Have a Relaxing Weekend!

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I think I’m finally starting to realize that time really does go by so much faster the older we get. It seems like the weeks fly by these days and here we are, getting ready for another weekend to begin. Sometimes when life moves so fast, I find myself so caught up in the craziness that I forget to really soak up the blessings that are right around me. Last weekend I snapped a photo of two of my favorite … Read More

Healthier Mexican Layer Dip

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Last Sunday Joey and I held off on dinner in order to enjoy a few Super Bowl snacks. But since my least favorite feeling is that stuffed, over-full feeling you get after endless amounts of snacking, I decided to keep our snacks on the healthier side and stick to eating just one thing, instead of trying a bunch of different dips and spreads. Of course, variety was still important to me, so I made the most colorful, varied dip I … Read More

Shopping and Saving

In by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Sometimes, as was the case today, we end a photo shoot for work with plenty of leftover food. Since we take photos of many different recipes, often only using a small portion of a package for each recipe, it’s inevitable that there will be extras. Since I’m always interested in finding ways to cut back on our grocery spending from week-to-week, and because I hate seeing food go to waste, I take advantage of bringing home some of the healthy … Read More

No Fat Talk Tuesday: Sarah’s Story

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Hello there Espresso and Cream readers! My name is Sarah, I am wife to Abel, mom to 3 month old Simeon and I blog at The Crosby Show. I was encouraged when I read Madison’s “No Fat Talk” resolution, because let’s face it, in the past year my body has taken quite a beating in the form of pregnancy, labor, and delivery – more on that in a minute. My story begins in Jr. High. I was at a swim … Read More

Toasted Coconut Granola

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Can I interest anyone in a little homemade granola? What about if I tell you it’s packed with good things like toasted coconut, slivered almonds, walnuts and raisins and coated with sweet and earthy real molasses? Lately, I’ve been obsessed with one cookbook in particular. That is, Heidi Swanson’s Super Natural Everyday. It’s a beautiful book, packed with inspiring, mouthwatering recipes that pull me in and don’t let me go. Sure, plenty of the recipes call for ingredients that I … Read More

Superbowl Round-Up

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

Lisa’s Amazing Snack Mix Homemade Chicken Nuggets Vegetarian Sloppy Joes (just double, triple or quadruple the recipe) Missy’s Slow Cooker Ham  Velveeta Chili Dip  Individual ‘Scotcheroos’ Chocolate Revel Bars Banana Sheet Cake  Fluffer-Nutter Bars Rice Krispie Treat Pops Homemade Almond Joy Candy Bars 

Do You Blog?

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry105 Comments

{Blogging back in the summer, when I was tan. Sigh.} Lately I’ve really been trying to corral and comment on the blogs of those of you who read Espresso and Cream. It seems like every day I’m discovering a new, amazing and tasty blog but then either forget to add it to my Google Reader or forget the URL of the site I was on.  Later this month I am hoping to add a new page to Espresso and Cream … Read More

Creamy Chia Oatmeal

In by Madison Mayberry20 Comments

Good morning, and happy Wednesday! I’m offering up my sincerest apologies for this photo, but certainly not apologizing for the recipe. It’s killer good and a huge hit with my husband, who begged me to put the recipe up for you guys. Hey, if Joey is raving about oatmeal, it’s most certainly got something going on, right? Over the past few weeks, my love for oatmeal has heated back up. My favorite thing about oats has always been the fact … Read More

No Fat Talk Tuesday: Stephanie’s Story

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

I’m so excited to be kicking off our first of many ‘No Fat Talk Tuesday’ posts. In the weeks ahead, women from all walks of life will be sharing their stories of learning to love their bodies and the importance of saying no to ‘fat talk’ in their lives. With that, I’ll hand it over to Stephanie… Take a gander over at my blog, Girl Versus Dough, and you might wonder what makes me an authority on anything related to … Read More

Missy’s Slow-Cooker Ham

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

When Joey really likes a dish he eats at a restaurant, he looks at me and asks, “Can you make this at home?” And more often than not, I promise to give it a try. Sometimes it’s a hit right off the bat (Chicken Parm from any number of Italian restaurants) and sometimes it proves to be a bit more challenging (I’m slowly but surely mastering Texas Roadhouse’s rolls). But the first dish Joey ever asked me, no begged me, … Read More

Soft and Wavy Curls

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Are you all as addicted to Pinterest as I am? I should clarify that I’m addicted to looking at Pinterest and finding ideas. But since I’m slightly type-A, I find it hard to pull the trigger and actually ‘pin’ things for fear that my boards will become messy and disorganized. I suppose that’s all beside the point, since what I really want to talk about is hair. Pinterest is, I’ve decided, most useful for two things: recipe organization and hair … Read More

Chopped Green Salad Wrap

In by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

  I’ve received a lot of questions from readers about what I pack for lunches and snacks when I go to work each day. I’m not going to lie, I struggle just as much as the next person. But since I would much rather spend money going out to eat with my husband on date nights, taking a packed lunch and snacks is the norm.  A few of my favorite snacks being:           *Lara Bars (cashew cookie, peanut butter cookie, … Read More