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Sephora Gift Card Giveaway

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry137 Comments

Happy Friday, friends! Now that the weather is getting warmer and summer is just around the corner, I find I’ve been thinking about beauty products a lot more than usual. Perhaps it’s because my freckles are starting to appear again and I’m no longer ghastly pale. Or maybe it has something to do with craving a little update to match my summer wardrobe. I like to think that spring cleaning your makeup is just as important as spring cleaning your … Read More

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Dining Room Home Tour

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry22 Comments

Today I’m excited to take you on a little tour of our dining room, also known as my favorite room in the house. It’s not the room we spend the most time in, but it’s certainly my favorite. The way the colors came together and the little details, it all just works. This room is technically a bedroom. When we purchased the home, it was decorated as a kid’s bedroom, and had two doors, one that opened to the kitchen … Read More

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Virtual Cookie Date

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry23 Comments

Some of my favorite bloggers, like Jenna and Gina, have been putting together the best posts where they share little bits of their life. Jenna calls it her virtual coffee date, Gina talks about having a virtual wine date. Perhaps we can sit down and eat a cookie together and talk about life lately? Life is good lately. Like so good I can hardly believe that the life I’m living is mine to enjoy. But my heart has been with … Read More

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Whole Wheat Banana Waffles

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Good morning, friends, and happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and got to spend time with your family. My mom was in town for the weekend, and while the weather wasn’t quite as warm as we had hoped it would be, we managed to spend a lot of time outside working in the yard, going on multiple walks and even taking a nap outside in the yard. Bliss! A couple years back, Joe and I took … Read More

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Life Lately: How I’ve Been Working Out

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Happy Friday, friends! And happy early Mother’s Day to all you moms out there celebrating this weekend! My mom is coming to town for the weekend. We don’t have any major plans for the weekend, but I’m excited to have her in town just to spend time together. I’ve gotten questions from a few people asking what races I’ll be doing this spring/summer/fall. Quite an understandable question, since Joe and I typically try to put a half marathon and a … Read More

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Healthier Peanut Butter & Banana Cookies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Once upon a time I used to be someone who said that they only wanted to enjoy baked goods in their real, sugary, buttery form. If I was going to have a piece of cake, then gosh darn make it a real decadent piece. Just not too often and only as a special treat. However, Joe and I have found our taste buds changing lately. Joe has never been the one with a sweet tooth (that would be me) but … Read More

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A Morning With: Natalie Lynn Borton

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

  Today I’m so excited to kick off a new series on Espresso and Cream! I’ve been obsessed with the “My Morning Routine” series on Bon Appetit’s website. For those of you not familiar with the series, it gives a little peak into the morning routine of famous people. I’m love getting to see how other people eat (and more specifically start their morning) so I’m going to do something similar with some of my favorite bloggers and people. First … Read More

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Cinco de Mayo Tacos and Margaritas

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Hey, friends! Checking in with a quick Saturday post. I didn’t plan any recipes of my own to share with you for Cinco de Mayo, but I haven’t forgotten you all together! This weekend I had the opportunity to share some Cinco de Mayo Taco and Margarita recipes on Kare 11, our local Minneapolis NBC station. There are five tacos and five margaritas that I can assure you are all totally delicious. There’s even a gluten-free taco and margarita! For … Read More

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Reflections on an (almost) 21 day cleanse (The Quantum Wellness Cleanse)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

    {Totally unrelated photo of Nutmeg, but it looks like she is “reflecting” on something, doesn’t it?} Well, friends, Joe and I have come to the end of our cleanse a few days earlier than expected. I have been sharing my thoughts and observations about the process on Espresso and Cream Eats, but I thought that this post might have broader appeal beyond just sharing my daily eats. So I’m re-posting this post from E&C Eats over here. I … Read More

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Healthy Chocolate-Tofu Pudding (gluten-free and vegan)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Friends, I have great news for you. You can enjoy a huge chocolate pudding parfait for a little more than 100 calories per serving. Sound like a dream? I had to do a double take myself when I finally discovered a dessert that was vegan, gluten-free and had no added sugar. For those of you who don’t like tofu, or hate the idea of eating tofu in sweet form, I can promise you that you won’t know the tofu is … Read More

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Stitchfix #2: My Review

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

I got my second Stitchfix last week, and after posting a couple photos of the tops I decided to keep, a number of you asked if I would do a review of my second fix. And since I am falling more and more in love with Stitchfix by the month, I am happy to talk about what I got in my most recent box. I was hoping, as I mentioned in my last post about Stitchfix, that my second fix … Read More

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Spaghetti with Lentil Vegetable Marinara (gluten-free and vegan)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Lately I’ve felt incredibly distant from Espresso and Cream. I can honestly say that in the 3 1/2 years that I have been blogging, I have never felt my passion and excitement for blogging trail off in the least bit. Until recently. That’s not to say that I’m going to stop blogging, it’s just something I’ve been thinking and feeling for the last couple weeks. More than anything, it seems that my life is so full of food that at … Read More