped photos (again) and then realized my memory card was corrupted because I removed it incorrectly from my computer. I finally got things figured out on the memory card front, but that … Read More

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Slow Cooker Rootbeer Barbecue Beef Sandwiches

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Hello, friends! I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. I had really good intentions of getting a post up earlier this week, but my card reader magically corrupted all the files I was trying to download (photos of some really yummy cookies I was planning on sharing) so you’re getting a post about barbecue beef sandwiches. And I guess I’ll be making those cookies again this weekend. They are too good not to share! If this week is any indication of … Read More

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Our Trip to Italy: Rome

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

I’m back today with the second installment about our trip to Italy! As you already know from my last post, Joe and I flew into and out of Rome. We found the best prices on flights from Minneapolis to Rome, with few stops and reasonable layovers, which guided our decision. When I was researching hotels in Rome and Florence, the two large cities visited, I had a tough time finding a place for us to stay. Joe was all about … Read More

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My Latest Stitch Fix Box Review

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Right before we left for our trip to Italy, I received my latest box of Stitch Fix goodies. Perfect timing, right? I was even more excited about the fact that this was the best box I’ve received yet! I fell in love with three out of the five items that were sent my way, which I would consider a big win. Since the weather is starting to get cool around these parts, I was also excited that the items I … Read More

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Tuscan Kale Salad with Feta

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Let’s take a little break from talking about all things travel and talk a bit about food. Since, you know, this is supposed to be a food blog. I think I mentioned that I was heavily influenced by the food we enjoyed while in Tuscany, right? Well in case you missed that tidbit, I was totally enamored with the food we ate in this amazing region of Italy. Actually, I was really surprised at how different the food was as … Read More

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Traveling Italy: Siena

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Settle in, friends, and get ready for a bunch of posts about all things Italy and travel. Before I get to the specifics of our day in Siena, let’s talk a little bit about our trip in general. Joe and I have been thinking about taking a trip to Italy since we got married two years ago. Italy was the natural choice. I mean, what’s not to love? Amazing food, beautiful countryside, tons of history and super friendly people. Count … Read More

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Hello, Stranger

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Hello, friends! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Joe and I just got back from the most wonderful 10-day-long vacation in Italy and I’m just now sitting down to my computer for the first time in just as many days. It’s been one of the most amazing trips I’ve ever taken, and I can’t wait to share all about it! My mind is already swimming with ideas on posts about packing light (we only traveled with backpacks), amazing Italian recipes … Read More

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My Stitch Fix Story

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

It’s no surprise I love Stitch Fix, is it? I know, I sound like a broken record. But I’ve had so much fun with the service, so when the Stitch Fix team asked me if I wanted to be featured on their blog with four other of their favorite bloggers I jumped at the chance! Of course, we all know that I’m not a fashion blogger, and sometimes I tend to fall into a bit of a rut with my … Read More