When my typical treadmill routines get a little dull, I frequently head on over to Iowa Girl Eats, Peanut Butter Fingers or Fitnessista for some butt-kicking inspiration. I’m telling you, these girls know how to put together a great workout that has you huffing and puffing without taking forever. After following their routines for quite a while now, I thought it was high time I shared a workout or two of my own. On the days that I don’t have … Read More
Gluten-Free Mac and Cheese
The road warriors are back from Chicago! We traveled across the state of Iowa and over to Illinois for the weekend to stay with my sister-in-law (Joey’s sister) Amber and her hubby Jake. They are expecting a baby in a little over four weeks so this will most likely be the last time we see them until the baby arrives. So darn exciting! The other purpose of our trip was to watch Jason, Joey’s brother, play football. He’s a senior … Read More
The Wedding Reception
All of our wedding photos are courtesy of the amazingly talented Mindy Myers and her assistant, Mandy Miller. If you are looking for a photographer that is a joy to work with, energetic and professional (not just for weddings, but for a variety of other photography needs) please, please go check her out HERE. Have a happy weekend, everyone! Madison
Our Wedding: The Ceremony
Photos from the ceremony up next! Madison
Protein Pancake
Lately on the blogosphere, there have been plenty of recipes popping up for protein pancakes. I absolutely love a good whole wheat pancake so the idea of a protein-packed version with fewer carbs and a more admirable nutritional profile seemed like the best of both worlds. Last week I set out to make one of the recipes I found on a popular blog and was disappointed in the results. Maybe it was because the recipe called for a ‘scoop’ … Read More
Idaho and My 10-Miler Training Plan
We’re back from Idaho! I don’t know who has been doing such a great job at keeping this state a secret, but it may possibly be one of the prettiest states I’ve ever visited. The last time I was in Idaho was when I was 12, so everything seemed new to me on this trip. Now that we have family visiting, I can’t wait to return soon! In other news, after posting about the ‘30 by 30 Challenge‘ a number … Read More
Snapshots from Idaho
{My beautiful little sisters, Ashley and Taylor} {Joey outside my parent’s house in Idaho} {Taylor and me striking a pose before a day at Boise State, where Ashley goes to school} {Vintage telephone booths still exist at Boise State!} {Taylor’s getting so tall! She already passed up Andrea.} {Bronco Stadium: home of the smurf turf} {Vintage bikes were all over the place. Makes me want one!} {She’s only 11, but I think a modeling career is in her future. Yeah?} … Read More
Watermelon Sorbet
One last hello before we head out for the holiday weekend! I hope where you are or where you are traveling to has a forecast full of sun and warm weather. And if it does, then I have just the thing for you to make. There are very few foods that I really, truly cannot stand. Mayonnaise, Jell-O, mushy vegetables… and watermelon! I know, I know. People rarely understand how the texture of watermelon can make me cringe, since it … Read More
Peanut-Walnut Butter
Since we have been married, Joey has been shocked at the amount of peanut butter I consume each week. When, like me, you eat a couple tablespoons of the stuff each day, it doesn’t last long. Instead of picking up another jar of Smuckers Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, I decided last week that it would be fun to start making my own nut butter again. It’s an amazingly simple process to whirl together your own nut butter, and I love … Read More
The Dog Days of Summer
Last week I had Friday off from work and got the opportunity to watch what really goes on in our house when the little princess rules the roost. Man, I tell you, it’s tough being a dog. Hope you all had a wonderful day! Madison
Homemade Almond Joy Candy Bars
Hey, friends! I hope you had a great weekend. My mom spent the weekend with us, which meant Joey and I spent the weekend trying to keep up with her. We played tennis, grilled out and went on an 8-mile run this morning. Exactly how I like to spend my weekend. For as long as I remember, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of making my own candy bars. I don’t really have a clue why, since I can’t … Read More
I’m Not a Fashion Blogger…
{Dress: Target this spring; Blazer: Forever 21; Shoes: Cole Haan via TJ Maxx; Necklace: Banana Republic; Glasses: Claire’s} …but I kinda wish I was. Although there are plenty of amazing, high-end fashion bloggers out there, it wasn’t until I started reading Kendi Everyday that I really got inspired. Kendi is so real, down-to-earth, funny, and she wears clothes normal people can actually find and afford. She’s totally my girl crush, can you tell? I am, by no means, the expert … Read More