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Happy Father’s Day!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Just stopping in quickly to say Happy Father’s Day to the most amazing dad a girl could ask for. I suppose everyone says their dad is the best, but I truly think I lucked out in the dad department. You would be hard-pressed to find a man more dedicated to his daughters than this guy. Quick to laugh and share a bit of advice, always willing to listen and ready to drop everything when any of us girls needs him, … Read More

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Banana Bread Protein Pancake

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Here I am, yet again, with another pancake recipe. Are you sick of them yet? I hope not, because no matter how many pancake recipes I try, I’m always up for another variation on one of my favorite breakfasts. For the last six months, I’ve been eating the same breakfast almost every morning (1/2 cup oats, 1 medium banana, sliced, cinnamon, 2 tablespoon natural peanut butter). It amazes Joe that I never get sick of this repetitive morning meal, but … Read More

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Cheater Breakfast: Cinnamon-Banana Stuffed Muffins

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

You’re all already aware of the fact that I like to keep things pretty healthy and un-processed around here, right? So may it’s a bit of a dichotomy to be posting a recipe based around a can of Pillsbury Grands Biscuits. I’ll admit, it’s not innately “me” but I have a husband who loves those buttery little biscuits from a can. And so, from time to time, they make it into our shopping cart. Since there are only two of … Read More

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Maxi Dresses for Tall Girls

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry25 Comments

There’s nothing I love more than summer weather, and being in Iowa makes me appreciate the high temps even more. But since our hot weather days are so limited in the Midwest, it sometimes seems like a waste to spend a lot of money on dresses that will only get used three months out of the year. Max dresses, on the other hand, are a different story. Because of their length, I could see myself  wearing this dress in the … Read More

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No Fat Talk Tuesday: Insecurity

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry22 Comments

{With the beautiful ladies in my wedding last summer, the day before I got married} I’ve been meaning to share my story on No Fat Talk Tuesday for quite some time. I was actually planning on posting my story today, but it’s a story I’ve told very few people and it’s taken me longer to find the words than I had expected. So today, I want to talk about comparison. Man, I shudder just saying that word because of what … Read More

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Grinnell Games Warrior Run 5k

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Happy Monday, everyone! After spending four weekends in a row traveling for family events, Joe and I were incredibly excited to have a weekend at home. Although I love traveling and taking part in all that is going on with our family, it’s amazing how filled-up a couple days of fun and relaxation can make you feel. This weekend the Grinnell Games, a small two-day festival, took place in our little town. Grinnell doesn’t have much going on most weekends, … Read More

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Photography and Savory Sweet Life’s Pint-Size Biscotti

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry17 Comments

Thank you to everyone who entered the Savory Sweet Life Cookbook giveaway! The winner is announced at the end of this post. But before I get to that, I wanted to talk a little bit about food photography. I’ll be the first to admit that my photos aren’t anywhere near those of some other amazing food bloggers. Since I work full-time, I’m limited with when and where I can photograph recipes, and don’t even get me started on winter food … Read More

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Watermelon Feta Salad and Savory Sweet Life Cookbook Giveaway

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry84 Comments

I’d like to take a minute to introduce you to someone I feel like I know, Alice Currah. Alice, who blogs at Savory Sweet Life, has a passion for food and feeding people that’s hard to miss when you visit her site. I’ve exchanged Tweets and blog comments with Alice for a while now, and was trilled when she announced that she was publishing a cookbook. As a mother of three kids, I anticipated the recipes in her book to … Read More

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In Fashion by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

I’ve never really noticed before, but it turns out that our back alley is a fashion blogger’s dream. I think someone who enjoys taking outfit photos more than I do (and has more fashion sense) should move into our apartment just for the endless backdrops. I can’t believe last weekend was the first time I noticed it! Joe and I headed up to Minneapolis two weeks ago for Jason and Ali’s graduation. Typically, I wear gym shorts or sweats in … Read More

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No Fat Talk Tuesday: Tyler’s Story

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

Today’s “No Fat Talk” post is a first and comes to us from a male reader! I’m excited to share with you a different perspective and face to fat talk today. I’m not sure how many guys read Espresso and Cream, but I think that both men and women can learn a lot by reading Tyler’s story. It really made me realize that although I tend to think guys are immune to talking negatively about their bodies, that’s simply not … Read More

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Green Bean, Corn and Tomato Salad with Feta Dressing

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Hey everyone! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Joe and I are on our way back from visiting Jason and Ali in Kansas City and helping them move into their new apartment and I’m now (er…was) blogging from the car. Thank you so much for your helpful words and advice about racing in Friday’s post. I kept all your tips in mind as we ran, and am happy to report that I had a really successful race. Instead of … Read More

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Graduation Weekend and Races

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Last weekend Joe’s little brother Jason and his fiancee Ali graduated from college at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Both Joe, his older sister Amber and her husband Jake graduated from Bethel, and I spent my freshman year of college up there. It was crazy to think that the last of the Hofmeyer siblings have now graduated from Bethel (and that I’m the only one of them who didn’t graduate from Bethel!) Jason and Ali are getting married in … Read More