Spring Green Salad

In by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

  Lunches are difficult for me. Are they difficult for you? The whole process of packing a lunch, trying to find something in the fridge that will transport well and keep me filled throughout the afternoon. Something that’s not going to stink up the office fridge (which is already its own kind of disgusting). It’s really a drag, isn’t it? But since I’m trying to eat out less during the week and save us a little extra money, brown-bagging it … Read More

NYC Travels and IACP

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Last week Wednesday I hopped on a plane and headed to New York for five days to attend IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals). You might remember last year’s trip to Austin, in which I met the lovely Dorie Greenspan, watched thousands of bats fly at night and ate some of the most amazing tacos of my life. This year’s trip was entirely different but every bit as fun. Most of my time was spent at the conference, but during … Read More

No Fat Talk Tuesday: Alaina

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday post is from the lovely Alaina who blogs over at The Jogging Concierge. Although Alaina claims she doesn’t really have a way with words, I would beg to disagree. Her story touched me and motivated me to continue to work towards fighting the good fight against fat talk. Thank you, Alaina, for sharing your story and helping others learn to love their bodies! – Madison I’ve never really been the one who was extremely eloquent … Read More

Sour Cream Raisin Pie

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hello, all! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I’ve actually been away in NYC for work since Wednesday (more on that later) and am just getting home today so things have been a little slow around these parts. But I know what you really want to know is who won the giveaway, right? It seems like I’m not the only one obsessed with Greek yogurt since over a hundred of you entered to win the free Chobani. So, let’s … Read More

Greek Yogurt Raisin Pie and Chobani Giveaway

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

When Joe and I first got married, Joe’s mom, Lisa, gifted me with a recipe book filled with her grandmother’s recipes. This binder, filled with scans of recipes both handwritten and clipped from various sources, is called ‘Grandma Jacobs Recipe Book’, and boy is it a gem. Although I don’t think I’ll be making many of the entrees or ‘salads’ out of this book, the desserts immediately won me over. As someone who develops recipes for a living, I was … Read More

A Food Editor’s Take on How to Write a Recipe

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Developing recipes, formulating story concepts and writing about food accounts for a large chunk of my day-to-day at work. That’s not to say the less glamorous aspects don’t exist. Budgets, schedules and scouring recipes for errors and misplaced commas also take up a good chunk of my day. But let’s not focus on that right now. The point is, I’ve become very familiar with recipe structure and formatting over the past four years, since the beginning days when I was … Read More

No Fat Talk Tuesday: Iradis’s Story

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday post comes to us from Iradis. She wrote her No Fat Talk story and sent it my way over a month ago, and I’ve been excited to post it ever since. A frequent commenter on Espresso and Cream, I feel as if I know Iradis personally. Her story about learning how to love and appreciate her body is something I think we can all relate to. -Madison Honestly, it has taken me a long time … Read More

Garlic Feta Burgers

In by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

  Hey, everyone! How was your weekend? We had a wonderful weekend over here. My mom arrived on Friday night and stayed until Sunday after church. And she brought Nutmeg with her, too! I can’t tell you how good it feels to be reunited with our little fur baby after two weeks without her.  The weather in Iowa was absolutely unreal this weekend, too, so we made the most out of it by spending a lot of time outside. Tennis … Read More

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sandwiches

In by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

You know me. I’m all about simple weeknight meals. In fact, I think everyone I talk to is looking for more easy meals that don’t require a bunch of ingredients or a lot of time. This is especially true when it comes to meat. Being a vegetarian, most of my meals are quick to prepare. Roasted veggies, sauteed tofu, loaded up salads – they’re all quick and easy. So it’s probably no surprise that I have less patience when cooking … Read More

Nutmeg Takes a Vacation

In by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

A week and a half ago when we were home for my grandma’s funeral, we left Nutmeg with my mom for two whole weeks. Since I’m the type of puppy parent who hated the idea of leaving my dog at a kennel while we vacationed with Joe’s family in Arizona, I figured leaving her with my mom would be the best option. Of course, my mom has loved taking care of Nut and having her around. Me on the other … Read More

The Hofmeyers Take Scottsdale

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

The ‘craziness’ I’ve been talking about has actually been a good sort of craziness. Last Friday night, Joe and I hopped a plane and headed down to Arizona for a little spring break vacation with Joe’s family. We rented a house in Scottsdale for the week, and although the weather was unseasonably cool for Arizona, we managed to have a wonderful time despite the cooler temps and rain. And yesterday finally cooperated with us by providing temps in the upper … Read More

No Fat Talk Tuesday: True Beauty from Natalie

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

We’re going to mix things up for today’s No Fat Talk Tuesday! Regular posts will resume next week, but for this week my blog-friend Natalie of Thoughts by Natalie is guest posting. I’ve talked about Natalie’s blog before, but I can’t say enough great things about it and Natalie’s perspective on true beauty. She brings an uplifting, unique perspective to the topic that I think all of us following No Fat Talk Tuesday can appreciate. – Madison I read a blog … Read More