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Beauty Chat: Retin A Update #2

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

It’s that time again! The time where I put makeup-free photos of myself on the internet for the world to see. I’ll be honest, I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but I’m pretty attached to the makeup that makes my skin look smooth and even and covers up any imperfections. Putting makeup-free photos up is not my favorite thing. The things I do for you all! So, a little Retin A update for you guys: I’ve been using Retin … Read More

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Roasted Potatoes, Asparagus and Onions with Rosemary

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Well friends, Joe and I officially made it through an entire week of our yoga cleanse! I know I created an entire blog for the sole purpose of not talking at length about the cleanse on Espresso and Cream, but that’s becoming more difficult than I had expected. Since our new way of eating (no gluten, animal products, processed sugar, alcohol or caffeine) is permeating everything we do and all the food I make, the recipes that I share on … Read More

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Sweet Vegan Cashew Cream

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Since I can’t enjoy my nightly dark chocolate fix while we are doing our yoga cleanse, I have been looking for creative ways to satisfy my sweet tooth after dinner. Not an easy task considering that the “sweets” can’t contain any sweetener other than agave or stevia and they also can’t contain dairy, gluten or eggs. Basically, my options are seriously limited. I’ve seen recipes for cashew cream, both sweet and savory, on blogs and websites quite a bit, but … Read More

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Cocoa Oatmeal

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

We are only halfway through the weekend and already our weekend has felt so full! Our good friends, Luke and Jenny, were in town from Iowa this weekend and made time to have dinner with us on Friday night. It was so good to spend time with friends that we already know so well. And while we have been making a lot of great friends in Minneapolis, making deep, comfortable relationships takes time. Being able to just sit back and … Read More

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Espresso and Cream Eats

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

If you follow along with me on Instagram (madisonjanemayberry), then chances are you saw my photo yesterday of the food journal I’ve started keeping. Over the next 21 days (starting on Sunday) I am taking part in a program called the “Evolve 21 Day Yoga Cleanse” which is a program through our gym that is part cleanse and part yoga workshop. We will be meeting every Sunday for a combination of yoga class and group discussion and nutrition information. I love … Read More

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Blueberry Oat Biscuit Cobbler

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

One of the best parts about having a house with plenty of space is that we finally have the room to comfortably entertain friends on a regular basis. Now, when I say “entertain” I don’t mean elaborate dinner parties. It’s more of a casual rotation of everyday meals that Joe and I would normally eat throughout the week. We usually dress things up by eating in the dining room, opening up a bottle of wine and serving a dessert, all … Read More

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DIY Pallet Coffee Table

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry15 Comments

Lets get something straight before I begin this post: I would never describe myself as a crafty/DIY-type person. Michaels and Hobby Lobby stress me out and I let my mom make 90% of the decorating decisions in our home. And I’m totally okay with that. The closest I get to being crafty is making unique and delicious recipes. And I know how to crochet, so there’s that. But for the most part, my crafting skills are limited. However, now that … Read More

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Recipes for the Final Four

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Good morning and happy Friday, friends! I can’t believe that another week has already come and gone. Joe and I find ourselves asking “where did the time go?” at least once a week these days. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we’ve been enjoying our jobs so dang much. There are times throughout the week that I stop and just soak up the thankfulness I feel about my new gig and where God … Read More

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Roasted Sweet Potato Salad

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Lately, I’ve been trying to do a little bit more “organic” blogging and a little less blogging for the sake of blogging. Can we make the phrase “organic blogging” a thing? What I mean is this: Joe and I keep a pretty busy schedule. I don’t mean to say we are too busy to enjoy life. In fact, a lot of the things that keep us occupied and busy are actually related to enjoying life and packing a lot of … Read More

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Apple-Berry Pie

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Hello, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend celebrating Christ’s resurrection with family. Joe and I enjoyed a long weekend together and spent time with my mom and Joe’s family, including his brother, Jason, and Jason’s wife, Ali, who made the long trek up here from Kansas City. Of course, we like to think that they came to visit us, but I think that the real pull had something to do with our identical twin nieces, Mckinley … Read More

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Almond Meal Pancakes

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Breakfast is my carb meal. Most mornings I find myself plopped down at my kitchen table with a bowl of oatmeal, breakfast farro, or toast with peanut butter and bananas. Aside from a short and very dark period in high school when I cut out all carbohydrates and ate nothing but meat and vegetables (no butter, oil, condiments, or sauces allowed!) until I almost passed out at band camp (don’t judge, band was cool), I’ve always believed that healthy carbohydrates … Read More

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Getting My (Stitch) Fix

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

If you follow me on Instagram (madisonjanemayberry) then chances are you saw me share the photo above of a new top I recently purchased. The great thing about this top was that it was picked out specifically for me by someone else, it arrived on my doorstep in a box with a bunch of other items that were also selected just for me based on my style and personality and came with a pre-paid return envelope for the items I … Read More