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The Espresso and Cream Home Tour: Blog Room

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

The Espresso and Cream home tour continues! I’ve been dragging these posts out a bit longer than intended, but last weekend I finally got around to snapping photos of many of the rooms in our house right after I cleaned on Saturday. I’m planning on making them a little more regular in the weeks and months to come. I hope you don’t mind mixing it up on this little food blog! The room I’m sharing with you today is called … Read More

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Happy Father’s Day!

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Just dropping in on this Sunday to wish my amazing dad a happy Father’s Day. There really aren’t words to describe how much this man means to me. He has taught me so much, loved me so deeply and helped shape me into the person I am today. I love you to the moon and back, Dad! Happy Father’s Day! And to prove it’s not all seriousness on our wedding day… Madison

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Hello, Beautiful!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’m all about keeping it simple when it comes to what I wear. Naturally I gravitate to dresses that are black, navy, grey, or striped since they are versatile and wearing a lot of color makes me uncomfortable. At the same time, I still like to keep things fresh and fun, which is where jewelry comes into play. Last week I dressed up a very basic black dress with the Claudette necklace from To: Hello Beautiful. It instantly dressed up my … Read More

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Marcia’s Rhubarb Cake

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Happy Monday, friends! I’m struggling to get on the Monday bandwagon this week, if we are being really honest. Joe and I have both been battling a sore throat for the last couple days and we had a terribly sick little pup Thursday and Friday, which was awfully scary. Thankfully, it appears to have been a bout of puppy flu, and she is back to her normal chipper self. Never have I been so thankful to see that little tail … Read More

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Happy National Doughnut Day!

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Image from Happy National Doughnut Day, friends! I’ll be honest, I don’t typically eat a lot of doughnuts. They are certainly more of a treat rather than an every week sort of thing. But when I do eat a doughnut, it has to be 100% worth every calorie. I think that Joe and I will be making these this weekend to celebrate. And I’m going to enjoy every single calorie. 🙂 S’mores Crescent Doughnut recipe courtesy of Pillsbury. Have … Read More

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The Challenge of Making Friends as an Adult

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry43 Comments

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about making friends as an adult. Since I graduated college I have moved three different times, first to Des Moines, then to Grinnell with Joe when we got married and finally to Minneapolis, where we live now. In the 3 1/2 years since I graduated college, that’s a lot of moving. We’re really hoping to stay in Minneapolis a good long time, since it’s always been the city we both have dreamed of living in … Read More

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Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (gluten-free & vegan)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

First up, the winners of the pancake giveaway! They are: -Sarah (who likes her pancakes with syrup and Nutella) -Jessica Honcoop -Kristin Darhower -Andrea (who likes to make healthy pancakes with whole wheat flour, oats and yogurt) Ladies, shoot me an e-mail with your address to to claim your prizes! Lately I’ve become increasingly interested in gluten-free, vegan baking. Not necessarily because I personally need to bake treats without gluten or animal products. But it feels like the next … Read More

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Kodiak Cakes Review and Giveaway!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry29 Comments

This week I got a really fun package delivered to my house. The amazing team over at Kodiak Cakes sent me a box of their pancake/waffle mixes to review. And they gave me free coupons so you can try them, too! I had heard about Kodiak Cakes (mainly via Kath’s blog) a number of time over the past couple years. Now that I’ve tried the mixes for myself, I’m ashamed it took me so long to buy a box on … Read More

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Barley and Bean Pesto Salad

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Summer seems to be taking its sweet time arriving in Minnesota this year. And to say that the weather has been crazy this month would be an understatement. We had snow, rain, hail, 100 degree temps and 30 degree temps. And right now? Well it’s as muggy as Florida with treats of severe weather and tornados. Crazy, I tell you! And while summer may not be here in full force, Joe and I have certainly been eating meals that feel … Read More

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Peter Reinhart’s Gluten-Free Almond Flour Pizza Crust

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. Perhaps you were blessed with prettier weather than we were in Minnesota? It pretty much drizzled all weekend and stayed in the 60s. Since my dad, step-mom and little sisters were visiting from Idaho, I was hoping to have a little bit better weather. But we made the best of the weather and gave them a great taste of Minneapolis. It was also so much fun showing them … Read More

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Blueberry Yogurt Taste Test

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Have you ever found yourself at the grocery store in the yogurt isle looking at all the choices that are available and wondering what tastes best? We certainly have! Joe and I eat a lot of Greek yogurt since it’s packed with protein and makes a great breakfast or snack. Sometimes I even eat a Greek yogurt in place of dessert during the week. At over $1 per yogurt, I want the yogurt I buy to taste great, not just … Read More

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Honeyed Asian Grilled Chicken

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

First things first, the winner of the giveaway is… Elizabeth, send an e-mail to and I’ll get your gift card in the mail! And thank you for all the beauty recommendations. I’m excited to try some of them out! Grilling season is finally here! Does that make anyone else crazy excited? Joe and I both love to grill, and this year I’m trying to beat him out for title of “grill master” in the Hofmeyer house. Usually I prepare … Read More