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Vegetarian Lasagna with Goat Cheese and Summer Squash

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Happy Monday, all! Did anyone do anything fun this past weekend? Joe and I had an incredibly relaxing weekend at home which was just what we needed. I’m not sure what I did to deserve it, but Joe really spoiled me this weekend by taking me shopping to the outlet malls on Friday night and going to a drive-in movie for the first time in years. Oh, and did I mention that my husband who never cooks told me on … Read More

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The Dark Side

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry47 Comments

If you follow me on Instagram (madisonjanemayberry) you may have already seen pictures of what went down in the salon on Wednesday. If not, I’m here to bring you photos. To say it was a major change is an understatement, right? Holy dark! I went to my stylist without a picture (for the first time in forever, mistake number 1) and said that I wanted to be brunette. I think our definitions of brunette are a little different, because man … Read More

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Cheesy Zucchini Couscous and a Giveaway Winner

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Wow! Thank you all SO much for helping celebrate the 3rd birthday of Espresso and Cream with all your fun comments about fall. As someone who loves football, I loved reading that so many of you girls (well, mostly girls) are as excited about football season as I am. Joe and I have been counting down the days for a month now. Go Gators! That said, the winner of the J. Crew giveaway is comment #112, Alina. Congrats, Alina! Please … Read More

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Sour Cream Coffee Cake and a Birthday Giveaway!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry248 Comments

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but this week, Espresso and Cream turns 3! It’s amazing (and a little cringe-worthy) to look back at posts from three years ago and think about all the life that has been lived and documented on these pages in the past three years. When I started writing this little blog, I was getting ready to enter my senior year in college and unsure what I was going to do after graduation. I’ve since graduated, … Read More

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Vacationing Door County Part II

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

We’re back in Iowa and ready to take on the week ahead! But before we get back to regular life, I wanted to share the last handful a photos from our time in Door County and share a list of our favorite eats and things to do while there. If you’re looking to take a trip to Door County in the near future, take a look at the list below for some ideas to get you started! Where We Stayed … Read More

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Vacationing Door County Part I

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Sorry for the radio silence over the past few days. Joe and I have been taking in all the sights and tastes of Door County, Wisconsin, and having a great time doing so. When looking for a vacation spot for the summer, we wanted to do something a little on the low-key side, since we have hopes of taking a European vacation next summer (fingers crossed!). Door County is only about an 8 hour drive from our home in Grinnell, … Read More

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Breakfast for a Group: Baked Egg Biscuit Cups

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry17 Comments

Happy Monday, everyone! Joe and I are officially on vacation and enjoying some much-needed time away from work and real life. I, however, am blogging while on vacation because, well, when I think about things I love to do with my free time, blogging totally makes the list. Thank you to everyone who entered the Chobani giveaway! I loved hearing what everyone would do if they were to compete in the Olympics. And I’m happy to know I’m not the … Read More

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Blueberry-Greek Yogurt Scones and a Chobani Giveaway!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry77 Comments

Can we talk about blueberries for a little bit? I want to love fresh blueberries, I really do, but I just don’t go crazy for them like I do raspberries, blackberries or strawberries. I frequently buy fresh blueberries at the store when they’re on sale, hoping I’ll want to throw them into my morning oatmeal or eat them atop yogurt, but they always just end up rejected in the back of my fridge. But this time, instead of letting those … Read More

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Healthier Mint Chocolate Pie (hint: It’s made with tofu!)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

I’ve been meaning to share this recipe for the longest time but never got around to it. I think what has prevented me from doing so was the ugly photo I took of it, but since the recipe was absolutely fantastic, I’m going to get over the bad photography and just share it with you anyway. A while back, Joe and I invited our friends Mike and Krista, and their adorable little girl, Ella, over for dinner. I already knew … Read More

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No Fat Talk Tuesday: Finding Your Identity

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

In last week’s No Fat Talk Tuesday, I talked about voicing and writing down the things that do not define us. Lies we believe about ourselves, our bodies, our abilities and our value. When I really meditate on it, there are a lot of lies I believe and a lot of things I think would bring me happiness, only to find out that those things don’t bring lasting fulfillment of any kind. For the longest time, I, like many women, … Read More

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Blueberry Streusel Muffins

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Friends, I’m so sorry for the past couple weeks. If you’ve noticed that I’ve been a bit distracted and posting less than usual, it’s because things have been a bit crazy over in the Hofmeyer house. But not to fear, I’m hoping that things return to normal in the weeks to come. Thank you for sticking with me through it all. This past weekend, Joe and I had a real treat when my dad came to visit us in Grinnell. … Read More

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Tomato Basil Grilled Cheese

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Last fall over Labor Day weekend, Joe and I went to visit my dad, step mom and little sisters in Idaho. They had just moved to Boise a month before our wedding, and it was the first time we got to go and see their new town and house. On one of the days there, we made the 2-hour drive through the mountains from Boise to McCall, an adorable little town tucked up away from Idaho’s capitol. Since we stopped … Read More