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Eating Optimally for My Body

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

For the past few weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer and contemplation regarding the foods I choose to eat and the foods that I choose not to eat. And in the last week, I’ve decided to fully shed the “vegetarian” label and shift my diet to incorporate seafood. Technically, I guess my new label would be “pescatarian” though I’ve never been a huge fan of food labels since they seem to be less about what is best … Read More

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Adventures in Juicing

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry24 Comments

When I left my job in Des Moines, my amazing co-workers were kind enough to throw me a little going-away part complete with my favorite snacks (peanut butter M&Ms, pretzels and cheese/crackers). They also gave me a little gift – a gift card to Williams-Sonoma. Gift cards typically burn a hole in my pocket, but this time I decided to take my time deciding what to buy for my kitchen. Since I have a pretty well-stocked kitchen, it took me … Read More

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Whole Wheat Chocolate Banana Bread

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

We’ve been switching up our Sunday routine a little bit around our house over the last month or so. You see, mornings are our favorite time of the morning, specifically lazy mornings that include sweat pants, copious amounts of coffee and something a little sweet and extra special for breakfast. The church we’ve been attending has a Sunday night church service for young adults and young families so we’ve been taking things pretty easy around here Saturday and Sunday morning. … Read More

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Finding a Google Reader Alternative

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry

Friends, perhaps you have heard the news about Google Reader going by the wayside in July? If you’re anything like me, the idea of vising your favorite blogs and keeping them all organized in one space without Google Reader seems a bit daunting. I blog for personal reasons but I also read blogs for work and to get inspired. Basically, I use Google Reader and know a lot of other people who do, too. Evidently we are in the minority, … Read More

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Simmered Italian Meatballs

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

A while back I asked you all to take a survey about what you wanted to see more of on Espresso and Cream. So often the only way I know what you like/don’t like is by reading the comments section of each post. But since there are so many more readers than commenters it’s hard to get a good feel for things sometimes. Thank you all who participated in the survey! It was incredibly helpful and I loved reading your … Read More

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Gluten-Free Apple Crumble

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

One of the most wonderful parts about moving to Minneapolis has been the fact that we are now, once again, surrounded by plenty of things to do in a city filled with people our age. While we enjoyed our time in Grinnell, it never felt like our long-term home. And while we don’t know how long we will live in Minneapolis, it’s a place we could easily see ourselves living for a long time. A place where we hope to … Read More

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Hair Update

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Last week when I was talking about my new Retin A routine, I got a comment from a reader asking for updates on my hair. I’ve been meaning to do an update for a while so the timing was perfect. To recap: this summer I started to have a lot of hair loss well beyond the typical healthy daily hair loss. Every time I took a shower I lost handfuls of hair and eventually I could visibly start to see … Read More

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Our (New) Morning Favorite: Matcha

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry21 Comments

In an attempt to be semi-frugal about our grocery shopping Joe and I typically make most of our purchases at Trader Joes and Costco. Between our weekly TJ’s trip and our bi-monthly Costco visits, we can get pretty much everything we need while still staying on budget. I also happen to love Whole Foods and could easily spend hours browsing the isles on a Saturday morning if left to my own devices. However, I try to keep trips to WF … Read More

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Almond Meal Everything Cookies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I think it’s safe to say that breakfast cookies, however you want to define them, have become a thing over the past couple years. Go into any grocery store or gas station and chances are you can get your hands on a cookie that’s billed as being an acceptable form of breakfast. I like cookies and I love breakfast, but I’ve never really been a fan of breakfast cookies mainly because they are usually not all that more healthy than … Read More

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Beauty Chat: Retin A

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry18 Comments

Ladies, it’s time to talk beauty products for a little bit. I think that’s one of the best ways to kick off the (almost) weekend no? I’m currently partaking in the crazy process that is establishing new doctors, hair stylists and dentists in our new city. This ranks up there as one of my least favorite parts about moving. Seriously. It’s worse than unpacking boxes. Thanks to a few lovely ladies (I’m looking at you, Katie, Cindy and Emily) I’ve … Read More

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Life-Giving Food

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

Image Source Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the food we put into our bodies. Specifically food that falls into the “life-giving” category as far as I’m concerned. It’s not as if I don’t frequently think about food. In fact between my job as a food editor, blogging and making meals for my family, I think about food 24/7. But the way I think about food had been shifting and changing. One of my favorite cookbooks is Super Natural … Read More

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All About the Details

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Happy Bachelor Monday! Please tell me I’m not the only one out there who loves Mondays for the sole reason that The Bachelor is on TV… It’s pathetic, I know. To celebrate, we’re having Jake and Amber over for beef stew and buttermilk biscuits while watching our favorite dose of reality television. How are you spending your Monday? The last 48 hours were, yet again, pure craziness. My mom came back up to Minneapolis to do what she does best … Read More