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Breakfast Quinoa with Oats

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

 Lately you’ve probably noticed a bit more quinoa popping up on Espresso and Cream, yes? Well, get ready for even more recipes in the months to come! Curtis has kept our house well-stocked with quinoa, and in exchange for the free quinoa, I’ve been creating recipes that go both on this site and on his company’s blog. It’s a win-win if you ask me. My relationship with quinoa took a while to heat up. I first started cooking with this … Read More

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30 by 30 Update

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Last year, after Joe and I ran our first half marathon, I talked a bit about a crazy idea I had to run 30 races by the time I turned 30. Considering I only started running races last year (at age 23) I’ve got a lot of races to run in order to meet my goal! Even if I don’t end up hitting the 30 by 30 mark, I’m going to have fun trying. I’m hoping to add a couple … Read More

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No Fat Talk Tuesday: Cara’s Story

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday comes to us from Cara, who blogs over at A (not so) Desperate Hausfrau. Although she was born and raised in the states, Cara is now living in Germany with her husband, Luis, who is a professional athlete. Every time I visit her blog, I’m left with a serious case of wanderlust. When I read Cara’s story, I immediately knew it was one that a lot of women would be able to relate to, and … Read More

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Perfect Scrambled Eggs

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Some of you may have already dismissed this post because of the title alone, and I can’t say I really blame you. A recipe for scrambled eggs? Really? Yes. Please let me explain. Last Christmas my mom made scrambled eggs for brunch. They took forever to cook and we were starving, but since she was so excited about the method I figured I would see her out. Turns out the eggs lived up to the hype and were well worth … Read More

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Feels Like Summertime

In Fashion by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

When Friday night rolls around, the last thing Joe and I usually feel like doing is getting dressed up and going out. Usually we end up taking Nutmeg on a walk, putting comfy clothes on and getting a movie from the Redbox. But this Friday night, we made ourselves presentable and went out. And by going out, I mean washing my hair, putting on wedges and going out to Mexican followed by a trip to Costco and ending with a … Read More

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Make Your Own: Taco Box

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Happy Friday, all! And happy (almost) Cinco de Mayo! When it comes to ideas, inspiration and education, The Kitchn is one of my favorite food websites. A while back, I saw this adorable idea for a “New Baby Taco Box“. The idea being that you can bring this all-in-one box to parents of a new baby. It was perfect timing, since friends of ours had just had a new baby. What really drew me in was the fact that the … Read More

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Chickpea, Kale and Quinoa Bowl

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

When it comes to eating out, I’m a sucker for places like the Whole Foods hot bar or the salad bar at Jason’s Deli. It’s a little dose of sensory overload, with all the amazing (and often healthy) foods to choose from. Perhaps as a food editor I shouldn’t admit this, but I would much rather eat a healthy, basic, meal any day of the week rather than to sit down at an upscale restaurant. I don’t exactly have time … Read More

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Feed Adam

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

A couple months ago, I eluded to the fact that my cousin, Curtis, was starting a new business centered around quinoa and quinoa products. It’s been a long time in coming, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to share with you a little bit more about his company now that it’s up and running! Curtis and I grew up together and he’s the closest thing I had to a brother. His heart for the Lord and those … Read More

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No Fat Talk Tuesday: Natalie’s Story

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday post comes to us from Natalie, who blogs over at Married Meets Healthy. I am so excited to share Natalie’s story with you all, because she brings a unique perspective to the series. Natalie’s story of learning to love and appreciate her body through her fitness and athletic accomplishments is something I can relate to personally and know many of you will be able to as well. Thanks for sharing, Natalie! – Madison There wasn’t … Read More

Spiced Roasted Chickpeas

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Hey, all! I hope you all had a happy weekend. Joe and I spent our time up in Minneapolis partaking in bachelor and bachelorette festivities for Joe’s brother, Jason, and his fiancé, Ali. And I solidified my title as worst blogger ever by taking zero pictures of our weekend. Thankfully, someone had the good sense to take a picture this morning at brunch with Ali’s family, or I would have nothing to show you. Ali has amazing friends. Even though … Read More

Chop, Chop!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry25 Comments

It must be something in the air, but I got the crazy desire today to cut my hair. And cut I did! I can’t say I thought about it all that much. It was impulsive, to say the least. Ahh! When all was said and done, I think I cut off somewhere around six inches. I can hardly believe it, but I feel even more ready for summer than ever before. Happy weekend, all!Madison

Crispy Baked Tofu with Marinara

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry23 Comments

Last week when I posted a picture of the tofu I had in my lunch from dinner the night before, I got a lot of requests for the recipe. Honestly, I haven’t had much success preparing tofu at home in the past. Usually it ends up getting stuck to the skillet or ends up tasting soggy and tasteless. Unless, of course, you cover it in a bunch of browned butter or calorie-dense sauce, but I guess that really negates the … Read More