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How I…Edit Blog Photos

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Today I wanted to share with you how I edit the photos that appear on Espresso and Cream. It goes without saying that it is much easier to take a good photo with favorable light rather than try to correct the photo later in Photoshop or another photo editing software. However, sometimes I find that my photos need a little help to appear as vibrant and tasty as they do in real life. I hesitate to share this with you, … Read More

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Rice Pudding

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

I’m really starting to lose track of what day it is. This break from work before I start my new job is both the most wonderful and bizarre experience, seeing as that I haven’t had this much time out of the working world (three. whole. weeks.) since the summer before my senior year of college. And although I feel a bit guilty sending my hubby off to work each morning while I’m left to read books, bake and exercise, I’m … Read More

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Advertising on Espresso and Cream

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Good morning and happy Monday, friends! Did you all have a good weekend? We certainly did, though we didn’t do anything too crazy exciting. Joe was feeling under-the-weather on Friday, so we stayed in with a few back episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and a Pappa John’s pizza. Thankfully Joe was feeling better on Saturday so we took in a free early morning yoga class, ran errands and went to see Argo on Saturday night. Has anyone seen it? If you … Read More

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Cinnamon Swirl Bread

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Do you ever find yourself doubting your instincts? I’ll confess that I do more often that I’d like to admit. I’ll get a hair cut and think it looks great, but find myself seeking the affirmation of others before I truly feel good about it. Or I’ll say something opinionated, only to worry that perhaps I shouldn’t have been so outspoken. I’ve never been one to follow the mantra of “If it feels good, do it,” but I think that … Read More

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Cinnamon-Sugar Soft Pretzels with Cayenne

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Happy Wednesday, friends! We are settling into life in Minneapolis as best we can despite the fact that the weather is absolutely freezing. We’re talking -10°F, which of course makes me want to hibernate and eat cookies rather than run errands and exercise. I’ve been through winter in the Midwest for almost two decades, but it still never gets any easier during the months of January and February. I have no idea where I am going with all this other … Read More

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Mountain Adventures

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Happy Monday, Friends! Thank you so much for your kind words about our big news! I’m planning on going through each of your comments and responding to each one today. I’m so excited that there are so many E&C readers in Minnesota. Maybe we all need to get together for brunch sometime? Joe and I just returned last night from a trip to Idaho where we spent a couple wonderful days with my family before starting new jobs in the … Read More

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We’ve Got Big News!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry29 Comments

Our boxes are packed. Our cars are as full as they can be. And it’s finally time to make it blog official… We are moving to Minneapolis!!! Those of you who following me on Twitter or Instagram have most likely already heard about our big move (I’m not very good at keeping a secret for too long) but seeing as that we are moving to Minnesota today, I thought it high time to let the cat out of the bag … Read More

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Clean Eating Lunch

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Over the past couple weeks I’ve been trying to get back on track with clean eating. Although I don’t feel like I indulged all that much during the holiday season, I found that with the craziness of the season I really slacked on my fruit and veggie consumption. Honest confession time: When things get busy, I frequently find myself eating oatmeal with peanut butter or almond butter for dinner instead of an actual meal. Sad but true. So, rather than … Read More

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Surprise Bridal Shower for Dessert For Two and MoonPie Cupcakes!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry24 Comments

One of my absolute favorite things about blogging is the fact that I have developed so many friendships over the past couple years. Some of these friendships are just via e-mail, tweets and blog comments, but I’ve also had the opportunity to go on a lot of “blogger dates” with some of my favorite people online. Joe is notoriously skeptical, since he is of the (logical) frame of mind that you can become whoever you want to be on the … Read More

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Puppy Chow

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Over the last couple weeks, Joe and I have been watching a lot of football. Between the bowl games over the holiday season and the NFL Playoffs, we’ve spent more time on the couch than I care to admit. Seeing as that we are going to have to go eight months before football season gears up again in the fall, I have justified my lazy behavior as absolutely necessary. Most of the time we simply sit down and watch the … Read More

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On Living Life Fully

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

One of the things that Joe and I have appreciated most about living in small-town Iowa has been our church family. We decided to live where we do because it was central to where Joe would work (east of Grinnell) and where I would work (west of Grinnell). Since neither of us work in the community in which we live, I was initially worried about how we would make friends and build a sense of community. Fortunately, it didn’t take … Read More

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Caramel-Pecan Sticky Rolls

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

One of the recipes I’ve most wanted to master over the past couple years has been a gooey, caramel sticky roll. Everything from the way they look coming out of the oven to the amazing, gooey texture and caramel flavor pulls me in. It’s not exactly a post-holiday detox recipe, but my husband loves them and he’s not one for detoxes of any sort. For years, I’ve heard wonderful things about The Pioneer Woman’s recipe for cinnamon rolls. I’ve watched … Read More