Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake Ice Cream

In by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

   This weekend, something so amazing came out of my ice cream maker that I can hardly believe it was me who made it. Chocolate and peanut butter are a killer combination in every form, but chocolate and peanut butter together in cheesecake ice cream form? Absolutely killer. I could keep rambling about how the subtle chocolate flavor compliments the creamy peanut butter perfectly. Or comment on how the cream cheese adds a perfect bit of tang and makes for … Read More

The ‘After’ Photo

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Guys, I chickened out. Me, the girl who is typically fearless when it comes to hair color, decided ‘why mess with something I’m happy with’ and stuck with a shade of blonde. Of course, I couldn’t do the exact same thing, so I went slightly darker with a few more lowlights and warmth, which I think is fitting for fall. And I added some longer bangs, too. Although it’s not all that different, I’m thrilled with the subtle change. If … Read More

Snapshots of Our Week

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

{My loves, getting ready for a walk} {This is what happens when I give my camera to Joey} {Stop it right now!} {A mid-week love letter…} {And a dozen roses} {Another after-work walk before going to the gym} {Tuckered out} {Hello there, handsome} {My breakfast every morning as of late: green smoothie and peanut butter toast}  Signing off for the weekend! On the schedule tonight: a trip to the gym for a light workout before our 10k tomorrow morning, a … Read More

The Only Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe You’ll Ever Need

In by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

I don’t like to over-promise on a recipe, and I’m not fond of people who exaggerate. This post title claims that this is the only chocolate chip cookie recipe you will ever need. And it’s neither an over-promise nor an exaggeration. This is the real-deal, the most amazing cookie I’ve ever made, and a big hit in our house. I’ve owned a copy of Desserts By The Yard by Sherry Yard for almost a year now. It’s a beautiful book … Read More

Hair Talk Thursday

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

I’m going to let you in on a little (not so) secret about me: I love to experiment with my hair. Over the years, I’ve had a lot of different hair colors and styles, never able to stick to one for very long, some more successful than others. Let’s take a little walk down memory lane, shall we?    Why, you might be asking yourself, am I posting about hair? Because I need your opinions, friends! I have a hair … Read More

Peanut Butter Spread

In by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Wow! Thank you all so much for your enthusiastic response to the giveaway. I wish I could give every one of you an ice cream maker. Alas, I have to choose just one person, and that person is…. Congrats, Ashley! E-mail me ( with your name, address and your selection of which type of ice cream maker you would like and I will get it to you asap! Last weekend I found myself making waffles for the first time with … Read More

Peach Birthday Cake and a Blogiversary Giveaway!

In by Madison Mayberry147 Comments

This week, Espresso and Cream turns two! When I started this blog, I had very few expectations of what it would become and was excited when a few others besides my mom started reading my posts. Two years later, more people than I could imagine visit each day. You guys, the amazing readers of Espresso and Cream, knock my socks off with your comments, e-mails, and Twitter conversations. So to say thank you for making this site what it is, … Read More

Peanut Butter Pie for Mikey

In by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I don’t personaly know Jennifer Perillo, nor did I know her husband, Mikey. But like thousands of others across the web, I was brought to tears after reading her touching post in the wake of her husband’s sudden and premature death. When I first heard the news, I thought immediately to what we as a blogging community could do to offer love and support. Jennifer herself provided the answer: make Mikey’s favorite peanut butter pie on Friday and enjoy it … Read More

Lisa’s Creamy Cucumber Salad

In by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

  This simple little recipe made of garden cucumbers, mayonnaise, milk and a bit of salt has caused me more grief over the past couple weeks than almost any other recipe on this site. You see, I was given a difficult task by Joey: recreate his mom Lisa’s cucumber salad. This supposedly simple dish was a completely foreign concept to me, and seeing as that I have very little tolerance for anything than contains mayonnaise, I wasn’t exactly sure if … Read More

30 By 30 Challenge

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Training for and running the Red, White and Boom! half marathon in Minneapolis this July was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I’ve had to date. The twelve weeks of training, pushing my self-proclaimed ‘non-runner’ body beyond what I thought I could do and challenging myself mentally made finishing the race all that more gratifying.  One part of the process I absolutely loved: having a specific training plan and sticking it out day after day. Knowing exactly what … Read More

Project Wedding Cake: Part 1

In by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

  On Friday after work, Joey and I took off and headed four hours north west to spend time with our families and friends for the weekend. It was the first time we had been home since the wedding, and seeing everyone was such a great way to spend the weekend. However, it wasn’t just a weekend of play. I also had a mission: making a small, two-tiered wedding cake for the bride and groom to cut into. The bride … Read More

Banana Sheet Cake

In by Madison Mayberry15 Comments

  Over the past month of marriage, I’ve realized how much more fun cooking has become. Although I could live on smoothies, roasted vegetables and whole grains, it’s been a blast getting to stretch myself in the kitchen again and push myself to come up with meals many nights during the week.  Typically, desserts have been a bit of trouble spot for me. I love to eat them, probably a little too much, and more often than not, I found … Read More