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Roasted Brussels Sprouts

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Without a doubt, Brussels sprouts are my favorite vegetable. Coming from a vegetable lover like myself, that’s a pretty bold statement. But nothing else compares to these little cabbages. Naturally, it makes me sad to hear that a lot of people think they don’t like Brussels sprouts, and even worse, that they like them but don’t know how to prepare them at home. Truth be told, it’s incredibly easy to make Brussels sprouts cooked to perfection. After trimming the ends … Read More

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Quinoa Flour Crepes with Black Beans and Feta

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

One of the perks of the days that I get to work from home is that I get to make lunches that are a bit more elaborate than I might make and take with me to the office. Case in point: Last week’s lunch of Quinoa Flour Crepes with Black Beans and Feta. For a while now, I’ve been playing around with different uses for Feed Adam Quinoa Flour. It’s a savory flour with a definite flavor profile that lends … Read More

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Merry Christmas!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry20 Comments

A few weeks back, Joe and I took Christmas card photos while my mom was in town. Since my mom is actually an amateur photographer extraordinaire, we lucked out with photos that were cute and inexpensive. Joe was actually coming down with a pretty nasty cold the morning we took photos, but he was such a trooper and didn’t complain at all about me picking out his clothes and making him smile for dozens of photos. I was trilled with … Read More

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Raw Chocolate Truffles

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Despite the amazingly, unseasonably warm weather in Iowa, Christmas is in full swing at our house. This weekend Christmas cookies were baked, holiday music was played and Elf was watched. Does it get any better? Amidst baking a large number of sugar-laden Christmas cookies, I made myself a little healthy treat in an attempt to prevent mindless cookie dough eating. These little chocolate truffles taste indulgent without making you feel sluggish. That’s probably due to the fact that they are … Read More

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Cloud Clusters

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

I’m guessing that sometime over the next couple of weeks you are going to find yourself in a cookie dilemma. You need to bring some type of sweet or baked good to a church, work or social gathering and waited until the last minute to figure something out. Now you find yourself debating between slice and bake cookies or running to the bakery to buy a couple dozen sweets. If that sounds like a familiar situation, I’ve got another option … Read More

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My 5 Things: Jenny Frederick

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

WHO: Jenny Frederick WHAT: World-Traveling Minnesota Girl BLOG: Traveling Chic Hi, E&C Readers! My name is Jenny and I am delighted to be a part of Madison’s “My 5 Things.” I’m a Midwest girl from Minnesota but I’ve also lived in San Francisco, Sydney, Boulder and briefly in Rome. I’m a month away from my 30th birthday, and although it makes me feel somewhat old, I’m excited to shirt into a new decade. I am an attorney by day and … Read More

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Gingerbread Scones

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

I’m back! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and did not count a single calorie over the last four days. It felt good to take a little break from blogging and enjoy some much needed down time with family over the Thanksgiving weekend. Joe and I headed home on Wednesday afternoon and split our time between his parent’s house and my mom’s house. And aside from making two pies (Chocolate Tofu and Pumpkin) I did very little cooking … Read More

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Here’s to a Sleepy Week

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

A few weeks back I baked up a batch of gingerbread muffins that I was sure were going to be delicious, healthy and perfect for the holidays. The muffins looked beautiful, as evidenced by these pictures, but the texture was off. The molasses gave these healthy muffins all too much chew, in part because I used a bit of applesauce in place of the oil, and in part because of the molasses, I believe. Things have been pretty busy in … Read More

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The Cheap Girl’s Guide to Beauty Products

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

It’s Friday! Let’s talk about something fun, shall we? Since winter is just around the corner, it seems appropriate to talk about beauty products. During the summer, feeling pretty comes naturally. It’s warm, chances are your skin has seen the sun just a bit, the weather isn’t dry. But for me, winter is a different story. Static, dry hair, dry, pale skin. It’s not my best season. But there are a few products that I use on a daily basis … Read More

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Sweet Potato Muffins

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Happy Thursday, friends! I can’t believe how fast this week is going. Actually, it’s hard to believe how fast every week has been going lately. Is next week really Thanksgiving? Say it isn’t so, because I still have Christmas card pictures to take, and a menu to plan for the friends-giving celebration we’re having this weekend, and I have to decide what to bring to Joe’s family Thanksgiving. Whew! In the spirit of the holidays, I decided to bake up … Read More

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My 5 Things: Emily Schloerb

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

WHO: Emily Schloerb WHAT: Marketing Coordinator WHERE: Kansas City BLOG: Country Roots & Cowgirl Boots I’m a 23-year-old marketing coordinator at Westfall GMC, a trucking dealership in Kansas City. I grew up in Iowa, graduated from ISU with degree in journalism. I started blogging shortly after I got married as a way to keep family and friends in the loop. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very consistent with my posts. This past summer I decided it was time to take it more … Read More

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Homemade Walnut Milk

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

A couple weeks ago at work, the California Walnut Board came to talk with the food editors about the health benefits and great flavor of walnuts. As part of their presentation, they brought along Aida Mollenkamp to share some of her favorite recipes using walnuts. Since I am a big fan of walnuts, the presentation was right up my alley. One of the recipes Aida made was a homemade walnut milk. I had seen a lot of people make homemade … Read More