Puppy Love

In by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

  Joey snapped a few photos last weekend while Nutmeg and I were cuddling on the couch. She was, as you can see, trilled about being involved in a spontaneous photo shot.  And yes, I’m reading Tim Tebow’s book, Through My Eyes, during my down time. Now that the football season is almost over, how else am I going to get my fix? What good books have you read lately? Madison

Share Your Story!

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

It’s been almost an entire month since I started my ‘No Fat Talk Pledge’ for 2012, and I wanted to check in with an update. Aside from one major “my jeans are tight and my thighs are huge” moment a couple weeks back, I’ve been going strong. It’s not always easy, but in the last couple weeks I’ve found my desire to talk negatively about my body has significantly diminished. Every time I’m tempted to say something negative, I remind … Read More

Inside-Out S’Mores Brownies

In by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Hey everyone! How was your weekend? Joey and I have really been enjoying spending weekends at home lately after spending what felt like every weekend on the go during the months of September through December. I’m not going to lie, we felt completely overwhelmed and exhausted after the Christmas season. For that reason, January has been amazing.  In other news, I must have been really loving the February issue of Better Homes and Gardens because the last two recipes I’ve … Read More

Homemade Chocolate Fudge Sauce

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

A couple weeks ago Joey and I bought some Blue Bunny Vanilla Bean Frozen Yogurt. It may not sound like a big deal to you, but I was more than a little excited. You see, it’s been months since we had ice cream in our freezer. Typically, we avoid buying ice cream because I have zero self control around the stuff. I’m happy to eat a couple squares of chocolate and leave it at that, but ice cream is another … Read More

Garlic Kale Chips

In by Madison Mayberry21 Comments

Truth be told, I’ve always been more of a ‘quantity over quality’ girl when it comes to snacks and mealtime. I would rather find a way to stretch my morning protein pancake with a little canned pumpkin, even if it means sacrificing texture, just so I can have more to eat in the morning. And I will gladly eat an entire head of steamed broccoli over a small portion of broccoli with cheese 90% of the time. Can anyone relate? … Read More

Guest Posting @ Thoughts By Natalie

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

  If you’re anything like me, I’m guessing that you are always searching for uplifting, creative blogs that leave you with a smile on your face. If that’s the case, then I highly suggest stopping by Natalie’s blog. She lives in California with her husband and puts together posts and inspiration for 20-something women, although I’m sure she would welcome women of all ages to pop on by. If you haven’t checked out Natalie’s blog, please stop on over and … Read More

A Day in the Life…

In Uncategorized by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

A few days ago, Tanja put together a blog post about what her daily routine looks like. I’m always so fascinated by posts showing how everyone goes about their day-to-day, and I thought it might be high time to share a look into how things go down in our house.  {Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day. And most of the time, Joey and I take time to have breakfast together.} A typical weekday goes a little … Read More

Salmon Salad Pizza

In by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

Hey everyone! How was your weekend? Joe and I had friends over on Saturday night to watch the Broncos game and eat chili. And as an added surprise, my mom joined us for the weekend. And although the Broncos lost, it helped to have company (and ice cream) around to keep us from feeling the pain of the loss too much. And since my mom was around this weekend, we took advantage of having her snap a photo of us … Read More

Velveeta-Chili Dip

In by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

  If you’re anything like us, chances are you’re going to spend at least a little bit of time watching a football game (or four) on Saturday and Sunday. And if you’re really like us, you’ll probably find yourself standing and shouting at the TV while watching the Broncos game on Saturday night. When we’re particularly interested in one of the games, I like to make things a little more exciting by preparing a few traditional football eats. And while … Read More

Goals for 2012

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry28 Comments

1. No ‘Fat Talk’ in 2012 Yes, you heard me right. I’m instituting a no ‘fat talk’ policy for the entire year. When the idea first came to my mind, I thought there was no way I could go a whole year without verbally saying things like “I look fat” or “my thighs look huge”. But as hard as it may be, I think it’s worth pursuing. That’s not to say that I’m planning on becoming complacent with my fitness goals. … Read More

Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

 Hi again! How was your weekend? Joey and I spend a bunch of time watching football, like four games worth. Since it’s the playoffs and all, we figure we’re justified spending hours on the couch for the next few weekends knowing the dreadful stretch of football-less weekends is coming up quickly. A tried and true Florida Gators fan, I am still basking in the glow of the Denver Broncos-Pittsburgh Steelers game and the glory that is watching Tim Tebow pass … Read More

Black Bean Brownies

In by Madison Mayberry30 Comments

Three months ago I took a trip to the Wednesday Farmer’s Market in downtown Des Moines over our lunch hour. The day was beautiful and I was impressed with the selection of tasty lunch items the small farmer’s market had to offer. But what really drew me in was a small whole foods stand selling, among other things, black bean brownies. As you can probably imagine, I couldn’t resist trying a sample and hearing about what this black bean brownie … Read More