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My 5 Things: Stephanie May

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’m running a bit behind on today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday post, which is a shame because I’m so excited to share with you Stephanie May’s 5 things! You know the drill… Stephanie May is a world-traveling journalist who is in love with Jesus, with life and with all things beautiful. In early September 2012, she returned from the World Race, an 11-month mission trip to 11 countries around the world (she blogged about it, too!). Currently, she is working for Adventures … Read More

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Chocolate-Pumpkin Pie (aka Pumpkin Spice Latte Pie)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Today, my friends, was the ultimate relaxing Sunday. In fact, Joe and I had an entire weekend full of relaxation, which was exactly what the doctor ordered. Both of us seem to be coming down with a bit of a head cold, and it was incredibly rainy/stormy for most of the weekend, giving us an excuse to do very little other than watch football, bake (things like this Chocolate Pumpkin Pie) and run some errands that have been on the … Read More

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Old-Fashioned Mini Peanut Butter Cookies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I have a lot of peanut butter recipes on Espresso and Cream, probably because peanut butter is, without doubt, my favorite food. We go through a jar of peanut butter each week in our house I love it so much. So it comes as a bit of a surprise to me that I don’t have a single recipe for basic peanut butter cookies on the site. Today, I’m here to remedy that with these bite-sized peanut butter cookies based off … Read More

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Running Short on Time

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

A couple weeks ago, Joe and I got to talking about time, more specifically what seems like the lack of time we have as we grow older. As we’ve gotten married and transitioned into adulthood it feels as if the number of things, events and people demanding of our time grows and our time shrinks away. In many ways this is a lovely problem to have I suppose, a sign of a full life with many loved ones to see … Read More

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Whole Wheat Beer-Cheese Bread

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Okay, it’s time for me to come clean about something that haunts me in the kitchen: I’m terrible with any type of baking that involves yeast. I’ve read up on the subject, and proofed dough in a warm oven, followed step-by-step instructions and experimented with going on the feel of the dough. But time and time again I fail. The results of my yeast-based dough baking aren’t a complete disaster, per se. Once in a while I manage to pull … Read More

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My 5 Things: Rachel Rhodes

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

WHO: Rachel Rhodes WHAT: Country Music Star-t0-Be WHERE: Nashville WEBSITE: Rachel Rhodes Music  I’ve known Rachel from a distance for quite a while now. She went to a neighboring high school and our paths crossed during school activities from time to time. Now Rachel is living in Nashville getting ready to make it big in the music business. Seriously her music is amazing, just take a visit to her site to have a listen. Thanks for sharing, Rachel!  Hi everybody! I’m … Read More

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Game Day in Gainesville

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes on Friday! After putting up Friday’s post, Joe and I hopped on a plane headed for Florida. The trip was a short one (right around 48 hours) but we had a very important mission: to see the Gators take on LSU down in The Swamp. I couldn’t imagine a better way to celebrate my birthday than by watching the Gators win with my two favorite guys: my dad and Joe. Now … Read More

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Espresso and Cream Gives Back

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

Happy Friday, friends! Today, I’m celebrating my 25th birthday! I took the day off of work to celebrate (aka staying in my sweats all morning and drinking a crazy amount of coffee) and I have some other news near and dear to my heart to share with you. Ever since I started Espresso and Cream, three years ago, I had hopes that this site would be able to make a difference in some way. As you already know, E&C generates … Read More

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Sweater Weather

In Fashion, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

Sweater: Sort of Similar | Jeans: Banana Republic Outlet | Tank: Banana Republic Outlet When Joe and I got engaged almost two years ago in NYC, I decided I needed to purchase something while I was there as an everyday reminder of the amazing weekend and our engagement. My sister-in-law, Amber, and I did some shopping and I came up with this cashmere sweater. At the time, I knew it was comfy, but wasn’t sure how much I would wear … Read More

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Caramelized Banana Bread

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

I had grand plans about waxing poetic about this rich, full-flavored Caramelized Banana Bread because it’s really as amazing as it sounds. The banana flavor is somehow more banana-y with warm caramel flavor and a crisp, sugar-coated exterior. And as all banana bread should, it tastes better two or three days after baking, once it has had time to sit wrapped in aluminum foil on the countertop. I even used a few slices dipped in egg to make Banana Bread … Read More

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My 5 Things: Alisa Link

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

WHO: Alisa Link WHAT: Social Media and Website Guru for Channel 13 WHERE: Iowa BLOG: Hello! My name is Alisa and I work for Channel 13 in Des Moines.  I do their social media and website content.  I’ve lived all over, in Chicago, New Orleans, and now I’m back in my home state, close to my family, and loving all that Des Moines has to offer for us yuppies.  Here are just a few of the things that make me feel beautiful: … Read More

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Help! Style Me…

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

Espresso and Cream has never been, and will never be, predominantly a fashion blog. I have too many bad hair days and not enough items in my wardrobe. But I do enjoy posting fashion photos when I find an outfit or item of clothing that I think other readers might love, too. Last week, I got sucked into the clothing section of Target over my lunch break and bough this shirt on a whim. I was feeling frumpy, having a … Read More