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Captain Crunch Granola

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

Right now I feel like every week is a week of huge change and transition. It seems like each day I discover something new about our home, my job, our new neighborhood. Heck, I even have fun watching Nutmeg discover her new home. The process of moving has a way of making you appreciate all the little details about the every day routine. Here is the most recent news from the House de Hofmeyer. In the first two weeks of … Read More

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Red Lobster’s Cheddar Bay Biscuits (Recipe Revisit)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

For the past month, Joe has been giving me a hard time about going to Red Lobster. And while I don’t mind Red Lobster every once in a blue moon, I can’t say I ever crave it. I do, however, have great memories of going to Red Lobster with my dad when we were on a road trip or vacation and needed a quick bite to eat. That said, my husband had a hankering not for Red Lobster in general … Read More

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Meal Prep

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Hi, friends! How are you? (I really want to know!) I feel like life has kept me distant from E&C the last couple weeks and I’ve been missing you all. I’m also incredibly behind on my Google Reader so I feel completely out of the loop with the blog world. Our biggest and best news is that all our stuff finally arrived in Minnesota and we are starting to feel truly settled into our new abode. No more living out … Read More

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On Loving My Husband

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

Most of the time when I’m in the car I find myself listening to the local Christian radio station. It’s a habit I started when I had an hour-long commute one way while we were living in Grinnell, and I found that listening to a radio station that was positive and uplifting really did make a huge difference in my day. It centered me and put my mind in the right state for tackling whatever the day held. These days … Read More

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Rolled Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry

  Hello, hello! I wish I could tell you that we were settled into our new home and cooking amazing meals like the Rolled Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna you see pictured above. Unfortunately, we are still very unsettled, waiting for our stuff to arrive on Saturday while we make do with paper plates, plastic forks and foods that can be prepared in the microwave. I’m trying desperately to enjoy this time of craziness and this fun but unsettled time, but … Read More

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Adventures in Home Ownership

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Whew! What a big weekend! Joe and I officially closed on our house Friday afternoon and have spent almost all our time there since. After having a celebratory pizza party on the floor Friday night with Jake, Amber, Baylen and Nutmeg, we got to work first thing Saturday morning when my mom arrived. The house doesn’t come with any major projects, but there are enough odds and ends to keep us busy for weeks, including painting over some of the … Read More

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Happy Homeowner Day!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Today is the day, friends! This afternoon Joe and I are closing on our first home and will be homeowners by the end of the day. We are pumped, and nervous, and excited, and a thousand things in between. I realize there are plenty of things about home ownership that are less than glamorous, but for now, we are focusing on all the pretty, sparking and wonderful things about owning a home. For the first time since we have lived … Read More

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Baked Apple Cinnamon Doughnuts

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

When it comes to breakfast, I really do believe it is the most important meal of the day. Most of the time I find myself in bed, planning what I’m going to have for breakfast the following morning. It tends to be a steady rotation of oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and sliced banana, a bowl of Greek yogurt with fruit or the occasional almond milk smoothie in the summer. Truthfully, doughnuts for breakfast have never really been my cup … Read More

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Tracy Anderson Workout + Incline Walking

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

  I don’t share many of my workout routines on Espresso and Cream. Perhaps it’s because it seems strange to talk about donuts one morning and hitting the gym the next day. But seeing as that Pinterest is mainly a mixture of indulgent desserts and kick-butt workout routines, I figure I’m not the only person who believes that the best life is one of balance. One of my goals for 2013 is to mix up my workout routines and try … Read More

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Cooking with Farro: Breakfast Edition

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Good morning, friends, and happy Monday. I’m entering the home stretch of my break between jobs. This week is my final week at home before I start the new gig next week. And while I was pretty nervous about being bored or restless during my time off, I have been loving my down time, staying busy with errands, blogging and things that needed to be done prior to our house closing this Friday. One of the biggest perks about my … Read More

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A Little Nutmeg Update

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

The results of the survey are in. Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback on what you would like to see more of on Espresso and Cream! It turns out that, not surprisingly, many of you want to see more photos of Nutmeg on the blog. And I don’t blame you. I’m partial, but I do think she’s pretty darn cute. I don’t know why I’ve stopped taking photos of our pup lately, probably because she spends most … Read More

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Fritos Scotcheroos for Superbowl Sunday

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

I love the Superbowl, which isn’t really much of a surprise. It combines some of my favorite things in one place: football, tasty snacks, funny commercials. And since the Vikings aren’t playing and I’m minimally invested in the outcome of the game, there is more time to focus on game day snacks! Back when I was in 7th grade, which now seems like a very long time ago, I remember my mom suggested I bring an unusual dessert to my … Read More